"i wish i could see you right now, you probably look cute as hell (i hope this doesn't sound creepy)."
"you're a really amazing person, you know that?" i replied to the anon while ashton was busy watching the lizzie mcguire movie. another notification appeared almost immediately.
"no, not really. i haven't ever been told that by anyone but you. so thank you."
"i bet you're an even better person in real life."
i smiled to myself and tried to pay attention to the movie that ashton wanted to watch so bad. whoever this anon was made me really happy, even though i knew nothing about her. like what if she wasn't even a she? what if she was some 40 year old man on the other end? i guess it didn't really matter because whoever it was made me smile everyday, and i appreciated that.
i think i'm falling for some mystery girl that i don't even know the age or name of.
and i think i'm okay with it.
i spun the lock on my locker another time before entering my combination again. i probably looked stupid standing in the middle of the school hallway trying to open my locker over and over.
okay. 34-0-17.
i pulled on the lock as hard as i could until it finally opened. i sighed in relief and pulled out my english book and my notebook. i slammed the locker shut and walked down the hallway on my way to my english class, the worst class of the day.
i thought back to last friday at luke's house and silently prayed that he wouldn't mention anything about it. most the time i was there consisted of victoria trying to get into luke's pants, which he didn't mind, but since calum, ashton, and i were still there, he decided to wait a little longer. such a gentleman (joke). hopefully he forgot about everything that happened while he was doing god knows what with victoria.
i looked up just before i bumped into something -or someone. i closed my eyes as i crashed into them, but opened them once i felt two arms holding me tightly around the waist. i looked forward, only to be staring at a chest covered in red flannel. i looked up and saw a blue pool of amusement in his eyes with an annoying smirk on his lips.
"you really want me bad, don't you clifford?" he spoke while i glared up at him.
"you're the one that's holding onto me so tightly luke," i said and rolled my eyes when he didn't let go, but only tightened his arms around me.
"you know most girls would love to be in your place right now," he responded, and i could practically hear the smile in his voice.
i groaned at the fact that most girls actually would love to be in my place. i will never understand how it seems like im the only one who sees how much of a jerk he is.
i yanked myself out of his arms and stepped away from him, "funny, because im nothing like your oblivious little followers."
the smirk on his face faltered for a few seconds before he crossed his arms over his chest and let out a laugh.
"you're right. you're less popular, less funny, less attractive, more annoying - shall i go on?" then he flashed me some sarcastic, charming smile that somehow made girls swoon over him. i found him to be repulsive.
"good to know, hemmings, now if you'd excuse me, i have an english class to get to," i said trying to step around him, but he just matched my steps and started walking next to me. i groaned, "what now?"
"we have english together, remember?" my mood dropped even more as i remembered that we shared this class. "and don't worry babe," he whispered and leaned in closer to my ear, "i won't tell anyone you're a virgin." if i didn't want to kill him right then, i'd want to kill myself so i wouldn't have to be stuck anywhere near him, but we all know there's no getting around that.
"can you just stay away from me?" i demanded once we finally reached the door to our english class. he backed away and put his hands up in defense as i glared at him. i walked inside the classroom and to my surprise, there weren't any students inside, the teacher wasn't even here yet.
"well would you look at that, i guess we're early," luke commented, making me sigh in annoyance.
i shook my head and made my way over to my seat anyway. i placed my books on the desk in front of me and took a seat in the plastic chair. i took out my pencil and started taping it on the desk.
"can you stop that? it's really annoying," luke muttered. "like you," he added under his breath.
i scoffed, "no."
"you started it."
"how the hell did i start any of this? i'm pretty sure it was you."
"by being a narcissistic asshole who never leaves me alone."
"woah did someone have a big bowl of vocabulary words for breakfast this morning?" luke asked, followed by laughter.
"just shut up."
i checked the time on my phone and it looked like we had another ten minutes until class started, so hopefully some people should be getting here soon - not leaving me alone with luke.
after a few minutes of sitting in silence, people slowly started making their way into the classroom with the teacher right behind them. he started writing sentences on the board and told us to correct them as our english warm up
"where's my pencil?" i mumble to myself after not seeing it on my desk. i checked my backpack and on the floor to see if it had fallen anywhere, but i still couldn't find it.
"looking for this babe?"
i looked up to see luke with his signature smirk plastered on his face. he held my blue pencil in his hand, and i quickly grabbed it out of his grip, causing him to chuckle lightly.
"asshole," i muttered and began writing the sentences that were written sloppily on the board.
"narcissistic asshole," luke corrected.
i have a plan for how im gonna get luke and michael to become closer but it's so CLICHE please don't roll your eyes when you read it.

jerk irl \ muke
Fanfictionthe one with the modern-day secret admirer and the unknown sexual tension.