Chapter Four

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Hi, so I know it's been a while and I'm sorry.


He sat on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep. Light had just begun to seep over the world.  He crept out into the hall and woke up the others.

Severus opened as soon as he knocked on the door, "Wake up Draco, I'll do the rest," his whispered pulling his hair into a bun. Viktor nodded and rushed to the other door and knocked quickly.

It took Draco a second to come to the door. "Now?" He asked, rubbing his eyes awkwardly.

"Go downstairs and make her favorite crepes, I need to go pick the flowers."

There was a quiet rush about the sleepy little house. Viktor went around to the back and picked her favorite daisies. Once he had enough for a small vase he climb the steps and slipped through the screen door nearly stepping on the poor cat.

"Crookshanks," he hushed the cat when it hissed at him, scuttling away to hide under Hermione's reading chair.

He tip toed to the kitchen to find Draco finishing off the crepes and covering them with strawberries. Severus came in quickly holding the small velvet box in his palm. He set it on the tray next to the plate and Viktor put the flowers in the vase.

"What if she says no?" Draco asked suddenly, glancing nervously at his older counterparts.

"So be it, do not be chicken." Viktor nodded, though his heart thundered in his chest and made his ribcage feel like it was about to crack.

Severus shook his head and swallowed the little more in his throat. If she said no it would be a devastating blow.

The three cautiously made there way up the steps. Severus waited at the top, taking the tray from Draco. He tilted his head towards the door and Draco opened it. They slipped onto the thick blue carpet, walking quietly to the end of the bed.

Draco turned on the little bed side CD player. It had Hermione's favorite 50's CD in. The song "Dream a little dream of me" played softly.

"Viktor, " Hermione said sleepily, "I love this song, turn it up a little." She sat up, looking around her. She saw the boys standing at the end of the bed. Severus with the tray, Viktor with the vase. Draco grinned. "What's all this?"

Severus sat the tray on her lap. "Draco made them. Viktor."

At the older man's nod Viktor placed the vase on the bed side table, turning up the song a bit.

The first thing she saw on the the tray was the little box, which she took gently in her fingers. She examined it for a moment, a wave of realization crashing into her. She covered her mouth as she opened it, tears coming to her eyes. All eyes on her she looked up speechless and smiling fondly at them.

"It's so beautiful." She whispered taking the ring from the little box. It was a iridescent opal on a silver band and Hermione instantly loved it.

"But," Viktor asked cautiously.

She looked up curiously, "But nothing. Yes! Yes of course!" She slipped it onto her hand. It fit so perfectly and she was hit with a rush of pure unadulterated joy. Setting the tray aside she got out of the bed and launched herself into their waiting arms. The warmth consumed her. She couldn't hope to be more in love.

"This is wonderful," Severus whispered into her hair. The other two hummed in agreement.



That Sunday she invited Harry and Ginny to coffee.

Ginny arrived first, "Hermione, love, you look stunning."

"I could say the same about you. You are positively glowing Ginny!" Hermione laughed hugging the red head to her tightly. "How is everything?"

"It's all good, Blaise is wonderful. What about your lover boy trio?" She asked cheekily taking off her coat as she sat down in the little iron chair.

Hermione blushed, lifting her teacup with her left hand. Ginny saw the ring and gasped. " Nothing much."

Ginny took her friend's hand studying the ring with her mouth agape. "My Lord, it's gorgeous. They all proposed?"

She nodded enthusiastically, elated that her friend was so happy about this. Harry rushed in seconds later, flushed and grinning like an idiot. He sat before Hermione could stand to hug him.

"I have big news," he announced. He rocked, tapping his feet. "I started dating someone."

"That's amazing Harry, who?" Hermione inquired, wanting to hear why he was practically jumping out of his skin.

He grinned shyly, "You remember Theodore Knott?"

Ginny was stunned as well a Hermione. They had no clue that Harry liked guys. "Oh, that's wonderful, Harry. I do hope he treats you well," Hermione said not seconds later taking his hand.

Ginny did the same, nodding. He sighed a huge breath of relief. "I was so afraid that you guys wouldn't accept it."

"We accept you no matter what, Harry," Ginny said confidently tapping his hand, with a huge smile that matched Hermione's.

After a few minutes of catching up Harry spotted the ring on Hermione's hand.

"They proposed!"

A few people looked at the table annoyed. "Harry! Hush." Ginny scolded.

"Yes, they did. Isn't it so beautiful?" She hoped that it didn't seem like she was boasting about it. Harry nodded.

"I'm glad those idiots made it official with you. Do you think you'll get them engagement bands too?"

She held up the little bag off her lap, "I did this morning. I do hope that they like them."

The three sat there for what seemed like forever. They were the new and improved golden trio.


Ahhh, we all know Harry is a bi icon.

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