8 - Guest Starring..

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The next morning I decided to go to school late, so i slept in for an extra hour.
for some reason I didn't feel sick today but- i could tell it was going to be an okay day.

It was only 9:15 so i went downstairs and made some pop tarts. My mom already left so it was just me, as I waited for my pop tarts to finish toasting i called Steven.

"hey princess" he sounded like he just woke up.

"you jus woke up?" i smirk.

"yeah- I couldn't sleep last night so my mom let me sleep in" he laughed a little.

"meet me at my house? im going to school but not for another 45 minutes"

"sure, love you"

"i love you too, bye bye." i hung up and ate my food with a glass of milk. i washed my cup and went upstairs again.

i stripped down for a shower. i skipped my hair because i washed it yesterday- i shaved my legs and cleaned my body.
when I finished in the shower I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. I stepped out the shower and walked to my closet when my phone rang.

"hello" i answer it.

"hey spence."

"oh my- are you kidding me?! Ashley!!" i smiled.

"yeah! so? how's Compton."

"its okay, I haven't actually been in my classes so i only know like 5 people"

"who would that be? you haven't replaced me have you?" she laughed a little.

"of course not.. just some of my - boyfriend's friends and his sister, and his brothers."

"ooohh" she laughed.

"yeah- i miss you Ash"

"i miss you too- maybe i can visit soon"

"that sounds amazing- text me if you can, im getting ready for school, got to go" i hang up and i smile.

"One." started playing and i smiled. It made me think of Steven...

I put on some tan skinny jeans, a 'im wit scumbag' tie dye shirt, and my purple vans. I brushed my hair, and I curled it. I grabbed my book bag and my phone and walked downstairs.

"are you on your way?" i texted Steven.

"yeah-" he replied.

I grabbed my skateboard and i started skating in the house, it was all wooden floors in the living/kitchen area so it was easy.

"OHHHHH" i yelled as i rolled away. I heard a knock at the door so I opened it.

"hey babe" it was Steven.


"you're lying-" he smiled a little.

"no joke- i did" i laughed.

"okay I believe you but are you sure you should be - uh skating with a bun in the oven and all" he looked at the floor.

"Steven are serious?" my eyebrows crease.

"no! i want you to be healthy and the baby to be healthy!" he grabbed my hand.

"you don't understand how I'm feeling- in a few weeks I'll be some FAT ASS with a kid in my stomach. IF I WANT TO SKATE UNTIL IM INCAPABLE OF DOING SO I WILL GOT IT?" i roll my eyes and grab my board.

"babe- i uh I didn't mean it like that" he sighed and pulled me close.

"didn't you?" i ask.

"lets just go to school- and then we can skate till we die- hmm?" he smirks and kisses my head.

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"alright" we skated to school and when we got there fourth period started.

It was 11:40 so we had History. We where walking to our lockers to grab our books when a group of girls walked up to us.

"so you're the famous Spencer who had befriended my Steven" she smirked at Steven. I looked at him and he made a 'ew wtf' face.

"um- your Steven?" I laughed.

"yeah- he didn't tell you? we've been dating for a year now"

"look Maddie- you're going to have to get this through your thick skull- I DO NOT LIKE YOU" he growled.

"Oh come on Steven, you know you like me" she bit her lip. Oh this bitch thinks she can have Steven?

"oh hell no, look puta.. you seem like a total - whats the word?? oh yeahhh! Bitch.".

Steven's POV

Spencer seemed pissed and jealous about Maddie. Not going to lie. it's hot.

"Babe lets go-" i grabbed her hand and she pulled away.

"No. This BITCH wants to talk about who you are dating then lets talk." she looked at Maddie with a devil eye.

Maddie had this blond hair, with some bleached eyebrows- it was ratchet. No ass. No boobs- to be honest I don't really care about that shit but she tries to much.. and she wonders why i broke up with her ass. She reminds me of willow pape from the kim k game.

"look baby scumbag im sorry about the confusion- "

"His name is Steven." Spencer sassed. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"look.. Maddie out of NO respect can you leave me alone- you smell like fish bish" i smiled and Maddie scoffed.

