Somewhere In Alabama

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Rubber handles vibrated against her  gloved palms as gravel flew up behind the back wheel, the hum of the engine bounced throughout the girls black helmet as the wind pummeled her  skin

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Rubber handles vibrated against her  gloved palms as gravel flew up behind the back wheel, the hum of the engine bounced throughout the girls black helmet as the wind pummeled her  skin. Like angry fists at a bar fight,  she  wouldn't know about that though. The girl  hadn't been to a bar in over five years, hell she  hasn't even seen the sun in five years. I guess that's what happens when your labeled as a eleven year old psychopath, and dragged away from your home to a random place somewhere in Alabama to be placed in a high security prison. The young girls trial was rigged, all she  was trying to protect her  family and instead she ended up being shoved in a cop car and cuffed to the defendant desk in a straight jacket . While her ass  of a brother claimed she was guilty, and I guess the judge's in Alabama are more willing to believe a forever wasted twenty one year old instead of a eleven year old with blood on her hands. Snapping out of her hate filled  thoughts she began to feel the engine on her motorcycle stutter,  quickly casting  her gaze down at the fuel gauge and watched as the red spindle slowly began to seep down to E.  Cursing under her breath she yanked the handles to the right, jerking the black shiny bike to the side of the road. Her calloused  hand squeezed the brake back the resistance of the lever pushing into her gloved palm as the cycle came to a complete stop. The girls teeth grazed her chapped lips as she yanked the key out of the ignition listening to the engine sputter and then die. Watching as the black combat boot shoved the kickstand down swinging her leg over the padded seat and stared out at the water that was two miles from the road she  was on, it was the Gulf Coast. She had never seen it in person, when she first  arrived in Alabama the trip was in a prison security transport, chains locked around her  ankles and wrist digging into the girls soft skin leaving them raw and bloody. 

Casting her  gaze down the road a small Shell gas station stood just before the state line, a smirk tugged at her  lips as she un clipped the helmet that encased her  head,  strong  hands moved on their own yanking the constricting piece of poly carbonate plastic off her head. The girls light brown hair fell to her shoulders as a light breeze caressed her  face, a quick breath left the small girls  parted lips as she shoved the helmet onto its resting place on the handle bars of the bike. Taking a deep breath she yanked the cycle to its up right position and began walking it towards the gas station, the walk only took about ten minutes from where she originally was but it sure as hell felt like an hour.  Rolling the bike up to the first of the two gas pumps she  focused on getting gas into her vehicle. As the pump flashed off it's words saying it was ready, she twisted the fuel cap and quickly stuck the nozzle into the hole in the gas tank. Gas started flowing into the cycle. While  she began  leaning back on the pump as the notorious smell of the power liquid filled the air. the girl had always loved the smell of gasoline, she  didn't care how bad it is for you it always reminded her  of when she was five and her  best friend JJ Maybank  would chase her around his Dads garage trying to squirt her with the grease gun. This was of course before his dad Luke Maybank became the king of all assholes her  Dad being second in line for the thrown, a smirk spread across her  lips as she relived the memory.  One thing you should know about this girl, is that she doesn't smile. In prison being innocent and naive will get you killed, you have to grow up the minute you step through those gates of hell. If you don't, it's game over for you broski. Like every time you fall into lava in Super Mario Bros, except this time you can't respawn to  save Princess Peach and live happily ever after until the next game comes out. 


Her  gaze shifted back up to the pay amount on the pump, it was at ten bucks. She had fifty and  the tank only needed thirty to be completely full. She let her  gaze wander back around to the gas station around me, there was a small convenience store to the right and bright yellow lights lit up the entire awning making it possible for anyone stopping to see what their doing. If you let your gaze roll past the gas station though,  you could see the waves of The Gulf crashing on shore as a butter yellow sun sank slowly into the water far away. Sure it was a beautiful sunset, one of the prettiest she had seen outside of her home.  Though,  lets get this straight. There is only one place that has the best sunsets and that my friends is Kildare Island in Outer Banks North Carolina. That's where her  heart lives, that's where her family lives, and she's not talking blood related. Because truthfully her blood related family sucks. Another truth be told the girl got out of prison five months ago, back in February. she wanted nothing more then  to head home right  then, but she needed money to do that and believe me when I say she did NOT want to go back to jail. If the Carolina girl wanted to do something illegal she needed to wait until she was back home, that way Alabama can't charge her again. Suddenly the gas pump jolted as the nozzle sensed the tank was full, the sound echoed under the awning vibrating in her small ears. Quickly placing the pump back in it's holding place, the girls fingers flashed over the payment screen and tapped three times to get the option to pay with cash. she snatched the dollar bills out of her back pocket and stuffed them into the machine, while the spinny circle of death popped up and stared back at the girls  unchanging grey eyes for what felt like hours.  Tapping her foot impatiently as she  waited. When finally the green check mark popped up signalling that the 16 year old was free to leave, she  twisted the fuel cap back into place and shoved her boot clad foot down into the starter. The girl was so close to being free from this god awful state, all she had to do was get at least ten more feet and she'd  be gone. The engine roared to life as the key twisted into the ignition, rumbling beneath her as if it were purring.  Looking at the helmet that sat on the  handle bars she mentally battled with herself.  At the speed she was going to go if she crashed she would still be alive but it wouldn't matter, the girl would be parallelized. shaking her head as if to rid those thoughts she made her decision. She didn't want to live like that.

