Chapter 27

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 When I saw the sun come up I waited for Jeff to finish his final patrols and went inside. Everything took a lot longer than I thought so I ended up being late to school. Slender man had already called the school and gave them some reason that I was late. I'm not sure what it was but it worked. 

When I got into class Toby's eyes widened and the whole class just stared at me. I wasn't sure what was going on but I didn't care. I gave my pass to the teacher and went and sat down. Toby pushed my bag over to me and just mouthed to me "we need to talk". I wasn't sure why but I just nodded and pulled my books out of my bag. The rest of the class went through in a blur. When it was finally time to switch classes Toby grabbed my things for me real fast and dragged me out of the room. He pulled me out the doors to the courtyard and dropped my things. 

"What the hell happened to you," he asked me.

"What do you mean I had patrols you know this," I said. 

"Yeah, I know that," he said, "What happened during patrols?". 


"Your neck is bleeding, you are pale as hell, and your scar is showing on your eye," He gestured to my jacket, "did you forget to put on makeup?".

I took off my jacket and saw that blood had seeped through the jacket. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it past my shoulder to see that there was blood on my chest and there was a huge gash at the base of my neck. I didn't notice it until now, and I wasn't sure how I didn't. I should have felt that or at least noticed that I was bleeding. 

"The target," I looked down at my jacket. 

"What about her,". 

"She was in the woods last night. She was tailing me. I'm not sure how long but when she was close enough that I could see her face I started to run. She chased me to the lake and I dove in and hid under the dock. I was in the water for just over an hour. Slendy had to come and help me so she wouldn't see my face,".

"You were in the water long enough it numbed your skin. It was freezing last night no wonder you can't feel it, but that still doesn't explain what happened,". 

"I'm not sure I must have hit something under the dock. I left my sweatshirt there we can go look at that I can probably tell you,".

"Okay, and we need to call Maskey during lunch and see what we are going to say about your face and neck. Everyone has seen it.".

"I know but we need to get to class right now,". 

Toby gave me his jacket to his uniform to cover up the blood and we went to class. I stuffed my jacket into my bag so no one else would see it. We walked to class and I kept getting stares from everyone. I kept thinking about school before I came here and started to panic. If that happened here there was no way I could get close to the target again.

During Science, Toby and I got called down to the office. We grabbed our bags and walked down there. I stopped by my locker to put my jacket in there and just in case they were going to search our bags I put my knives in the pockets. We walked down and the principal called us in. We were both shocked that we got into trouble on just our second day of school. We walked in a sat down and just looked at each other. No one was there except for us. We sat there in silence for about 5 minutes until the door opened and the principal walked in. 

"Do you know why you are here?" he asked us. 

We shook our heads, "You are both here for breaking dress code and (Y/N) you are here for your appearance today,".

"We have a reason for breaking the dress code right now," Toby spoke up. 

"Let's talk about (Y/N) first," he said turning to me, "Why did you think it was okay to come into school today covered in blood,". 

"Sir, I didn't know that I cut my shoulder and no one said anything to me until Toby pulled me aside and told me,". 

"You couldn't feel that?". 

"No sir," I used the first thing that came into my mind and that was Toby's disorder, "Toby and I both have CIPA Disease, meaning we can't feel pain,". 

"Okay that doesn't explain what happened,".

"Last night we went to a lake to go swimming as a dare and I decided to play a joke on Toby and hide under a dock. I must have gotten caught by a nail or something there,". 

"When we are done here go to the nurse and have her look at it,". 

"Yes sir,". 

"The dress code reason now Mr. Toby,". 

"She didn't see the blood and as you can tell she has a white jacket while mine is black. I gave her mine so no one would be able to see it,". 

"That sorts everything out. Take her to see the nurse and go to lunch,". 

We got up and left the room with that. Toby and I walked to the nurse in case he decided to call her and she cleaned it and took care of it for me. Toby told me that he packed us a lunch so we went to our lockers to get my knife and our lunches. We went to the same place we were before and called Maskey. He told us just to tell people that the foster home we were in before we came to this one was a very abusive one and they took out most of their anger on me. It wasn't far from the truth for me. I wasn't sure about Toby he never talked about his past. We made it through lunch with very little questions and then we went to fighting class for the rest of the day. 

When we walked into class I held my breath. The target came running over and introduced herself. Luckily we learned a lot and we learned that she didn't see me. We found out her name was Candy and she knew about us. Well, she knew about the creepypastas. She was actually obsessed with us. She told us about last night. She said that she saw a pasta and slender man then he came back and told her never to enter the woods again or her life will end just as easily as an ant's. She went on and on until the coach yelled at her to leave us alone and let us study. 

We figured out that we won't have to stay in this school for much longer because she would be very easy to bring back. Easy to put down too if she couldn't keep her mouth shut. When we were dismissed Toby and I got on the bus and sat in the back. People asked a lot of questions and we answered the way we were told to. The rest of the day was boring. I went to bed early so I would be able to stay awake the next day. We were hoping that tomorrow would start the real mission. 

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