"what ever ass hole" Maddie walked away with her thottie crew.


this is why i fucking hate school. fake putas everywhere.

"Steven - why did you date her?" i laughed.

"see- I didn't date her per say.. Aramis dared me to ask her out back in 7th grade and she turned me down.. not that I was heart broken by it. I mean to be truthful i never found her attractive but she thought she was the shit.. I wasn't- known yet-" he started but i interrupted him.

"she didn't say yes.. because you where a 'no body'" i air quoted.

"yeah- dumb as fuck right? So around 8th grade i got associated with more Sponsors.. i had them but it became bigger. People knew me as baby scumbag, my Scummies grew.. it was crazy- my line dropped, movie deals, the whole fucking world paused- i was in some dream that ended up being my reality" he chuckled a little and smirked at the floor.


"oh? why 'oh' " he asked.

"nothing its just that I would've easily said yes- it would've been easier honestly"

"what would have?"

"if I meet you before the fame"


"I would've known you as your 'i have a dream to be pro' self" I say simply

We got to history late so we snuck in. the rest of the day was boring-
I didn't have 7th period with him so i texted him:

Spencer: meet up at Starbucks? i can use some tea☕️🐸

Steven: hells yeah babe😚❤️

I locked my phone and waited for the bell to ring. Maddie was in this class and she kept looking at me. i clicked my pen repeatedly and i flicked it back and forth. She kept staring and it was pissing me off. we had to be reading some chapter about atoms and stuff.. fuck that. i sat straight in my chair and i threw my pen straight at her. it hit her throat and the teachers head snapped up.

"Miss Spencer do i need to give you detention!!" Mr Crowley yelled.

"I don't know do you?" I sassed.

"ugh what the hell bitch! -" Maddie scoffed.

"OMG Maddie are you okay!" one of the members from her thottie squad, Vanessa, gasped.

"yeah- my throat burns now, fuck." she responded.

"Maybe the reason your fucking throat burns isnt because of me"

"whatre you implying bitch?"

"Maybe it's because you give head everyday- " i smirked and everyone started yelling and acting like apes.

"FUCK YOU" she scoffed.

"how many points for- Slut. " i growl. She stood up and ran to the bathroom.

"DETENTION" the teacher yelled.

"try me" i got up and walked to my locker. Once I unlocked it i grabbed my bag and my skateboard and i walked to Steven's class. Math. I looked in the classroom door and Steven saw me- he smiled and asked to use the bathroom.

"what are you doing bae?"

"well - i told off Maddie in class, i threw my pen at her, got detention that I'm not attending- uh .. i just walked out of class and now i want to ditch the last 30 minutes of school with the love of my life" i smiled and kissed his cheek.

"sure" he went to his locker and grabbed his board.


"a caramel frappe and some green tea- medium please" I asked the barista.

I grabbed our drinks and we talked about school and went to skate- it was fun.

"I want you to know something" he fiddled with his fingers. "Even after that baby comes- i will still be here - I promise that. Even if he/she isn't mine-" I stay silent- "it sounded better in my head babe im sorry"

"its okay- i love you and thats all that matters"

"love you too" he kissed my hands.

When we started to leave Starbucks i accidentally bumped into some guy.

"my ba-" i looked at him and i stepped back. the guy smirked and he waved.

"Tsk tsk tsk.. Spencer." the guy chuckled
"no- why are you here?!" i growled.

"because i-"

"Spence- who's this" Steven came out of the Starbucks.

The guy had on dark wash skinny jeans, red SUPRA's, white tee shirt and a Chicago bulls snapback.

"Hey,-" he put his hand out. "I'm Chris" he smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Chris?" Steven looked at me. I looked back and my jaw dropped, i was in shock-

Fuck. Me.

thank you for reading😋 i decided to update every Saturday and/or Sunday. ☺️☺️ Please share and vote for this story, and maybe follow my Instagram: @stay.high.scummies 🙆📚✨😌😍👑 Xx love you💖💋😈

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