❆ Thirty ❆

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The bullet soared through the air eternally slow.

Beast jerked back and hit the mantle behind him with enough force to knock the display of crossed swords down from where it hung just over the hearth. Blood began to seep down his arm. He lifted black eyes up toward Gabriel. He didn't have to say anything; the untameable fury and wrath on his face said everything. Just as I tore out of Gabriel's grasp— ripping a large chunk of hair in the process— Beast charged in a blur of motion.

More shots fire in the large room, each one sending a ghostly pain throughout my body as if I'd been hit. I dodged out of the way of the rolling bodies and flailing limbs toward the swords that now lay on the ground. A bullet zinged past my shoulder, nearly taking a chunk of me with it as it pelted the stone fireplace. Lowering myself to my knees, I scrambled to wedge between my back and wrists and scraped the rope against the blade. I knew they were just for display and could possibly be dull after all the years of going unused, but I clung to the hope that I could cut the binds and stop the two of them before Beast got shot. I glimpsed the two of them still fighting: Beast straddling Gabriel, his hands around his throat. A part of me still wanted to save him, just keep him out of our lives, but there was no guarantee he wouldn't come back, and that's what scared me. I scraped faster.

Another shot fired, the same pain blazing through me and lingering in the recesses of my mind as I finally got free of the ropes. Just in time to see Gabriel's searching hand squeeze the trigger again. The bullet shattering the window near the bureau. Cold gusts of wind blew into the room, snow already layering on the floor.

Beast suddenly screamed. He rolled off Gabriel in a tight ball of cracking bones and loud pops. His face shifted blood red. When he opened his eyes again, they were stark black. I froze as terror filled my veins.

Beast was changing.

I scrambled over to him and rushed to stop the change. But what could I do? Menda's spell wasn't broken, and now it never would be. "Beast! Look at me, Beast!" I pleaded with him, tears pooling in my eyes. "What— what do I do?" His body shook so hard I couldn't touch him without trembling myself. His face was scrunched in pain, the loud snaps of his bones vibrating through the room. How did I help him? How did I stop it? Could I stop it? I didn't have an answer. I panicked.

Before I could think, my hand lashed out and cracked against his cheek, stunning us both. His body slowed its seizing as he gaped at me. "Tell me what to do to help you."

The vigorous shaking picked up speed again. "G-Get out, Adaira. Now—" He let out another ear-splitting scream. Tears peaked in the corners of his eyes. Sweat beaded on his brow. He rocked onto his hands and knees and slumped forward. Bones jerked out along his spine, the sound of his ribs breaking loud enough to drown out my own furiously pounding heart.

"Beast, I—" An arm latched around my throat. Gabriel dragged me along the floor with him, rolling on the ground as he pressed his forearm tighter and cut off more of my air. "Beast!" I attempted to choke out his name, but the dark rings of my vision were closing in now. I lashed my hands out for something to grab. My fingers grazed something metal— something sharp.

Black wisps filled my vision, growing around the edges. I didn't have long. Flipping the sword in my hand, I twisted myself as far away from Gabriel as I could and plunged the tip into his stomach.

Air flooded my lungs so quickly my gasp came as a scream. I coughed and sputtered, the taste of blood in my mouth. He groaned, but I didn't look back. I crawled my way toward where Beast sat hunched on his knees, screaming. I inched closer—

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