~Ok so i have two alternate endings. tell me which you like better.~
All through school the next day i puzzled over my dream. What on EARTH did it MEAN?
Wow was i actually starting to be able to put up with this washed-up pop star?
He was reallly funny and nice. He'd make a really good friend if he was't so full of himself.
I had to get to the bottom of this.
I snuck into my mom'sroom and got her Cracking the DreamCode book.
I flipped through till i found what i was searching for.
Boat: search ship
Ship: Could mean the beginning of a frienship or the ending of one.
Overboard:You could be reaching out for help if it was you, if it was someone else they could be reaching out to you.
Water: Are you swimming for answers?
This was extremely accurate.
I went to justin and told him my dream. He laughed and said that he wouldn't have just stood there. He would have saved me.
"It was an interesting dream." i mused.
"Sounds like it. So you are finally willing to be friends?" he pressed.
"Yeah i guess you aren't so bad." I joked.
'Well good because i have two tickets to a movie." He whipped them out and i took one.
"You want to see My Sister's Keeper?" I laughed. "You realize that's a Chick Flick?"
"Yup, i'm a sucker for a sad movie."
We laughed and headed out.
After the movie and popcorn and soda we talked about the moive.
Believe it or not we both cried!
"Softie." i accused poking Justin in the gut.
"He laughed. "Yeah well so are you."
"Yes, but imma girl which makes me normal!"
All of a sudden Justin sighed.
"What?" i asked kinda worried and curious.
"Five more days". he sighed again.
"Let's not worry about it."
I kept whispering "Don't cry" but a few tears slipped past my barricade anyway.
In the meanwhile, Justin and I got to be really close friends. We rented movies to watch at night, Window-shopped together, even went on breakfast runs in the morning.
I began to question how close we really were.
Could there be something more?
Why would he want to go out with me though? I'm just an average girl who get a's and b's on every report card.
And he was...everything.
Cute, popular, nice, cute, funny, cute...did i mention cute?
Oh, wow, i have it baaaad.
Ok, i had to know.
After we brushed our teeth Friday night, two days before he had to leave, i cornered him in the hallway.
Gosh he looked great in those pjs.
"Ok," i began. " Do you like me like me or do you just like me? cuz i really like you. that is like you like you. As in. more than a friend."
He looked confused at first but then caught on and a look of pain crossed his face.
"I wish you would have said something earlier Kristin. YOu see, Lilly and were talknig last night and.."
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that most of the time lilly was with us in the movies and stuff but i tried to block her out.
"So..?" I asked impatiently.
"She asked me out and i said yes."
~ok so waddaya think? Should they get 2gether? You tell me! Please vote if u think they should! Comment for any other suggestions<3 Thanks you everyone who keeps reading! it feels good to know Some people like my story. OH! and sorry for all the mistypes. I got a new keyboard and teh keys are smushed together and sticky. Once again thanks for all my readers i <3 u guys!~
-did you like the alt. ending? Vote for me and ill put up another alternate ending, every 10 votes i get will result in anther chapter alternate ending. I have plenty of ideas, then YOU decide which is best.-

Dream or Dream Came True (A Justin Bieber Story)
FanfictionOk, so my friend cheated on a contest and my name was drawn...WHY!? ~Comment Vote Fan please!~