Chapter 8

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That Saturday Evening


"Are you done yet?" Petra asked as she leaned over Levi's shoulder at the paperwork that he was working on.

"No." Levi replied bluntly. 

"But we're going to the circus, soon."

"Petra, we're not going anywhere with you in your current condition." He gestured with the back of his pen to her foot and the giant brace that contained it. 

Petra pushed out her bottom lip and crossed her arms. "But you said you would take me to the circus."

"Correction. Shitty glasses said I was taking you to the circus."

"Then why can't we just go?"

"Because you are in no condition to be walking around. You should be resting."

"But I'm not even tired."

"Then do something that doesn't require you to be walking." Levi set the paper that he was currently working on to the side on top of a smaller stack of papers. He then reached for another paper on a stack opposite to the other one and proceeded to fill it out.

"I don't like your job." Petra took a small step back and leaned against the wall as she watched Levi fill out his paperwork.

"I don't either."

Petra hobbled back over to Levi's side and grabbed the arm of his chair, turning him around so he was facing her and not the desk. She then sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Petra, what are you doing?"

"Sitting." She replied bluntly.

"Go sit in the living room."

"But I want to stay in here with you." She tightened her grip slightly on his neck, pulling him a little more closer to her.

"Did you take your pills this morning?"

"Maybe..." She trailed the word on and slightly giggled.

"Okay, that's a no. Go take your pills."

"But Levi~" Petra exaggerated and hugged him tightly some more.

"Petra, go." He ordered a bit more sternly.

She resumed pouting and climbed off of his lap and stood up with her arms crossed. "Fine..." She hobbled out of his office and to the kitchen to take her medication.

Levi sighed and resumed doing his paperwork.

The clock continued to tick by as the hands slowly crawled. Eventually the time came to be 6:30 and Petra burst through the door of Levi's office.

Levi was just finishing his paperwork as he filled out the last sheet of paper and set it on the tall stack of pen-stained papers.

"Levi~" Petra sang as she hobbled over to him and grabbed a hold of his hand. She tugged on it gently and started to pull him, while he was still in his chair, towards the office door.

Levi pulled his arm back and stood up from his chair. "Petra, what are you doing? Go lay down. You can't be up on your foot so much."

"But it's time to go to the circus!" Petra replied cheerfully as she turned to look at him with a smile.

"I told you we're not going." Levi muttered as he turned to put the chair in it's appropriate place at his desk.

"But you promised!"

"I did not promise."

"But Levi~" Petra pushed out her bottom lip and started to pout. She glossed over her eyes and widened them to give Levi the "puppy dog face".

"Petra, we're not going." He said sternly as he sat down at his desk.

"B-But Levi..." She whispered sadly as she let a single tear roll down her cheek and her lip began to quiver.

"Oh my god, Petra, do not start crying."

Another tear rolled down the opposite cheek as Petra played the act on. "Levi... I-I wanna go..." She spoke quietly as another tear followed the same path on her right cheek, that the last tear left behind.

"Fine! We'll go to the fucking circus!" Levi threw up his arms as he sighed heavily.

"Yay! Thank you, Levi! I'll meet you by the door!" Petra chuckled softly as she smiled brightly and headed out of his office. She was obviously happy that her plan had worked.


Another short chapter... So sorry my readers. Trying to update all of my stories though quickly so yeah... Short chapters will be common. Anyways, sorry that this chapter was trash. I hope you can forgive me. I'll be updating more of my stories frequently. Thanks for reading and remember to vote! Love you all!


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