Unanswered Questions

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Pring's POV

"Ai'Kit, Ai'Beam," I smiled at the two boys who looked at me in surprise. Of course, I don't normally feel the need to be friendly with these two just because they are friends with Pha, but I need an explanation.

They don't respond right away, and I want to roll my eyes. I know I'm stunning but I need them to be able to talk.

"I just have a quick question," I look at them as I sit down next to Kit. "Pha's been acting a little odd, is anything wrong?"

The two share a look before Kit clears his throat. I know they don't want to share their friend's secrets. But as Pha's future girlfriend/wife, I need to be kept informed of all his most pressing concerns.

"Um, how has he been acting?" Kit asked, blinking like a fool.

"I'm sure you know what I'm talking about," I respond. These boys are going to be doctors? Can they seriously be this dense? "He's moody. He's running around campus instead of getting to classes on time or eating lunch. This morning when he took me to class, he practically pushed me out of the car and told me he had to go back for something."

"Maybe he left something really important back at his dorm," Beam said stiffly.

"It's something to do with that new freshman in his dorms," I said, feeling annoyed. "He kept looking back in his mirror as we drove away this morning and he was silent in the car."

"That nong is a junior of ours from high school," Kit explained. "He probably just wanted to talk to him. We haven't seen him since last year. If you're worried, I think you should ask Pha about it."

I've wasted my time talking to them. Why would Pha care about that kid? Talking to that boy can't be as important as talking to me. I don't like feeling ignored. I'll talk to Pha about this later.
I find my friends and my salad waiting for me. Being careful not to sit in direct sunlight, I eat my lunch thinking over my options. Pha needs to ask me to be his girlfriend already, I'm getting tired of waiting.

When classes are set to resume, I take my seat in the front of the class, a sweet smile on my face. I look back and see Beam and Kit sitting alone by an empty seat. Just before the professor calls the class to order, looking sweaty and disheveled, Pha walks into class holding a pink milk. When did my Pha start drinking pink milk?

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