Chapter 1: Taron

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I ran my hands over her beautiful red cheeks that were a bit flushed from running down the street in the rain.

"Do you want to come up?" I whispered.

I couldn't believe I even asked her. I wasn't into one night stands, but I knew this was more than that. And even though I only met her today, I knew we could have more. We had more than other couples had in a lifetime already.

She seemed unsure, nervous even.

"Taron" she sighed.

I closed my eyes in a long blink before I did the only thing I could think of. I pulled her closer to me and smashed my lips to hers. She gasped into my kiss, her lips meeting mine with the same passion. We deepened the kiss in no time and I couldn't think anymore. I only knew this was too perfect to let go.

We pulled away eventually and she was still focused on my lips when we did.

"I have to tell you something" she said quietly "There is this guy I'm dating"

"Is it serious?" I asked, breathless "Are you a couple?"

She shrugged "No. We have just been on dates a few times but –"

"Forget him" I interrupted her "Don't you feel this?"

I ran my fingers over her bare collarbone and her breath hitched. She closed her eyes and sank against me.

We reached my flat and our clothes were flying everywhere. I had never met a woman like her, and I knew I couldn't ever let her go.

Her hands went into my hair before her hands travelled lower, down my naked back until she reached my jeans. She pushed her hands into my jeans back pockets and pulled me closer.

I groaned when I felt her unbuckling my belt

"You are so fucking sexy" I ran my hands under her dress and gasped when I reached her panties.

She broke the kiss, her breath hitching when I moved my fingers over the fabric.

She circled her hips in response and her knees gave in when she was close to her orgasm so I let her go. She opened her eyes in confusion and I smirked before pushing her onto the bed. She moved out of her dress.

I gulped.

She was more than just beautiful. She was perfect.

I slid to my knees and pressed my palms against her inner thighs, parting her legs for me. She squirmed, but I didn't think it was embarrassment. It was desire.

I pulled her panties down and gasped at the sight of her completely naked. I groaned and went straight to her clit, her hips bucking under my touch.

Hell, I had barely had one night stands. But I knew we would have more than just tonight and I couldn't wait. I wanted her to relax, to understand she was going to enjoy tonight and so many nights after that. So many moments we would share together.

I licked up and circled her clit as her hips continued to move under me.

"You like that darling?" my voice was rough.

Her moans were growing louder and her breaths shorter. I wasn't ready for her to come, not so quickly. When she came for the first time it was going to blow her mind, like she was blowing mine.

"Oh fuck, I –" she sounded surprised.

I wasn't.

The connection we had was undeniable.

I released her, standing quickly. Her eyes were hazy when she opened them and she seemed confused.

I stepped out of my boxer briefs when I saw she was touching herself.

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