Chapter 27

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I woke up, my body on a cold hard floor in a dark room. 

It took my brain some time to understand what happened. After a few minutes, my eyes adjusted to the room. 

There were cell bars in front of me, keeping me trapped in this dark room. I shivered, noticing that I was only wearing an oversized cream-coloured shirt. 

I stood up and looked outside the only window in this room, my only source of light. It was barred too.

The sky outside was a dark red colour, with some dark clouds. The world that Sasha lived in. Or the spirit demon thing's home. 

From observing the surrounding land, Y/n noticed many differences from this planet and Earth. 

First, the sky...duh. 

Second, the place was very quiet. 

Thirdly, the people were almost shadow like, most likely were shadows. 

This was probably a shadow world then. 

I sat down and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes and trying not to cry. I missed Jimin and the others already. 

I hugged my knees as I thought about them. I missed Hoseok's happy self, Yoongi's stubborn, sarcastic but caring self, Taehyung's smile, Jungkook's bunny face, Namjoon's sexy brain, Jin's handsomeness and him when he tells the others off and Jimin. My mate. 

My body jumped when I heard nearing footsteps. 

A light was moving towards me, until it stopped right in front of my bars. 

A woman...or a shadow woman, was holding a lantern.  She looked young, around her twenties, like me. 

"Y/n, come with me. Her highness would like to see you now."

I stood up, my feet shaking slightly.  

The girl grabbed my arm and tugged me along.

While walking there, I carefully observed my surroundings and the girl. She was pretty with pink hair and brown eyes. Her face was friendly looking and innocent. She was pale and slightly grey, like the shadow people I saw outside. 

"What's your name?" i asked, curious.  

"Onda. Please don't ask anymore questions. I'm not supposed to talk to you."

She pulled me gently into a large, dimly lit throne room. In the center of the room sat Sasha, on a throne. 

Two other girls walked up to Onda and I. 

A tall one grabbed my shoulder while the shorter girl knocked her leg against the back of my thighs, making me fall to the floor, knees on the cold ground. 

Sasha smirked at me.  

"Thanks my dears, return to your rooms until I call you later."

The three girls left. 

"So," Sasha started. "I know you're probably wondering where you are, why I haven't killed you yet and some other shit." Sasha's voice was different, a bit deeper, more powerful sounding, the voice of a strong female leader. She had a playful ring to it. 

I stared at her, waiting for her to speak. 

"I am Queen Aphra, the Ruler of Shadowla, planet of dust and shadows."

I stopped shaking from the cold and began to shake from fear. She was a queen.  

"You may know me by Sasha, so feel free to call me that, but my soul does not look like this or is called this."

I opened my mouth, daring to ask as question.  

"What happened to your original body, may I ask?"

"It started weakening away from old age.I want to live forever, so when my body started to turn to dust, my soul was cast into a new body. I won't give away how though. 

Anyway, Y/n darling. I'm going to keep you for awhile, until I grow bored of your existence. You seem like fun."

My eyes widened and I tried to stand up, but before I could move, Sasha, or should I say, Aphra, clapped her hands. In walked 6 girls, three of whom I already met. 

They lined up and introduced themselves to me. 

"I am Park Jiwon, also called E:U." She was the small one who kicked my thigh earlier. She had platinum blonde hair. 

"I am Sihyeon." She had brown hair and was around 5"6.

"I'm Onda." The pink haired girl spoke. She had a cute smile. 

"I'm Mia." She had platinum blonde hair toom with a faded purple colour at her ends. 

"I'm Aisha." She was the tall girl to put her hand on my shoulder earlier. She was dark brown haired and around 5"8 or 5"9.

The last girl was "Yiren", another pretty girl, with black hair. 

Aphra (Sasha) smiled at them. 

"Girls, bring Y/n to the bathing chambers and then to my room. I want her dressed ready for bed.

I'll see you soon Y/n"

Aphra (Sasha) winked and watched as I was brought to the bathing area. 

I followed the girls, not seeing the point of trying to escape. Escaping into a world that I wasn't familiar with would be suicide, especially with shadow people everywhere and who knew what other monsters. I'd rather live than die. At least for the moment. 

On the way there, I saw 7 men in a sitting area. 

They looked familiar. They were all chatting and messing with one another.

Before I passed them, one of them turned his head towards me and winked. 

My heart stopped. 


But not really Jimin. 

A shadow version. 

Y'all, thanks for over 900 reads! I'M SO HAPPY!❤

IF YOU'VE ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO ASK ME. I feel as though I've made everything 100 times more confusing than it already was, so if you're confused about anything, ask away. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes too. 

Also, check out my book called "Wrong number bitch" bu myself and @runxallain. I released the first chapter today. 

Xxx Livi

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