Chapter 16

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Today was the day. I felt confused and alone it had been 6 months since the doctor said their results were wrong. I was showing a little baby bump and today is when people will start to react "she's too young" or "what a whore" oh and don't forget paparazzi are going to be there! Not looking forward to it but I have to be there for pete. I've become more and more sad and angry with myself as day's end and Brendon can see I'm struggling. Sarah is supporting me in every way she can. Her being now Pregnant herself she knows what it feels like. She's now almost 9 months and I am about 6 almost 7 months and it has been awful. Most of our days are spent doing nothing inside the house because if we got outside there is going to be reporters and people with cameras. We need to go shopping we have nothing ready for this and it's stressing me out. Brendon tells me not to stress because I can loose the baby. I just can't stop I'm almost 17 a single parent and have no money. What if Brendon and Sarah don't want me anymore. Pete has a family of his own he won't want me and another baby around! I get ready and wear the baby pink chiffon maxi dress for Charlotte, being her bridesmaid and all. I slip on the dress and you can see my bump. It's quite big for 6 almost 7 months I haven't been to a doctors appointment since I first found out. The doctor said come back when I feel like something's worrying me or something. But if none of that happens it would be at 7 months. Being a teenage parent isn't easy. I can't go to school, it's hard to go outside because people judge you, money I'm I feel so sorry for people who have to do this alone! I mean I have Brendon, Sarah and Pete to look after me. I don't speak to Connor anymore he has no clue about the baby and that's the way I want to keep it. I don't want him to be in the baby's life, we will be fine without him. After the baby I thinking of going back to school and graduating I just hope that it's not too late. I want a normal teenage life but I know I can't have that now. I slip on my black vans and curl my hair. Add mascara and eyeshadow and go downstairs. I see Dallon and Patrick at the bottom of the stairs talk to Brendon. "Connor isn't here is he?" I say sucking in my stomach they shake their heads and I can finally breathe. Their eyes wander to my huge stomach Brendon starts to scratch the back of his head "shit I knew I forgot something" their eyes wandered from me to Brendon "Brendon! You didn't tell them! The only person I don't want to know about this is connor!" I scream I instantly feel bad for screaming at him "I'm sorry it's the hormones" and I go to hug him. He accepts my apology and Sarah comes down the stairs. "Take your time" I say to her and she just rolls her eyes. "Ugh I can't wait for this thing to get out of my body!" She screams. "You look beautiful" Brendon says. She thanked him and we headed to the Venue where the wedding was being held. I kept hold of my stomach it's like a protective motherly thing to do. Dallon kept on looking at my face then down at the baby bump. We soon got to the wedding venue and patrick helped me out the car like a true gentleman and lead me in to the room where Charlotte was. Me and Sarah stood there with the same dress on yet her baby bump was huge. There were 4 other bridesmaids Elisa, Marie, Breezy and Charlottes other friend Meagan. They all came up and hugged me and congratulated me on having a baby. "Come on we don't want to be late" Charlotte said snapping me out of my thoughts. We headed downstairs near the main hall where the ceremony was being held I was walking Charlotte down the isle and I was nervous. Elisa and Marie went first shortly after that it was Sarah and Meagan then it was time for me and Charlotte. The double doors opened and we took one step in to the room and everyone's head tuned. I put on a smile and kept walking forward. I kissed Charlotte on the cheek and stood in my place. After 10 minutes my feet where aching and I couldn't stand for much longer. I looks at the Grooms men Patrick, Joe, Andy, Dallon, Brendon and oh no. I gently tap Sarah's side to try and communicate with her. She looked down at my hand and saw I was pointing to him. Her head went up and her eyes for wider. "You may now kiss your Bride" they kissed and everyone cheered. I was going to be sick. I tell Sarah and we run off to the Toilets. I empty my stomach and Sarah holds my hair. I get cleaned up and say "why is he here!" Sarah shrugged her shoulders "you did tell pete right yano about the baby?" I stayed quite "liz!" "I didn't know how too! Okay most people know I was gonna tell him soon" she came up and hugged me "you need to tell him now" I nod. "I will go get him and we will go in a quite room. I walked outside of the bathroom and Sarah went to go fetch pete. I looked outside the window it was beautiful you could see a forest and a huge lake! It was breathtaking! "Hey" someone whispered in my ear. I jumped at it and turned around to see who it was. Great. "What do you want" I said sturdily trying not to cry "just tell tell your beautiful and that you look outstanding in that dress" he said as his face got closer could smell alcohol. "Your drunk Connor go home" I said pushing him away from my face and trying not to Inhale the toxic from his breath. "No! And don't push me!" He said as he pushed me in to the wall. A strike of pain went through my spine and unbearable pain in my stomach. I let out a gasp before I fall on the floor clutching my stomach. "LIZ!" Brendon and Sarah screaming running up to me with pete and Charlotte by their sides. Connor made a run for it but Brendon and pete caught him and pushed him against the wall screaming at him. He just laughed and wouldn't talk. While Sarah and Charlotte where helping me stand up. "Where does it hurt?" Sarah said trying not to cry. "My b back and s stomach" I said trying to inhale air. "We need a doctor" Charlotte screamed at Meagan and Dallon who where coming up to see what's happening meagan ran back to call a doctor and Dallon ran up to us. "What happened" he asked shakily "he pushed me in to the wall, he's drunk too" I said trying to focus on my breathing. "Okay we need to lye her Down now! And we need a doctor urgently! She can miscarry" that's when petes head snapped he got angrier and started to punch connor in the stomach! "You know what it feels like now! Killing your baby! Dad of the year here!" Pete kept punching "that's enough pete" Brendon told him and he stopped he had tears rolling down his face. The pain was getting worse "just focus on your breathing" I nodded I started to feel dizzy with all the breathing "help" I mangled to get out "it's okay sweetie help is coming" I closed my eyes and I couldn't open them again.

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