Shaking her head  the helmet flew  down next to the gas pump as the bike twisted  towards the state line, her fingers gripping the throttle as she  pulled it back hard. Launching into the dusk,  Happy screams ripped through the girls throat as she launched out of the state she'd been trapped in for five years. Finally feeling free, finally feeling like she was a teenager again. Which she still is, the girl's  still sixteen but she  had to grow up a lot quicker then most. Shouts echoed into the night as she  raced through Georgia, then South Carolina, until she got to the mainland of North Carolina. The sun was just starting to rise as she parked in the ferry parking lot that would finally lead her home, a huge burst of emotion flew through her veins as her pale complexion stared out at the Atlantic. Jumping excitedly as she watched the water sparkle with the changing sky, the girl was so happy to be back in her home land she was so excited to see her best friends. To be a Pogue again. If you didn't know what a Pogue is, it's a group of people the sixteen year old was a part of.  Which I now realize I have yet to fully introduce, the girl you are now reading about goes by Maddy. She's a feisty brown haired girl who might be a slight Kleptomaniac, she was raised in the Cut of the Outer banks and knew JJ Maybank before the rest of the Pogues. JJ and Maddy became friends when they were three and never separated after that.   For like the young boy the girl had her own family problems, though I can't disclose much now you will hear a lot more about these problems from Maddy as the story goes on and a lot less of me,  the Narrator talking. Maddy was always there for JJ and JJ was always there for Maddy, rain or shine it didn't matter. Maddy has a hard time with feelings she likes to make sure other people are taken care of before herself. 

She hates it when she has to unload her problems on others so half the time it leads her to shoving all sad emotions into the "storage closet" in the back of her mind. Though that storage closet can't hold everything and sometimes the door unhinges and she breaks down in a full on anxiety attack. Her friends have yet to see that side of her, and  she wanted to keep it that way. Not even JJ had seen her break down fully yet. That's how she wanted it, she wanted her friends. No family, to think she was just an all sarcastic, bubbly person. The last time she was in the Outer Banks it worked.

The loud crow of a seagull snapped the girl back into reality as she leaned into her hip, the cold metal of her gun dug into her thigh. Yes Maddy owns a gun, a Colt Python to be exact. That  was the one thing  besides JJ and JJ's cousin who she knew as Cobra,  was the only thing that hadn't let her down yet. When she was younger just before her mom died she gifted the Python to the young girl, going through as many loop holes as she could to give it to her daughter legally. Somehow the Mom knew she was going to need it as her father drifted ever closer to Killer instead of loving Dad. Maddy's lips tugged up slightly  as she thought of her Mom, the beautiful woman that cared for the young innocent girl who  no longer lived. Every time she held the Python she felt her Mom beside her it didn't matter where she was, Maddy could feel her Mom with her.

Shifting her gaze back toward the dock she noticed people now buying their tickets for the ferry to the Outer Banks, with a sigh escaping the girls lips she pushed the Harley Davidson towards the ticket booth and stopped behind a very stupid looking group of Tourons, that's what the Pogues called the Tourists that showed up on the island.  Actually Maddy came up with the name after a tourist stepped on her foot one time when she was walking with John B and JJ at the docks. Big John had given them twenty bucks to buy what ever they wanted while he worked on his Royal Merchant research. A blonde Bimbo of a man that kind of looked like the Ken doll from barbie stepped on her foot and just kept walking. The young girl had squealed in pain and instead of saying Moron like she meant to she yelled Touron.  As soon as the word left her mouth JJ and John B died right there on the board walk laughing, and it stuck after that. So there were three groups now, the Pogues, The Tourons, and The Kooks. The Kooks are the snobby rich kids that had two houses and never had to work a day in their life. Maddy knew for a fact not all of them were bad, she had a couple friends who were Kooks but, they weren't best friends. Not like JJ and John B were, it had been the three of them since third grade and  just before Maddy left for prison they had added a dude named Pope. 

Pope was the smartest of all of them, he knew just about everything and did his best at keeping JJ and Maddy out of trouble, but obviously, that did not work out for Maddy. Whether or not the Pogues had added anyone since she left, Maddy didn't know.  Though she hoped if they did the person or people they added were Pogue material.

As  the group of Tourons got their tickets and walked towards the ferry an older woman at the ticket booth smiled at the short girl in front of her, " Ms. can I help you?" The old woman in a New York sweatshirt asked politely. 

Maddy nodded slowly as she stepped forward and answered, " Can I get a ticket to Kildare Island?" 

The short woman nodded and wrung up the order in the cash register behind the glass window, Maddy brushed her long brown hair over her shoulder as she shoved fifteen of the twenty dollars through the slot hole. The woman traded the money for the ticket and waved brightly at the newly free'd prison convict.

Maddy shook her head and stuck the sticker that permitted her bike onto the boat on the left mirror, slowly she walked over the splintered wood on the dock and made sure to get on the boat with the least amount of human interaction possible. The girl walked to the front of the boat and watched the horizan as the ferry began to move towards Kildare, towards her home. Back to the people who cared, and believe me when I tell you she was ready to raise all the hell she could this summer.

Hello my friends, my name is Neva Huntley. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel like I did a pretty good job with the beginning, I realize that this was not in the show, but I really hate it when there's no actual backstory to a character, and it's only the show. I feel like a story needs to have both meat and bones for it to be good, I promise we will get into the show next chapter.

Please feel free to comment or Vote I don't really care I just hope you enjoy the story.

I will post again soon, enjoy li


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