Chapter 3 ~ Panromantic, Pansexual

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        Panromantic people feel romantic attraction toward anyone. Pansexual people feel sexual attraction toward anyone.

        If you’re thinking “Isn’t that what the term bisexual is for?” I have some information for you. Whether people identify as pan or bi is basically a matter of which word they prefer. Some people might identify as pan, because it’s more gender inclusive. Some people might identify as bi, because it is a term they are more familiar with, they might not know what pan means, or they’re only attracted to two genders. If somebody identifies as pan, do not refer to them as bi, and vice versa. People identify as one or the other for a reason, and you don’t want to disrespect them.



1.) Pan people are just bi people trying to be special. I pretty much just explained why this isn’t true, but to review, people identify as pan because that’s just what they are. They aren’t comfortable with the term bi because that's a different identity, so pan is the term they use.

2.) Pan people are more likely to cheat on their partners. This is actually a common thing people say about those who are bi, but this misconception applies to pan people too. This is not true, and understanding why is a matter of putting things into perspective. The fact that pan people are attracted to multiple genders does not make it so that they don’t see anything wrong with cheating. You might find multiple people attractive, but that doesn’t mean you would cheat on someone.

3.) Pan people are just promiscuous/can’t make up their minds/in denial. The first is something that is said about just any LGBT+ identity, especially when the community is sexualized by media. Pan people are just attracted to more than one gender, but unfortunately this causes pan (and bi) people to be painted as constantly being extremely attracted to everyone, which they are not. It’s not that they can’t make up their minds or that they’re in denial. It’s “Well, I like girls, but if a someone with another gender is interested in me, that’s okay too.”

4.) Pan people are attracted to cooking pans. No. Why.


[comment on Interview Questions by @MyTunnelSong]

 1.) State your username


2.) How do you fit into the LGBT+ community?


3.) Are there any misconceptions about your identity that you would like to address?

Everyone asks me if im ever going to settle down since being pan makes you unbelievably thirsty and incapable of being faithful. That is not true.

[comment on Interview Questions by @ZeelsSoRandom]

1.) State your username


2.) How do you fit into the LGBT+ community?


3.) Describe your identity/identities (orientations/sexualites)

I like guys and girls :3

4.) Are there any misconceptions that about your identity that you would like to address?

Everyone thinks that we love common items such as, Pans, couches, furniture. It ain't true. 

[Interview with @lynlou]

1. My name is Lindsey and my username is lynlou.
2. I identify as pansexual and panromantic.
3. Pansexuality is when someone is sexually attracted to people of all genders. Panromantic is when someone is romantically attracted to people of all genders.
4. Misconceptions!
"Pansexuals are attracted to everyone and want to get with everyone." Pansexuality does not mean that someone is attracted to everyone, just that they can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender.
"Pansexuality and bisexuality are the same thing." Bisexuality is the attraction to people of two genders, pansexuality is the attraction to people of all genders.
"Pansexuals are just greedy and can't make up their minds." Refer to my answer to the first misconception.
"Pansexuals are attracted to pans." I can't believe I actually have to put this here but no, this is not true.
5. Just remember that sexuality is fluid and labels are weird and you by no means have to label yourself. Just love who you love and don't stop others from doing the same. Also, if anyone wants to talk to me about this (or anything else, really) just feel free to PM me.

[Comment on Interview Questions by @LaurbieRosey] 

1. LaurbieRosey (my real name is Alaura) 2. I'm a panromantic pansexual/demisexual who might be pangender, trigender, or gender fluid in some other way (still questioning and could possibly just be cisgender female). 3. I have the ability to be romantically attracted to all genders (including non binary) and sexually attracted to all genders. But I only feel sexual attraction after a bond is established or I'm close to that person. Of course, I still am attracted to the physical aesthetics, as well. (I'm not sure if that's the case with most demisexuals, but it is in my case.) 4. A lot of people tell me that I can't possibly be pansexual AND demisexual...only one or the other. That's totally false. Demisexuality isn't necessarily about which genders you're attracted to sexually, but pansexuality is. There are so many other more things people tell me that I don't feel like writing... 5. Not right now.

A/N: Thank you so much for supporting this! I went away for a while to work on some writing and school things, and when I came back, I found that a bunch of people were supporting The Mogai Guide. That means a lot to me and the people who are using this as a resource.

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