Chapter 5 | Panda!

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Delirious' POV

Terrorizer, Wildcat, Panda, and I were all walking around. Terrorizer had his map out, marking points of interest and taking notes. Right now we're going out and exploring the map, marking any spots that might help us with resources. We found a few villages and such. The villagers were just as annoying as they've always been honestly. We were walking when suddenly, Panda yelped. Things seemed to go in slow motion as we saw him fall over the edge of a ravine that we hadn't seen in front of us. I ran to the edge and reached out, just barely missing his hand. "PANDA!!!" I shout and tear up. He falls and halfway down closes his eyes. He hits the ground and the stuff he gathered went everywhere. I hold my breath. Praying that I imagined this. But I just watched the floating xp orbs bob up and down. A hand takes my shoulder. "Delirious... He's gone." Wildcat says sadly. Tears seemingly drown me before falling down the same hole my friend died in. "No. He's not dead. He can't be." I say. They help me up and away from the edge. "Delirious we need to move on. The next village is a bit far and it's almost night." Terrorizer tries to reason. "OUR FRIEND JUST FUCKING DIED TERRORIZER! AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT A FUCKING VILLAGE?!" I snap. He flinches. Wildcat slaps me, tears slowly falling down his face as well. "We get it! Our best friend died! But we will too if we don't get to safety Delirious! We have plenty of time to grieve but right now we need to make sure nothing else happens!" He snaps. I hold my cheek and stay silent for a second. He's right. But. Panda didn't deserve to die. He had so much more time to live. He and Luke both didn't deserve this. I clench my fists and start walking. I'm going to find Game Master again. And this time I'm going to have his damn head on a stick. I look at my hands and notice they glitch. I blink and look at them. Nothing. Was I imagining it?

We get to the village and lay down. I stare at the ceiling. Sleep wasn't actually much of a thing here. It didn't matter if we were actually asleep to skip to day. Once morning came I stood up and followed the guys out. We traveled for hours, only stopping for resources and food breaks. I didn't say a single word. The guys didn't try to get me to. They understood I was grieving. We stop at another ravine and I stare down it. "There are diamonds at the bottom! Let's get them." Terrorizer points out. I just sit at the edge as they dig a safe stairway down. We've all been super careful and haven't tried anything stupid. I stare at the water. In the game, you can fall from any height and live if you land in water. We've all been too afraid to try. But I'm compelled to try. If I die, who cares? Just another loss. They'll just continue on without me, like they did with Panda. "Delirious? You coming?" Wildcat asks, standing at the entrance of the stairs they made. I stand up. "I'm sorry for scaring you." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks. I run and jump off the edge. "DELIRIOUS!" Wildcat screams. I fall. The wind flows past me as I get closer to the water. I land in it, my heart beating quickly as I merely fall to my butt in the water. I look up at the guys. Wildcat was at the top while Terrorizer was at the bottom of the stairs he mined. "That was extremely stupid Delirious! You could have been killed!" Terrorizer scolds me as he runs over and helps me stand up. I look around. "That didn't hurt at all. As if I had jumped from two blocks into water." I say. "Are ye even listening t'me ya arse?! I was talkin' to ya!" He shouts. I blink away my daze. "Ah, um. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if it worked." I say. He huffs. "Whatever. Let's just get these diamonds and get out of here." He says. I nod and follow him. We mine a few resources before climbing back up and walking again. We were at the edge of the map when we saw a big cobblestone castle . Something about this place gave me chills. It wasn't any normal building in Minecraft. It had a lava moat and a redstone bridge. "This is odd..." Terrorizer says. We circle to compound. There was no way in and we didn't know how to use the bridge. Even if we built across the door seemed impossible to open. "This is man made. Maybe it's the Game Master's house." I say. "I don't think the Game Master would live so close to us. I'm sure he's smarter than that." Wildcat says. "Well we have to check it out! If it is we'll be able to get out!" I say. "We are WAY too under prepared for a big fight! This guy could do anything!" Terrorizer says. "Then let's go back home. We'll group up, gear up, and go together." I say. They give eachother a look before agreeing. "You're right. This might be our way out. Let's head home." Terrorizer says before leading us the way to our base. I'm going to kill the game master. I will avenge Panda.

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