While I was getting ready my sister Trisha but we call her Trish called me which has been at collage she just called to tell us she is coming down this weekend.
She is studying cosmetology for the people who don't know what the is is like make up and hair.
She is really good he taught me how to my make up I tell u everyone in my family has bright blue eyes me Trish an mom are blondes and Rosie Andrew and dad are Burnett's.
Anyway I got dressed And Rosie curled my hair and I heard knocking at the door and I ran down stairs opened the door and saw my new hot date he actually cleaned up pretty well I jumped in is lambo which was amazing it was black and awesome.
He opened and closed the door for me aww so sweet. When we got in the car my favorite song was young volcanoes. I couldn't help but sing.
(The song)
Romes in ruins we are the lions free of the coliseums.
Poison places we are antivenum were the beginning of the end.
Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds it all over now we are wild we are like young volcanoes we are wild Americana,exotic,do you u wanna feel a little beautiful baby ?
I Sung the whole song the whole way their I don't think I sung it good but oh well he has to get to know me some how. He looked at me amazed and I looked at him and asked what is it?
He said you have an amazing voice. I looked at him like are u crazy. He said well you do.
Anyway we went to pineapple willies which is a amazing placed to eat well to me it is.
He looked at me with his beautiful hazel eyes which mad me shiver. He looked down at me and slowly tilted my head were I would look at him. He looked down at my lips and he ran his fingers over my bottom lip.
He kissed me but slowly almost trying not to make me forcefully kiss him. Which in my opinion it was kinda cute but I gave in and its was like sparks but on the other hand it wasn't as good as when Scott kissed me.
Then we walked in hand in hand and are waitress was like in her 30s and she started flirting with my boyfriend!
You could tell Ryder was kinda discusted anyway I told her or it what I wanted yo drink I said pink lemonade.Ryder said lemonade and then he winked at me. God I loved when he winked at me it was hot!
We talked for a while and then we went to his beach house I mostly just standed under the moon that was half fool. Ryder was just sitting in the lounge chair drinking a beer.
I took off my heals and ran up to him while sand flies every were I grab his hands and pull him out of the chair. I took him to the we're I was standing and I said isn't beautiful? He said I'm looking at something more beautiful.
I couldn't help to smile. I asked him to do you want to swim? He smiled and said but u don't have extra close? I said don't worry about it he said brb I have some swim shorts that i can rear I said kk.
He can back and damn he was holding in that 8 pack wow he sexy. He said I see u checking me out I said maybe. So what ate u gonna wear he asked. I took of my dress and said this. I see you checking me out I said almost blushing.
Yes mam I am, u didn't tell me u had a 6 pack Christine. Was I supposed to I ask curiously .Nah
I be messing with u baby.
He grabbed my hand and we walked in the water and to be honest we just mostly talked about stuff and kissed a few times then we inside he asked do want to stay hear tonight?
I said sure let me call my mom were she can drive my bro And sis yo school in the morning. I called and she said sure. He gave me one of his shirts will my bra and underwear dried I kinda just had a shirt and shorts I found the shorts In my bag.
He mad us some popcorn and we watched Titanic but I fell asleep before it went off.

Teen FictionIts about a girl who moves to this new place and she has never been to a real school before and she falls in love with a werewolf .