3rd Dare! (And Truth)

98 8 63

*Phone buzzes*

Amanda: Ooh! We got another pair of truths and dares! And it's for Sonic and Shadow again. Sonic! Shadow! Get in here!

Sonic: Amy's still mad!!!

Amanda: Is Shadow okay?

Sonic: Oof! *Flinches* She just managed to hit him with her hammer.

Amanda: *Looks down at phone* Amy's gonna be even more mad this episode...

Sonic: ...does it have anything to do with me and Shadow?

Amanda: DING DING DING!! Sherlock, we have a winner!

Sonic: Ugg... I'll go get everyone so we can get it over with. I don't want to do anything with that Faker!

'That Faker': AHHHHH!!!!! HELP!

Sonic: *Yelling at Shadow* Nope! This is the best show on TV right now! *Talking in a normal voice to Tails* Tails, is the popcorn ready?

Tails: Yup! *Plops down on the couch and hands Sonic popcorn*

Amanda: Can I join?

Sonic: *Grabbing a handful of popcorn* Yeah sure.

Amanda: Can we call a commercial break till Amy calmes down?

Camera Man: *Shrugs* Sure. Mind if I join?

Sonic: There's an empty spot next to Amanda. Popcorns here if ya want it.

*Camera shuts off and program goes to commercials*

*Some Time Later*

Amanda: Breaks over, it's showtime!

Amy: *Panting* Lets do this!

Amanda: Kate, you might want to take Amy's hammer away...

Kate: Why me?

Amanda: Shadow'll get beat up by Amy on the dare if you don't.

Kate: Fine... *Grabs Amy's hammer and hides it without her noticing* Done.

Amanda: Alright, are we all here?

Everyone: Yup!

Amanda: Good. Today we have a Truth for Shadow and a Dare for Sonic,

Sonic & Shadow: Why me?

Amanda: *Glares at Sonic and Shadow*  Both from sonadowbitchez. First one. To Shadow, "Why don't you like Sonic?"

Shadow: I'm not gay, we're rivals, and I happen to know that Sonic's not gay and I know who he likes.

Amy: Ooh! Who does he like?

Sonic: No one! I like no one, and even if I did, that's none of your concern! Now, can we move on to the dare? I wanna go home!

Amanda: Fine, fine. Be patient, I'm working on it!

*A few seconds later*

Amanda: Ah ha! Got it!

Tails: What is it?

Amanda: Okay, it says... "I have a dare for Sonic (Since he was very nice), I dare you to kiss Shadow ON THE LIPS"


Amanda: There's more, ha! "Yeah Sonic, you heard me)

Tails: I have a feeling that I caused this...


Amanda: Wait for it.... "In front of Amy!" Haha!!! This is gonna be GOOD!!!


Eggman: You sure do like tourtoring Sonic, sonadowbitchez. I admire you now, so wanna join the Eggman Empire? You'd be a great asset!

Amanda: Sonic! You! Will! Kiss! Shadow! Amy, get over here! No, Sonic! Get back here! KISS!!

Sonic: *Has calmed down enough to participate in a normal conversation* I'm not kissing him.

Amanda: If you don't want to, I won't make you, but you'd loose a point and go back to 5. While Shadow, on the other hand, will gain another point, adding up to 8 points.

Kate: Yeah, and maybe Shadows right about you being a Faker.

Eggman: Plus, if you participate in this dare, you'd be one step closer to proving that you're better then Shadow!

Sonic: FINE! I'll do it! Amy! Shadz! Get over here!

*Amy and Shadow walk over*

Shadow: What do you want, Faker?

Sonic: To tell you that I'm better then you.

Shadow: You're not.

Sonic: Oh yeah? *Grabs Shadows chestfur and Yanks him towards him and quickly pecks him in the lips, then immediately let's go*

Sonic: BLECK!!! UGG! WATER!!!

Shadow: *Stunned* I wasn't expecting that! But I wasn't expecting to expect anything so that doesn't count.

Sonic: *Downs his water and wash his lips* The things I do for fangirls!

Amy: *Finally realizes what the heck just happened* SONNIKU!!! HIW COULD YOU‽‽‽ YOU LOVE ME!! ME!!!

Silver: Uh dude? You better start running...

Sonic: Amy! It was a dare! I DON'T LOVE SHADOW!! Heck, I don't even like him!


Terrified Kate: *Silently exits and runs to the other side of the world*

Amanda: Well, that about wraps it up! See you next time and thanks for the truth and dare, sonadowbitchez! Don't forget to leave more dares! Hasta la Vista! Now I need to go stop Amy from killing everyone here.... BYE!!!!

*Camera shuts off*

Director: ...... I hope they all end up okay. That's it for today, points will be posted, and see y'all next time!

Sonic- 7
Tails- 5
Amy- 5
Silver- 5
Shadow- 8
Rouge- 5
Blaze- 5
Knuckles- 5
Sonia- 5
Manik- 5
Kate- 5
Amanda- 5
Eggman- 5

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