(8) The Post-It Note Girl

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"Shut up!" James yelled at me, while I screamed for the last ten minutes.

"Well I'm supposed to scream. Now find the cable and fix the lights!" I yelled back.

"How should I know where it is? Just wait till morning, plus we don't have school tomorrow, so don't worry about that." he chuckled.

He's right we don't have school tomorrow, but staying with James in his house, alone?

I didn't want to stay inside with James, and especially alone. "Wait James you mean stay here?" I asked.

"Unless you want to stay out in the dark, hard, pouring, rain." he shrugged. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell he was smirking.

"I'll take my chances." and with that walked/ran to find the door because I did not want to stay alone with him. So I fumbled up and just tried to find the doorknob so I can walk home. I mean the weather outside couldn't be that bad.

I finally found the doorknob and clicked it open and stepped outside, the rain was worse than I expected. It was pitch black, while hard droplets of rain poured, and some thunder effects. I just stood there for five minutes, lost in thought of the rain. It was just so mesmerizing seeing the rain hit the flowers. Wow, I sound completely drunk right now.

A doorknob click made me jump and destroyed my thoughts of the rain. I couldn't see anyone, but I was guessing it was James. Then, I felt someone's hands interlock with mine, and a leather jacket wrapped around me. I sure felt chills down my spine and it wasn't because of the rain.

"Alexis I thought you were smarter than that." James said, locking the door. He suddenly pushed me against the wall inching closer and closer to my face.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again. You got that?" he said heavily. The water from his hair dropped to my nose and some fell on my lips.

His eyes towered over to my lips as he slowly began taking in his bottom lip with his teeth.

"You got that?" he asked again. To be honest I was too distracted to answer the first so I finally begin to speak.

"I-I just don't want to be alone in here with you." I stuttered. Great I ruined it.

"Well same here." he threw back. Ouch.

He slowly let go of me and began heading into the living room.

"Hey lets play 20 questions." I suggested.

"Really Alexis?"

"Well we have nothing better to do, right? The powers out an-"

"Sure whatever," he interrupted. "let me just get the flashlight, stay here." he said as he stood up, and disappeared into the dark hallway.

I waited for five minutes, and he still didn't show up. I felt like I was in one of those horror movies, and some killer was behind me holding a chainsaw. For some reason, the movie, Texas Chainsaw was replaying in my head. I was scared a psycho masked guy will kill me with a chainsaw. Then, suddenly a lighting striked  and it scared the frickin crap outta me.

So I jumped up and darted to the hallway. "James where are you?" I said trembling in fear of chainsaws and masks men. I have a thing for horror movies so I get scared easily. I crept through each room.

No answer.

"Did you find it?" I kept on walking and walking, but no answer. Gosh, why does there hallway have to be so fucking long.


"James, I'm serious where are you? I hate the dark!"

I'm gonna be so pissed off if he jumps up and scares me.

"Ja--ugh!" I suddenly tripped on something and fell down.

"Ugh Alexis! I thought I told you to stay!" an angry James said.

"I got scared." I squealed.

This was such an awkward position. My arms were sprawled around him while I was on top of him. I'm so glad its dark because James would see me with my face all red. I quickly got off of him, and we both continued to walk to the living room. Acting as if that didn't happen just now.

Our arms brushed as we walked, but neither of us were bothered by it. James didn't even flinch or bother to move away, like I thought he would.

We went to the dark living room and since there were two couches I sat in the other one while he sat on the other one. James set down a lantern like object in front of the table. Illuminating light so we can see each other faces a bit better.

"Um wait Alexis?" James called.


"How about you sit over here since it'll be easier." He motions to the couch he's sitting on.

"Uh yeah sure."

"Cause you know I can't really see your face, a-and I don't think this would work." he said nervously. I nodded and plopped down on the couch he sat on. Leaving a decent amount of personal space between me and him.

"So 20 questions? That sounds pretty boring though. Lets play Dare or Dare!" he announced.

"Dare or Dare?" I said confused.

I had never heard of that. "Its like Truth or Dare but only has Dare, you know so its more fun." he shrugged. What a stupid name.

"Oh ok...that's sounds interesting. Lets play." I agreed.

"Ok but if we don't want to do the dare then we get to ask one question and we have to answer it." James said.

I knew what I was gonna ask him. I really want to know about that picture of him, and that girl he was at the beach with.

He began typing our names and he pressed begin, on his iPhone since there was an app. It was his turn and it said to eat hot ice cream. I let out a laugh as I saw the words. Surprisingly he got up, went to the freezer and put it out ice cream on a pan, and was singing as he mixed the ice cream from the pan. I cringed as he actually tasted the hot ice cream.

We kept on playing and playing, and these dares were so weird. I had to eat cold pizza and I know it's not that bad but I hate eating food cold.

It was then James turn and the dare he got almost made me faint. I wanted to jump off a bridge and die, thats how bad it was.

I read the words clearly:


I blinked several times, and that's when I froze. He is not going to do it and I could finally ask him the question I wanted to ask him. So I didn't really worry about it, knowing he wouldn't do it.

"Shit." I heard him mutter softly. I thought James wouldn't do it, but then he started coming closer towards me. I could hear his breathing at it increased and so did mine. His lips starting moving to my face and I felt his breathing causing me to have some goosebumps. He was so close I could smell his cologne and my stomach just did a back flip. I suddenly then felt his soft lips on my cheeks as it laid there for no more than 2 seconds. I felt his eyelashes open as his eyes came up and looked at me.

It wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either. I wanted more of it. Okay that was weird. But I liked it when his lips were on my cheek. He then slowly parted away from my cheek.

"W-Wow. You really don't want to know what I'm gonna ask you."

"I kind of know what your gonna ask." James said moving his head towards the picture frame.

I couldn't believe it. He knew. Guess he was smarter than what I thought he was.

"Yeah, um, its your turn." he said breaking my thoughts. I took his phone from his and shook it.

It popped up:


Okay who the fuck makes this app?

"Umm...I'm gonna skip this. You can ask me a question." I awkwardly said.

"Okay." he said. He took a deep breath as he spoke and asked me the question.

His question contained four words. The 4 words that made me want to go and hide in a cave. I know my life was going to be over, but I can't escape now. I can hear the demons in my mind mocking me. Telling me I'm ugly. I'm worthless. I'm fat. I can't escape my mind. I just can't.

Even when I cut...my minds still there. I'm a victim of my own mind. I'm fucking insane. Then the realization hit me, I can't just walk away, I can't run. The four words. No, it wasn't the "Do you love me" question. It was worse. Well, I think.

"Why do you cut?" was all he asked quietly.

And with that I noticed my scars were visible. Visible to any naked eye, and particularly to James.

(A/N) Sorry I know a cliffhanger ;/ Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it longer :)


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