[Time Skip]
I only remembered Itachi for who he was, the man that lured me in was a stranger. He looked the same, but something was different―perhaps it was the look in his eyes, or the crack to his voice. Despite coming to my cell at any given moment, I didn't know him.
"Etsuko, you should really eat something."
I knew that death was inevitable, I'd accepted that during my arrest. Though, I didn't want to be executed in front of the clan and have my last dying moments swallowed by humiliation. No, I was going to starve myself. In my mind, the only way Fugaku would allow me out of prison would be in a body bag.
My cuffs ground together and provided sound between the silence.
I narrowed my eyes at the bars. Regardless of my protest, I kept my Mangekyou active at all times.
Itachi blinked at me dumbly from the other side, he still seemed oblivious to my hostility. I'd trusted him and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt―but he stabbed me in the back. Because of him, Shisui and I were considered pawns, we were replaceable.
I should've expected this result―Danzo's Genjutsu was enough warning that shit would hit the fan eventually.
"Etsuko. . ."
In the confines of the jail, Itachi wept on his knees freely. His gloved hands almost had the strength to rattle the bars. I didn't bother giving him an inkling of sympathy. He brought this upon himself.
There was a tray of food next to him, if you could even call it that. I'd been eyeing it off silently for the past few minutes, my resolve was depleting with each grumble of my belly. Congealed rice and pickled ginger seemed to be the chef's specialty for today, though I assumed the guards had scraped the leftovers from the street.
Whimpering, he slid the tray under the metal slot for me to collect.
I ignored it completely and continued to glare.
Every time Itachi visited, he'd bring food for me to simply reject. It started off as small things, like a peach or plum, before he got the hint that it would take more to tickle my fancy. Itachi progressed to steamed vegetables and then to proteins―meagre things that would give me the sustenance I needed to survive, but I wouldn't take it.
He seemed to have reverted to the basics once more as a last ditch effort.
"Your condition will simply deteriorate," Itachi observed quietly.
He was referring to my 'black outs'. I did nothing but sit on my arse day and night to the point where I'd lost track of how many days, weeks or months I'd been confined in solitude. The blackout periods were when my blood sugar got so low that I passed out for hours on end, and then Itachi had to convince Tekka and Yashiro to force feed me tasteless food pills to keep me conscious for another few days before the cycle repeated.
"Why do you care?" I cocked my head.
This was the first time I'd spoken to him since he left me here. Upon his first visit, I cast a small Tsukuyomi on him. It was similar to the Genjutsu I'd used in the village against the vendor. I utilised flower petals to burn Itachi's skin until he was able to somewhat grasp how I felt―he ended up vomiting all over the floor afterwards. But I'm sure I was able to make my point clear.
Some part of me wanted to ask how the clan was. Danzo's Genjutsu wasn't in my escape plan and neither of us anticipated the extent of our truths. He wanted to know everything to increase the fire between the Uchiha and Hidden Leaf. The more evidence he had against Fugaku, the harder he could push for assassination. Almost ironically, Shisui and I supplied the information for the idea to arise.
I tilted my head to the other side. Fugaku hadn't died, his demise would be from Itachi's hand alone.
Though, Itachi's betrayal confused me. I wasn't aware of Danzo's Genjutsu until Itachi's summoning crow, Kuchibashi, disturbed it and tossed a scroll at Shisui. He then broke from the Genjutsu for a moment to use the body flicker technique to escape. His parting words mentioned Hiruzen, so I assumed a meeting. But I wasn't that dumb, I figured that it would've been a cover to conceal the larger picture.
I wondered if Shisui would turn on me too.
I wouldn't be surprised anymore.
I continued to stare when Itachi chose not to respond. He sighed and pulled the keys from his pocket to unlock my cell. He entered slowly but made no attempts to close the grate behind him, he was practically begging me to jump past him and run into the night.
He placed the tray along with the keys between us and sat across from me. He templed his hands and blinked at me.
I didn't understand the purpose of this stale-mate. I tried to focus on my hatred towards him, but the rice was tempting.
"You can't risk another blackout again," Itachi lifted a spoon. "Please Etsuko, you need to eat."
I looked away from him, but Itachi was nothing but persistent. He scooped up a portion of rice and coaxed it towards my lips.
Itachi took his chance by shoving the spoon into my mouth. The rice was surprisingly warm and went down with ease. Snapping out of my hunger-fuelled delirium, I spat the spoon out and attempted to make myself throw up.
"This will end exactly like with the food pills," Itachi shook his head. "I will force feed you if need be, you can't keep doing this to yourself."
I grimaced when Itachi moved his position to sit behind me. I flinched back and almost knocked over the tray of food when he gestured for me to lay against him. Was he going to slide that Tanto between my shoulders if I relaxed? Itachi exhaled and waited, sitting up suddenly made my head spin so I abided by his wish and lay back.
I held back my complaints as he placed the tray on my lap and continued to spoon feed me. After about five mouthfuls, he didn't need to persuade me anymore.
Once the bowl was empty, he lifted the offering of pickled ginger. He shimmied a slice onto the spoon and held it up to me.
"I used to hate pickled ginger," I murmured quietly as Itachi placed the slice of the bitter pink vegetable onto my tongue and waited for me to swallow. "Whenever I got it on the side with my fish, I'd give it to you or Shisui. . ."
"I know," Itachi said and picked up the second slice. "It was only when Shisui switched the salmon with ginger that you realised you liked it."
I smirked slightly.
But it all seemed too good to be true. We weren't in a restaurant, sharing a meal as friends. This was different. I was a 'criminal' and in jail until my pending execution, Itachi's actions had purpose and weren't out of kindness―there had to be an ulterior motive.