Part 4

870 39 10

Oh god, here we go again.

"Im fine without your help. I'll just go find someone else."

"Why?" Jaemin grabbed Renjun's hand and pulled him back as he tried to walk away.

"Jeno's trustworthy"
"Yea right"
"How about this, if I do this for you, I wont ever interfere with your life again" Jeno said, coming closer to the two.

This was a pretty good deal for Renjun. He just had to be alone with him for a few hours and then he was out of his life forever.


Renjun slowly receded from the scene, first walking back and then running back to his best friend.

"dongHYUCCKKKK" The scream was so loud that Hyuck flinched.

"You little prick, Jeno saw me and now he's my model"
"Is that all"
"I cant help it. Mark came here"
"Urgh, lets just go home"


"Jeno, I know you cant help it, but please try to not bully Renjun"
"Dont worry, Its gonna be fun"
"Oh God, do i have to come along. I dont trust you"
"Jaemin, you are my best friend. Trust me"
"Now give me Renjun's number"

Jaemin took out his phone and proceeded to give Renjun's number. Jeno saved the number and then the two started to walk home.

-Unknown Number-
Shitbag. Is this you.

Umm, no Jeno wrong number.

How do you know my name

Fine you caught me. Its Renjun

So when are we doing this.

How's this weekend.
You doing anything

No, this weekends fine
Whats your address

203 at Dream apartments

Ok, See you, shitbag

Once Renjun arrived home, he plunged himself into his bed, punishing himself for what he had just done. Did he actually just do that. Lee Jeno, was going to be in his apartment.

He tried to stop thinking about it, focusing his mind on other things. But somehow, everything led back to Jeno.

Its just an hour or two and hes out of my life forever. Cmon Renjun you can do this.

Tuesday rolled around. Renjun woke up at his regular time, 7:25 and did his morning rituals, the thought of Jeno refusing to leave his mind.

Once he was ready to go, Renjun left his dorm. Everyday last year he had a place to meet with Donghyuck, so they could go to school together. He thought this year wouldnt be any different. So he grabbed his school bag and left.
He tried calling Donghyuck, but he wouldnt answer. Renjun thought it was strange, as he always answered, but he brushed it off.

He was approaching where he thought the tanned male would be, he turned the corner

"Shit" he cursed under his breath.

Renjun had to get out of there. And fast. He could always walk past him, but then he would see. This was the only way to school, the other ways would take too much time. But if he ran... No. He was not skilled enough to run that far.
A thousand thoughts were running through Renjun's mind every second, trying, praying, hoping he would find a way to avoid him. But it was hopeless.

He worked up the courage, put his hood up to cover his face, turned up his music to full volume, and walked past.

Jeno was alone. No Jaemin near him. Jaemin went in early to lose the pounds he had put on during the break. There was no one their, just Jeno staring aimlessly into his phone. So obviously his attention spanned to the male walking past

With Renjun's disguise it was hard to recognise his identity. He figured following him around wouldnt cause much harm. And so he did. He watched him intently, and watched slowly, his wallet fall out of his pocket.

"Oh, Sir you dropped this" Jeno tried to get his attention. It didnt work. He tried again. Nothing.

"Sir" Jeno put his hand in his shoulder and turned him around,

"Oh its you. Take your wallet" Jeno looked down at Renjun. Renjun refused to look up.
He took the wallet and started to walk away.

"Uh are you not going to look at me" No response.

"Or speak to me for that matter" Still nothing. Jeno gave up and just walked beside him, saying things that he couldnt hear, as his music was playing full volume.

"Why wont you talk to me" Jeno removed Renjun's hood and took his earphone out

"Please just leave me alone" The annoyed male said, walking further away

"Why?" Jeno asked, running to join Renjun.
He never got to hear what Renjun's music was, but with max volume, he could get a clear listen

«빨간 맛 궁금해 Honey»

"I-Is that Kpop"
"Yes now leave me alone"
"But Kpop's gay"
"Just go away" Renjun tried walking away, but no matter how far he went, Jeno would always trail behind him.

"Can I just go"
"Not until you talk to me"
"Im talking to you now"
"Properly, Shitbag how dumb can you be"

Every time Jeno said this name he wanted to cry. This time was no different. He let out a tear before walking further away.

Jeno was having none of this attitude. He brought Renjun back and pushed him against the wall.


"p-please, Jeno, stop" Tears began to flood Renjun's eyes, but Jeno couldnt see that with Renjun's head faced down.

"Look at me shitbag" Jeno grabbed Renjun by the shirt and lifted him so he would face him. And what he saw, killed him.

The crying showed how much this hurt Renjun, the tears coming out would have been enough to give Jeno a shower. Jeno stared for a few seconds at Renjun, and let him down.

"Sorry, I'd best be going now"
"Me too" Renjun mumbled amongst the tears.
"Im guessing you dont want to see me until the weekend" Jeno blurted and Renjun nodded

"See you Shitbag"


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