Chapter 5 Ellie's Secret

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Ellie knew their first battle was coming. She was afraid of that. She knew that if the others knew her secret, there would be great consequences to pay. Even though she would never admit it, she cared for Ethan. She was writing an entry in her diary that night:

Dear Diary,

I know I snuck out to be here, but my mother will literally kill me at the battle. She's been talking about it for the past month. She plans to join it. I don't think Ethan would take it well. We've become close in the last few days as friends of course, nothing more. I think I'll have to tell, tell them about my mom, about what happened to my older brother and my father. But, but, I can't not yet

Ellie Cambel

Ellie? A familiar voice called out. Is that you? It was Ethan. Yes. Ellie said sounding sad what's wrong? Ellie, you can trust me. I can tell that something's wrong, other-wise you wouldn't be wandering the halls at night. I, I just can't sleep, that's all. Ellie? Ellie didn't answer instead Ethan heard heavy footsteps. He ran after Ellie. He knew he was faster than the girl due to her injury, but he didn't want to push her emotions. He decided he would let her be. It was no use trying to fix the unknown.

It was finally morning; she knew she was in trouble. As soon as she got dressed she headed to the grand hall Ethan was already there, looking at her as she walked in. it was hard to notice but he looked sad unlike his usual self, as always, he is showing all emotion. Ellie looked back at him showing it this time. Alon wasn't paying attention, luckily. No one said anything until Sasha entered the room and said "Hello". Will the meeting happen soon? She said happily. No, Ethan and Ellie can't attend it today. They'll be cooking the meal for everyone. Alon, Ethan didn't do anything. Ellie said suddenly. If so, why was Kay seen in the kitchen? Because Scarlet encouraged Kay to do it. Ellie replied immediately. Soon after Ellie learned how stubborn Ethan could be. I recall it the opposite way, Ethan remarked. Ethan... Ellie if you're guilty I'm guilty. I did just as much as you did. Aw look at the little love-birds! Jacob said. No one noticed him walk in the room. All of them just ignored him the best that they could. Don't ignore me! I'm not the one that got in trouble with her boyfriend. Ellie grabbed her knife tightly and then hesitated. It wouldn't help her case to start a fight. Ethan looked down at the knife. Ellie looked at him, unsurprised. Then a second later someone broke through the window.

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