Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! I hope you enjoy this! Dizzy's room!

Dizzy's P.O.V

I went with Papa to Ace's house.

"Ace!" Papa said, knocking lightly on the door. Ace answered, smiling at Papa.

"Bonnie!" He hugged the bunny, and smiled at me.

"Hello there. Your Dizzy right?" He asked me.

"Hi! I'm Dizzy yes. Your Ace!" I said.

"Fast talker" Ace smiled more. I giggled.

"I'm back. Forever" Bonnie said.

"Really?!" Ace asked, happy. Bonnie nodded, and Ace lead us in the house.

"Here's your bedroom" He told me, and I gasped. It was beautiful. Wow.

"Thank you!" I said, and hugged him. I think he'll be a better dad then Foxy.

"Your welcome" He said, and I was smiling all over. I already love it here, and guess what I saw?!

BOOKS! I LOVE READING! Lucky loves reading too, and we taught each other to read. Now we can read as good as a 5'th grader. And we're not even in school!

"Dizzy! Dinner time!" I heard Papa yell after some time.

"Coming!" I said, taking my now favorite book with me.

"She knows how to read?" Ace asked Bonnie.

"Yep. Not even in school. Her and Lucky" Papa said, and Ace smiled at me again.

"Your pretty smart" He said.

"Can Lucky come over?" I asked Bonnie.

"I'll ask Mike" He said, and we are dinner.

"You don't have to wash the dishes. I'll help" Ace told Bonnie, and they washed dishes together, while I read in my room. My new room.

Ze next morning

"Dizzy! Lucky's here!" Ace yelled. I rushed down, and hugged the brown haired girl.

"Come on! Look at all the books I have!" I said, and took my friend upstairs. She gasped when she saw the books.

"Oh my god! A lot!" She smiled, and we started to read. There was a lot of books, and they were all interesting.

"Really? You two spent the whole day reading?" Mike asked us. He, Papa and Ace were at the door.

"Play games on the Internet or something. Watch TV" Ace said.

"Internet is boring. TV is boring" Lucky said.

"Reading is boring" Papa said. We gasped.

"Take that back!" I said, and the adults laughed.

"Come on then. Let's all go out" Mike said, and we slipped on some shoes. Ace hopped in the drivers seat, and we drove to a restaurant. We saw children screaming at their parents, and the older kids on their phones, making hand movements. The staff groaned when they saw me and Lucky.

"How many?" The lady asked.

"Five" Mike said, and we sat down in a booth. Me and Lucky read our books, and a waitress came over. But froze when she saw us.

"Are they reading?" She asked.

"Mhm. Screaming is boring, phones and technology is boring. You waste your time staring at a screen that can damage your eye sight. Reading, you can get a good education from it" Lucky said, never looking up from the book.

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"How old are they?!" The waitress asked.

"We're two" I said, focusing on my story.

"Impressive. What would you guys like to drink?" She asked.

"Dr. Pepper" Bonnie said.

"Sweet tea" Ace said.

"Sprite" Mike said.

"Water" Me and Lucky said. The waitress left, getting out drinks.

"Girls, what do you want?" Bonnie asked.

"Salad" We said.

"Why a salad?" Mike asked.

"Because. Did you know fast food can kill you? Here. I remembered this from a book: "In an article two years ago, health enews outlined research which found that individuals who eat fast food are exposed to higher levels of potentially toxic chemicals called phthalates, which have been linked to health and behavioral problems in adults and children' It means you could die from too much" Lucky said.

"Basically, vegetables give you strength and types of protein and carbs to stay strong and live longer then a person who eats fast food" I said.

"I think their already fit for college" Ace said, and the Waitress gave us our drinks.

"People would not take babies to collage. No matter their knowledge. Its a rule. No one under the age of 17 can go to collage. (Why is it spelled two different ways?) That's why we read books. To get our education ourselves" I said, and Lucky nodded. The adults ordered their meals, and we asked for salads.

"Alright" The waitress left, and some time passed. When our food came, we put the books down and talked like a family would. If anyone tries to, other then be on their phones.

Lucky's P.O.V

We left the restaurant after we ate, and me and Papa went home.

"Can we go to the store and get some books?" I asked him.

"Sure" He said, and I got ready for bed.

Ze morning

"Book time!" I jumped up and Mike was already waiting for me.

"Let's go the book store now" He said, and we went to Barnes 'N Nobles. I'm sorry! Its my favorite place to go to!

"Hello. Are you looking for the children's books?" The lady at the front asked.

"Oh I don't read those. Their too easy. Could you happen to know where the advanced books are?" I asked her, and she seemed surprised.

"Sure. Follow me" She said, and Mike picked me up, and followed her.

"Thank you" I said, and saw a very big book. I picked it up, and it was heavy.

"Here. Let me help" Papa took the book, and handed it to me once I sat down.

"Thank you!" I said, and started to read the book.

"Do you like it?" Mike asked me.

"Yes. Its interesting" I said.

"Come on. Let's find some more for you" He said, and got a basket, for me to put the books in. Until we saw him.

Cliffhanger! I'm just kidding!

"Mike? Lucky?" Freddy turned to us, and we froze.

"What do you want?" Mike asked.

"Never thought I would see you in a book store" Freddy said.

"I wanted something to read" I said.

"Smart girl" He smiled, but his smile was different. It was tired and weak. Like he was about to faint. Under his eyes were gray, like he got absolutely no sleep. And he had a scratch on his chin. But the thing that got me, was that he was wearing long jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. He always wears shorts and t-shirts. No matter how cold it was.

"You look like you haven't slept in years" Mike said, his voice dropping to a concerned one. Freddy looked at his side.

"I'm fine" He said.

"Why are you wearing that? You never do" I said.

"Just lazily picked out something" He said. I picked up the book I dropped, and put it in the basket.

"Wow. You must love reading" Freddy said. I nodded proudly.

"Mhm. Its what I do all the time" I said.

"Well, I'll be going" Freddy said, and left.

"He doesn't look right" Mike said. I shook my head.

"This is the last book. Let's go please" I said, and Mike went up to the front desk to check out. He paid and we left.

"I think we should follow him" I said, seeing my father enter his gold car.

"I agree" Mike said, and we followed him to the house I left from. But when  we stopped, something was wrong with Freddy. He stumbled, barely getting out the car straight. Shaking, he took the keys from his pocket, and tried to open the door. But he fainted, and we screamed, getting out the car and calling a ambulance.

Hi! I wonder what happened to Freddy and why he fainted. UwU.
But I hope you enjoyed this and have a good day!

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