Monday- the starting of another week, and the dreaded school day. Yesterday was pretty much the same as any Sunday, except for the occasional "Calbert" (Cara+Albert) shipping. But as we 3 pretty much knew there was no chance of running into him again, especially since he lived in the other side of town, they let it drop soon.
I rode with Anna to school, and met Vinnie in the parking lot. Together, we entered the building, saying hi to our friends, and walked to Vinnie's locker, which was closest. We chatted for a while then split, promising to meet up during lunch. I went over to mine, took my books and rushed to English. The class was loud with chattering, especially from the girls in the corner. Kristy acknowledged me with a nod as I went over to my seat. "Hey", Becky turned around to face me. (she hated being called Rebecca). "You heard?"
"Heard what?", I looked around. "Is that what everyone's talking about?"
"Yep. It turns out..", she broke off as Mr Shaine chose to walk in. "Alright. Settle down everyone".
The class became quite that you could see the excitement in the air. "You may have already heard, and some of you may have already met our newest admission."
A new admission? We all turned to the door, to see Albert walking in.
I could only stare in horror. Of all the places, he had to come here, and that too, be in my class!!!
His blue eyes which were scanning the room, rested on me, bringing a smile to his face. I only lowered myself in my seat in response, trying to look anywhere but at him.
"You can have the seat behind Cara", at which I turned to find out that the seat behind me was the only empty one.
"Thank you, sir", he said before turning to walk down, his hand slightly brushing my shoulder as he passed me. I swear a jolt of electricity passed by me, causing my hand to jerk. Everyone was turning to look at him, and I heard already him making conversation with someone.
Somehow, I sat through till the end and jumped to leave at the bell, hoping he wouldn't follow. Luckily, everyone else wanted to talk to him, so I managed to run to my locker without further problems. The rest of the day went smoothly, at least till lunch.
I went over to my locker and was heading to the cafeteria when I heard a "Hey!"
I turned to see Albert leave a group of guys behind and head over my way. Unfortunately, before I could turn to run, he caught up with me.
"I've been looking all over for you". He stood in front of me, hands in his jeans, and eyes quite stark against the white hoodie he had on.
I forced myself to stop staring. "Why were you looking for me?"
"Didn't get a chance to talk in class."
I went around him and continued walking. "About what?" I wanted to get away from him, and the stares he was bringing on. Before he could say anything though,I turned to face him.
"Look. If its about the coffee, its fine, though I had to throw my favorite hoodie out."
"Girls wear them?", he seemed surprised. "Well, this girl does and keep a distance from her".
"May I know that girl's name?", he smiled at me. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading.
"Its Cara". "Well Cara, I'm sorry bout your hoodie, but piece of advice", He pointed at me,"You should really watch where you're going".
The smile wiped off, I turned around around and almost crashed into a wall.
"I maybe new here, but I'm pretty sure the cafeteria is that way", said the voice, straining not to laugh. But before I could answer, he walked over to his gang, so I angrily marched over to corner where the other 2 were sitting.
"Vinnie was telling me how she saw Albert in Ms Tate's class, but something tells me you have a better story to say", Ann spoke with raised eyebrows. Vinnie was stuffing her mouth as usual, but that didn't stop the grin covering her face. I explained what happened.
"And sitting right behind you"Vinnie chuckled. "My, someone is really lucky." I scowled at her.
"He even asked your name. That's something."
"Sure. When my grandkids how I met their grandfather, all I have to say is "he burned me with hot coffee OK Ann?", who was staring somewhere else. Both of looked up to see Michael heading over. "Ladies", he greeted us. Ann smiled at him, nodding. I scooted over. He shook his head and asked Ann "You wanna watch a movie this Saturday?" Ann looked at me, knowing I had wanted to spend time with them both. I nodded.
"Sure." She turned back to him. "Great. I'll pick you up". He waved at us, gave Ann another smile and walked off.
"He's really cute!" Vinnie giggled while I was just glad the topic was finally changed. We continued chatting, then headed out to our next class. Luckily, Ann was with me for Math.
"Cara!" "Not again" I murmured, as Albert joined us both. Ann was trying her best not to laugh.
"She here to make sure you walk straight?", he asked, looking at her.
"Actually, she here to make sure I don't kill you. Albert-Ann, Ann-Albert" I looked at them both.
"Hey. Call me Al. Albert makes me feel old"
"Oh don't worry, your poor eyesight is enough to give that impression", I could help smarting back.
"Speaks the one with the glasses." I was just about to retort when Ann jumped in "Why don't we head over to class".
"Yes, so bye-bye." I was just about to walk off when the good mannered-blondie had to ask "What are you having?"
"Math, actually. I have no idea where it is though"
Next thing I knew, we three were walking to class together, with Ann continuing the conversation. "He seems like a nice guy", Ann mumbled to me, while he went over to the front to introduce himself.
"He's so irritating." "He's just playing with you. Stop being so serious"
"You know I'm not comfortable around guys."
"So you're just gonna hide forever?"
"Maybe". She turned to face me from her seat, which was on my left.
"Look. I'm not saying go out with him. Just try to be friends, and not kill him", she said then turned to face the Mrs. Wether. I looked over to his seat, which was a few seats to my left. He seemed to be listening attentively, even taking notes in a while. All of a sudden, he turned to face me, as if he felt my stare on his back. I quickly looked in front, hoping my red cheeks won't give me away.
"He's staring at you", Ann whispered.
"You stop looking at him", I whispered back, scribbling in my book, trying to figure out what was being said. She muttered something, then left me.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to be nice, though he's annoying. If only Cupid had let me.

Love Is Blind
Teen FictionCara and Ann have been best friends for ever. But when their duo becomes a love triangle, Cara is forced to choose...between her best friend and her true self. When she makes the ultimate decision, her life changes from what it was. Can Cara become...