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What is that drumming and why does it hurt. I feel so stiff and dizzy. There is a heavyweight around my waist. After the minute of deliriousness, I do a quick body scan. My head hurt, my muscles are sore, but I feel oddly comfortable. There is a warmth surrounding me. I've never felt this secure. Wait a minute, why am I feeling Like this. What happened last night. I went out, but I can't remember how I feel got home. I am home, right? I finally open my eyes and see an unfamiliar room. No no no I didn't. I really hope I didn't. Not even remembering it would be worse. I could cry right now.

I shift a bit and turn around to see the weight on my waist is a muscular arm. The tears are getting closer and closer to spilling. I look down at my body and see that I still have my dress on. What? Did I do it or maybe I didn't. It certainly couldn't have been good if there is barely a wrinkle on my dress. I can't see the guy's face because he is facing away from me, but his muscles speak for themselves. His strong back is kinda sexy. I don't think I've ever seen a back that is this sexy. I shimmy out of his grasp and look at the clock. It's 5:30 in the morning. Well, I guess I will have a nice bubble bath and an early bedtime tonight. I quickly feel down there to make sure this man is actually a gentleman. I don't feel sore and there doesn't seem to be any traces of sex not that I would know what that feels like. Huh, I guess he is a good guy after all. I peak at him one more time and give him a little salute. From me and the rest of the women out there, thank you for your kindness and consideration.

After that, I grab my heels and make a mad dash for the door. Never to see this man again and probably never going out drinking again. Well, this was an experience that I will look back at and enjoy. I will look back at this and learn. I call that a successful night in my book. As I walk down the stairs, I look around. Goodness, this is a nice place. It's two floors, high up and polished floor to ceiling. What I would do to relax in a place like this alone. It's would be like my own sky world up here.

Don't focus on the pretty floors or the gorgeous kitchen or the beautiful chandelier. Oh, it's such a pretty chandelier. No focus on the mission at hand. Stealth mode is on and no distractions can be present. Step one, get out of the apartment. Step two, hail a cab and hope it's not too far from my house. I only brought like 50 dollars with me and most of that was spent on drinks. I quickly check inside my purse, which the gentleman was kind enough to place on the nightstand. I walk to the elevator but get a little distracted on the way. The view from here is amazing. I close my eyes and breathe it in. Just for a minute, I pretend that this was my life. No one in the world knew where I was, but I was only up here. Sipping morning tea after a relaxing morning, getting ready to go shopping. I have no explanation as to how I got here and was able to afford this life, but I'm at peace now. It's my hidden place high in the clouds. I'm not saying money can buy my happiness, but it would allow me to live a relaxing life. Maybe I'll get close to someone or maybe not. All I know is no one can find me in my cloud paradise.

My minute is up and now I have to get going. I'm sad the moment is ending, but I know that this feeling will come again. The exciting part is that I have no idea where I'll be when it does. I get into the elevator and press the lobby. Hopefully, it's too early for anyone to be down there, judging the people who pass by. My insecure ass would probably start crying. I am the world's ugliest crier. My whole face gets affected. My cheeks and eyes get red. My nose starts running and even my ears start to itch. You can say it's unrelated, but every time I cry my ears itch.

I sift through my clutch looking for any cash I might still have left. Maybe I could take the bus, but only if I don't have enough for a cab. I don't even know if they run this early in the morning. It's either that or walking. I almost give up hope when I see a ten at the bottom of my purse. Huh did I put that in there recently? It doesn't matter. I just hope this is enough.

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