The Interview [INSTAGRAM]

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Liked by charlidamelio, addisonrae,imgriffinjohnson and 1,866,903 othersdixiedamelio currently looking for job applications :)avani Ik where u can apply for a job!dixiedamelio SERIOUSLY WHEREavani the strip club ;) charlidamelio avani chill my par...

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Liked by charlidamelio, addisonrae,imgriffinjohnson and 1,866,903 others
dixiedamelio currently looking for job applications :)
avani Ik where u can apply for a job!
dixiedamelio SERIOUSLY WHERE
avani the strip club ;)
charlidamelio avani chill my parents are on this app
tonylopez I bet Addison would love that and visit u every day ;)
addisonre shush helicopter boy 🚁
nickaustin don't talk to my man like that 😤
lilhuddy Dixie would be a great stripper
avani woah buddy
lilhuddy u mean huddy ;)
RylandStorms ahahaha very funny. I'm about to die of laughter      

Beatmymeats that was so funny I threw my phone across the room🤣

mikeoxlong that was so funny I ran over 17 kids🤣🤣

TheOneAndOnlyFuckBoy that was so funny I locked 5 kids in my basement 🤣🤣

dixiedamelio 👀

avani if we weren't in quarantine rn I would go over there and slap the shit out of both of u
lilhuddy for what
avani for being annoying dumb asses
Larray who pissed in your cereal today
charlidamelio did Aunt Flo come visit u today 👀
avani yes 😭
tonylopez there there avani. Glad we're in quarantine otherwise rn u would be beating my ass.
avani on second thought I think imma come over 😈
nickaustin no pls don't
alexwarren avani u scare me sometimes
lilhuddy she scares me all the time
avani I'm glad u all live in fear of me even when I'm not around
RylandStorms avani r u sure Aunt Flo just visited u because ur kinda of scaring me
avani IM FINE
charlidamelio calm down bae
avani thx Charles ;)
luvanthony u stole my girlfriend :(
avani sorry ant
ondreazlopez soo.... has anyone hooked up recently
lilhuddy I bet Addison and Dixie did yesterday ;)
addisonre we didn't :( I was at home
charlidamelio yeah booking up with Dixie
dixiedamelio we didn't tho :(
avani yeah sure u didn't...
addisonre we didn't tho
avani oh I believe u
dixiedamelio REALLY
avani nope

A/N if u didn't notice that i put my username as one of the users  in the comment section. Well... there's a story to what they were talking about that I saw on tiktok and read the comments and thought it was funny. So people were joking and saying like that was so funny I ran over 17 kids and stuff on the comments on the tiktok 🤣 And a bunch of other dark but funny stuff. And I decided to joke and say "that was so funny I locked 5 kids in my basement". yes I love dark humor🤣 

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