Riddle1 To unravel one's secrets can be costly but what will it cost one to unveil the mystery.
I remember his curious glare when he heard the growl in my voice no fear was found only knowing and anger his head snaps back to my girlfriend, oh wait! I forgot to say her name right stupid me her name is Jenelle. Salem looks at Jenelle strangely he looks angry but also has a pleased grin that gives me the damn heebie jebbies. I feel my instincts itching at the back of my mind warning me something is not right. I sniff the air in front of me smelling acid and chemicals as well as blood fresh blood no less eww.., and like two hundred years worth of dead bodies dear lord what has this freak of nature been doing lately and to who, you know what I do not even want to know I just know I have to get my baby sister from that creepy bastard because something is off with. Then I feel my k-9s turn to tusk like fangs and my face re shape into something totally different from what I am use to my arms are like usual coal black fur covering them as my nails turn to huge coal black tusk like claws. Then my legs turn the same way my body reshapes entirely bigger from the shape I normally take white fur and black stripes appear on my side and before I have time to even be curious as to why I looks so odd I jump in the air just above Salem's arms which held my sister. grabbing Marie just before landing on the other side of him sliding through chases legs and running like the devil himself was hot on my heels with my brother on my back and my sister Marie in my mouth. Till Salem appears in front of me as some freak of nature mixed animal I sit down and nudge Chase as he climbs off then hand him Marie and look at him he simply nodded at me as if he understood what all I wanted to say and ran. For just a few minutes until they are out of sight I watch them go then snap my head back towards Salem with a ferocious angry roar of a growl ready to kill Salem as he responds with a roaring growl of his own.

Deadly Riddles
Mystery / Thrilleryoung Mikale Riddle lives in a dark neighborhood his home being the darkest place of all until he begins to plot a way out of his dark corner of the world but will his plot work or will he have to delve further into darkness?