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A/N: Hi! Quarantine is terrible, I miss Wattpad dearly, and I missed you lot so very much. My plan is to go back in my book, edit a couple of small things that are perhaps a little awkward, unnecessary, or not true anymore (remember when I said I had a boyfriend? Bleh.). But additionally I'm looking to add some more to my book! Hoorah. So is (mentioned) so please make sure if you're spanking-obsessed/1D-obsessed like us, that you look around and have some fun commenting and voting and such ;)  Love ya babes! 

Niall and Harry knew they should be behaving themselves. They were fully aware of consequences that would befall them should they be caught in the act of such naughty behavior. So why would they risk getting spanked for just a rowdy night of fun? Well...

The boys had strict curfews set on them, to ensure that the public didn't get the wrong idea of them. Because they are the youngest, their curfew is 9:30 pm sharp. So when Niall and Harry did not show up and the clock clicked to 9:44 pm, Louis started to get concerned. Of course they were already in a bit of trouble since they broke curfew, but the later the minutes ticked, the more that their bottoms were sure to be on fire. 

Niall had gotten an invitation to go to an exclusive new club, the night before the grand opening. Very exclusive, celebrities only, so no paparazzi or fans would be in the club. Niall's girlfriend, Hailee Steinfeld, invited him to come hang out, so obviously those two were grinding in the middle of the dance floor to Rihanna. Literally Rihanna, she had attended this opening night as well. 

Harry decided to tag along with the incentive of the "no paparazzi" rule, and get some drinks with Ed Sheeran. Which means that both boys were doing things that they loved to do, which means that they were out until two in the morning. Enjoying themselves. Yet they were enjoying themselves... five hours past curfew. 

The front door is never a good decision when still a bit tipsy and when it is so deep into the night. So what's better? Scaling the trellis to get into their room's window while still a bit tipsy and late at night. Of course. The logic of scaling up two stories of building on a wobbly wooden structure only designed to hang vines and leaves. Harry started to scale first, with great caution. 

Their house was very private, an acre in each direction, so if one of them fell, at least no one would see. The real concern of scaling was falling and breaking a limb, then having to come up with some sort of silly PR story to tell fans, and get the story out. What really happened when Harry broke his foot? 

Harry got up into their room and turned back around and leaned out the window. He reached out towards Niall, who was already halfway up the trellis. "Here, I'll help you up!" He whispered loudly. That's when it happened. The window slid shut over Harry's lower hips, and the stick that they use to occasionally keep it barred shut? Slid. Jammed in the window. Harry's eyes opened wider than the window was open, and kicked a little bit. "Oh my God, Niall! Niall, you have to help me! I'm stuck!" 

Niall climbed quicker, and got up to the window. Harry squirmed and struggled while Niall pushed at the window. "It's not budging, I'm sorry, I'll have to go through the house. Sit tight and don't go anywhere." Niall snickered to himself and hopped off the trellis. He ran around to the front of the house and slid the key into the lock ever so slowly. He snuck in the front door and slid his shoes off. 

"Well well well." Louis' voice rang out loudly. In fact, it rang out so loudly that Harry heard it faintly. He winced, then wiggled a bit more. He just had to get free. "That's one of you, is Harry not behind you?" Niall's eyes met the floor immediately. He couldn't give Harry away. Sure he was already caught and he might choose to give up Harry later, but not while he's stuck like this. 

"I- Uh- He's still out. Or uh- did you check the bathroom?" Louis raised an eyebrow and patted his knees. "Oh, uh... can I just... go to bed please? I just really want to go to bed." Niall certainly didn't want to have a spanking right then and there, and he didn't want to leave Harry stuck for another half hour. 

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"I don't trust you to stay in your bed. You know what? I'm going to go grab a lock for your door and your window. I told you to go to bed and like little children you both snuck out and decided to go get drunk!" Niall shook his head as tears gathered in his eyes. "Look, I get it. I know that as celebrities we are not as able to do many of the things that we would like to do. Or the things that we think that we should be able to do with full freedom. But in the position that we are in right now, we can't. Maybe when we're older. But not now." 

Niall groaned in frustration. "Shit, you say you get it, but you don't! It was a celebrities only night at this club, so there weren't any bastard paps there, and it was totally fine! It was totally safe! We didn't drive, we drank a little, we just went out and had fucking responsible fun! Why can't you just accept that for what it is? We're adults for God's sakes! Why the fuck can't we go out and have some fun?!" Niall's voice raised with anger and filled the rest of the house. Liam woke up in his bed from all the yelling. He put a pillow over his ear and tried to get back to sleep. Not tonight. 

"You want to talk about adulthood and responsibility? If you want to have an acceptable adult relationship, then you have to drop the curse words and the attitude from this conversation. Secondly, you need to understand that part of me being in charge and responsible for you and your well-being, and that means knowing where you are in case of an emergency. Did you for one moment think that even though the other people in that club were celebrities this evening, that they might not have your best intentions in mind? I do, and I am simply shamed that you didn't trust me enough to at least leave me a little note. Ask the question. Any of that." 

Niall scuffed his socked foot on the carpet. "S'pose I hadn't thought of that..." Niall admitted abashedly. Louis sighed and nodded slowly. 

"Let's get those locks. Let's put them on, and maybe... maybe I will let you have a break this evening." Niall sighed, knowing that he just couldn't get Harry out of this one. He followed Louis in shame to the garage, shuffled his feet after him as they went up the staircase, and drug his feet to his and Harry's room. Louis opened the door and snorted. "This is why you wanted to delay me?" 

Harry's head shot up when heard Louis' voice. Busted. "Look, you said yourself it was only because we broke curfew and didn't ask permission! So we're really not in enough trouble to get spanked this late at night!" Niall protested, sitting down on his bed. 

"Five hours past curfew is certainly reason enough. Besides, this makes my job a whole lot easier. Harry! Can you hear me?" Louis called out, rifling through the nightstands in the room. He found a pair of Airpods and slid Harry's phone out of his back pocket. Unlocking the device, he paired the Airpods with Harry's phone, then plugged it in. He called Harry's phone, answered, and handed Harry the Airpods out the window. "Put them in now. You need to hear this as much as Niall does." Harry plugged the earbuds in, and sighed unhappily. 

"Now you both listen here and you listen good. I need to know where you are so that when and if you get into trouble, you have backup, good backup to come and get you help. Such as getting our hips stuck in a window perhaps? This night was semi-acceptable but keeping it a secret was just outright dangerous. Now Niall, as Harry is already in an ideal position, I'm going to go ahead and spank him first. Then you're going to crawl through that window and get the exact same punishment. Have I made myself clear?" Louis stuck his hand out the window and handed Harry his phone so he could respond. 

"I guess so..." Niall said, hanging his head. 

Harry propped his phone up with the speaker close to his mouth. "Louis. I am begging you. Help me get unstuck, let me come in the room, and I'll accept whatever punishment you want to dole out. Just don't make me do this while I'm half outside." Harry pleaded, looking out into the night sky. He wished that someone would come help him. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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