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I placed the taco gingerly in my mouth, biting its crispy exterior and savoring the insides, that consisted of shrimp, vegetables and sour cream, mixed with spices and chili. Shrimp Tacos with garlic cilantro lime slaw... God, they were good

"Mm," I moaned, my eyes shut, and my mouth on speed as it chewed. 

Beside me, I heard Alec take breaths from his mouth, panting. I turned to see if he was okay. Clearly, he wasn't. 

One hand held his breaking taco, while the other fanned his open mouth as he stared at the ceiling, his eyes watery and tongue rolled out. 

Normally, I would have laughed at his silly pose, but he genuinely looked and sounded like he was dying. I frowned, placing my hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" I asked.

He just nodded and tried smiling, but it looked wrong – what with his tongue out of his mouth and all. I sighed, "You shouldn't have insisted on the same order as me. I even told him to add extra chilis in mine, Alec."

I expected a reply of some sort, but when it didn't come, my eyebrows scrunched. I watched his red face turn sickly purple and pale, and he leaped at the end of the table for a – water? No, tissue – and spit out the contents of his face inside. 

I tried not to make a face, as I watched him not-so-graciously get up, say "Excuse me!" and dash to the bathroom. As soon as he was gone, though, I burst out laughing. I wasn't the only one; almost half the restaurant had turned and seen the commotion. 

For some reason, though, I didn't feel embarrassed. Rather I felt the entire situation was hilarious.

"Excuse me," I called to the waiter, who was also chuckling, "Can I have a glass of milk, please? For the poor boy." 

The waiter nodded, a smile on his face, "It's on the house."

It was several minutes later that Alec came back out of the washroom, and this time, his face was neither red nor pale. It was yellow. And his lips were swollen pink. I could tell by his body language, how nervous and embarrassed he was. 

I bit my lip, and passed the milk to him. 

"What's this for?" He asked, frowning at the milk, but taking the glass anyway.

I just shook my head, "Drink. It will help."

He downed the glass in one go, wiping his lips which were finally beginning to cool down from their swollen state. A small smile played on my lips, as I held out my hand to him. He stared at it, a bit confused. 

"Wanna finally have that flan?" I smiled.

At first, I thought he'd just quietly shake his head, but a small grin graced his face. It wasn't much, but hey, I'd take it. 

"2 flans, please!" I shouted, and the waiter gave me a thumbs up.

I turned back to my adorable date, and decided it was time to fill the wait with some romantic conversation, "You've been quite the gentleman today, haven't you?" I asked, a flirtatious smile on my face.

"Well," Alec laughed, catching on and sliding closer to me; it helped that we were sitting next to each other rather than in front of, because now, our shoulders and knees were touching, "I try."

"I'm having a lot of fun," I grinned to him, "Next time, let me choose where to go."

He grinned back, nodding. Mentally, I threw my fist into the air because a second date was in the bag. 

"Wanna play 20 questions?" He asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. 

"Okay," I said, "I'll start." To which he nodded 

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