the Meggy chapter

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(Peggy P.O.V)

I didn't know how tell John. Theo told me who Angie's mystery friend was; Alexander Hamilton. Yup. I knew him personally, I actually had his number and we texted occasionally. And my best friend, John Laurens, absolutely adored him. I sighed, pinching my nose bridge, what had I gotten myself into? Alex was coming to South Carolina, and me, being the silly girl I am, invited John to where I knew Alex was going to be. Shit was about to go down.

I looked up, hearing Maria come in. She was carrying her bag and her laptop under her arm and fiddling with her keys. I walked over and locked the door, taking her bag and setting on the couch.

"Thanks Pegs." She smiled, I couldn't care less if anyone else said it, but the way Maria said my nickname made heat rise to my cheeks.

"No problem Mari." I replied, turning away.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked.

"Don't you have work?"

"You do too." She shrugged, sitting on the couch.

"Fair enough." I moved to sit next to her. "Which movie?"


"Ok, I'll set it up." I pulled out the remote and fiddled with it until I got to the Heathers, we'd never taken it out of the DVD player, so it was pretty accessible. Yeah, I still use DVDs, get over it.

As the movie progressed, I leaned on Maria's shoulder. She put an arm around my shoulders and I leaned into her side. Heathers was a good movie, but I was so close to Maria I could just twist my head a little and kiss her. I would but I mean, consent is key. I don't know what got into me today, I guess I've spent to much time with Laf and Herc.



I took a deep breath. "Maria, I love you. Im sorry, you don't have to answer I just... needed to get it off my chest." I felt blush rise to my cheeks and looked away.

(Maria P.O.V)

I looked at my roommate in shock. Margarita Schuyler, the crush I've had for years, just told me she loved me. Holy shit, this is the best day of my life. I removed my arm from around her shoulders to grab her hand.


She didn't look up.

"Peggy." I repeated, and she looked at me, cheeks flushed red. I knew mine were too, but red was my color, it's fine. "I have liked you for..." I counted on my fingers. "Four years. I was actually going to ask you out over Christmas, but the sooner the better I guess."

Her face lit up and she hugged me, causing me to topple backwards. I hugged her back and laughed, my heart had given up on being a functioning organ, it was dancing around cheering and doing backflips, which probably wasn't good for my health but I couldn't care less right now.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked. "Or is that moving too fast?"

"If you did, all my dreams would come true." I stated.

Peggy grinned and pressed her lips against mine. (sorry if this is romantically inaccurate, I've learnt everything from stories which may not be a great factual source) I swear to god my brain died in that instant, it just kinda blanked, and I wanted to go to a window and scream that I'd kissed Peggy. I kissed back and hugged her tightly. I heard the movie playing in the background, but it had been forgotten. We broke apart and sat next to each other on the couch in comfortable silence.

"So, Peggy, do you want to be my girlfriend or...?" I trailed off, not exactly sure what the other option was, but knowing I didn't want whatever it was to be the case.

"Of course!" She was beaming.

"Wanna go freak everyone out by holding hands? We can go visit Laf and Hercules." I smirked.

Peggy took my hand and pulled me up. I grabbed my jacket and shoes and pulled them on, handing Peggy, my girlfriend, hers.

"Shall we invite them over?" Peggy asked me. "We can go to a coffee shop or something now, and invite everyone over later."

"Movie night for everyone."

"Poor John, he's the only one who doesn't have a significant other."

"For once, that sentence doesn't have my name in it." I joked.

We walked out the door to the closest coffee shop. There was one on campus, and I actually worked there, so I knew the staff pretty well. Peggy went to claim a good table and I walked up to the register.

"Hey Sammy." I squealed to my friend, Samuel Seaburry.

"Hey Ri, what's up, you look giddy."

"Peggy said she loved me and we kissed and now she's my girlfriend." I squeaked.

"That's great!" He grinned. "I'm a little surprised Peggy confessed before you did, but no matter, the Meggy ship has sailed and that's good."

I laughed and ordered coffee for both us, walking back over to Peggy.

"That's Samuel, right? I've seen him around, I think we have a class together."

"Yeah, we share a lot of shifts." I sat down and handed her a cup of coffee.

"I had better get coffee on the house now." Peggy joked.

"We'll see." I winked.

"I want my free coffee Mari." She huffed and I laughed.

(Samuel P.O.V)

Aww. They're so cute. I'm so glad they're together, maybe now Ri will shut up about Peggy. Probably not, and it's cute, so I don't mind much.


a / n: it's a baby chapter, but I felt it necessary. Lots of Meggy fluff. I love Meggy fluff. If that's not how love and crushes work, you can't come for me, I have a valid excuse.

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