Go with her?
I stare at my mother silently, digesting what she just said.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask her, slightly taken aback.
"I would love it if you came to live with me." She reiterates, giving me a hopeful look. Aiden only shakes his head with a sigh, Ashton face-palms and Adrian tries to stop himself from laughing. I glance over my shoulder at Blake, but he's already looking at me, his face void of emotion. He's leaving this decision to me.
"Amelia, please reconsider this. I've lost eighteen years with you. I want to be your mother again."
"I get that, but no. I can't just leave everything to go with you. That's crazy." I force a laugh, putting my hands over Blake's as they rest on my stomach.
"Is this because of your boyfriend?" I gape at her for a moment in shock. Even if it was, what is it to her?!
"Partly. I have school here, my fiancé's here, my home is here. I won't just leave it all for you." I scoff.
"I just want to be with you again." She pleads with tears in her eyes.
"I know. I can tell. But my decision stands. I'm staying here." I state seriously, leaving no room for discussion.
"Lia..." Aiden starts but I cut him off.
"No Aiden. This is not up for negotiation. You can't expect me to leave everything and go live with people I had no idea existed until few hours ago."
"I wasn't trying to persuade you, little sis. – he chuckles – You're 18, we can't force you into anything even if we wanted."
"What are you saying, Aiden?" Blake questions from behind me.
"I'm saying, and I think my brothers will agree with me, that we want to get to know our sister. To make up for all those years we spent without you. And if that means moving here, then so be it." He gives me a small smile. I look at Ashton and Adrian and they nod at me, agreeing with their older brother.
"Aiden! – Anna gasps, sounding offended – Amelia's place is with us in Atlanta! We can finally be family again!" She screams at him.
"I don't know if you noticed, but I already have my family. He's standing right behind me so don't speak like he's not here." I warn. I don't like how she's completely disregarding my man. She barely even looks at him!
"We are your family!" Anna screams.
"Right now, you're just a woman who gave birth to me. The guys are my half-brothers that I had no idea existed. I know nothing about you apart from what you told me. That doesn't count as family. Blake is my family. My dad is my family. The club is my family. They were with me in my darkest moments, they supported me when I had no one, they stayed with me despite how fucked up I was. That's what family is. And you're not it yet." I glare at her with all the anger I can muster. She thinks she can just appear out of nowhere and claim to be my family! She's either extremely arrogant or extremely naive.
"How many times do I have to repeat myself, Anna? – I snarl – My name's not Amelia! Not anymore!"
Anna seems to realize she lost this fight and just sighs quietly, dropping her head. "Can you at least promise me that you'll give me a chance?" She quietly asks.
"I can. But it'll take time. Don't expect too much."
"I understand." She nods solemnly.
"Lia, you mentioned your dad. – Ashton gets my attention – Would you mind if we wanted to meet him?" He hesitantly asks.

The Unbreakable (Ghost Series Part 3)
RomanceAfter an eventful year, Lia and Blake go back to college, eager to get away from everything. But they're not destined to find peace. Will their love survive the tests fate decided to throw their way? Or will they fall apart?