Chapter 2 - How Could This Day Get Worse?

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7.30am. This place, looked as good as it ever would. Every morning i would see the work I'd done and be proud of it, then my heart would sink like the titanic, quickly and coldly. I knew it wouldn't stay like this, not even before I'd left the house. Why couldn't he just learn, I wasn't his slave. I was a young girl with a life to live. What sort of life was that? I wasn't good at anything, apart from school. How far that going to take me? Not very. Dad won't pay for Uni or College. It's not like he will let me get a job now is it? I took one final look at my work.

Upstairs, quietly. I didn't want to wake him, not today. Not any day. Unplugging my head phones, I pulled out a towel from the airing cupboard and decided I would get a shower. I turned the dial. Ice cold. Nothing new, it always was in the morning. He never turned the heating on in the night, that was my job in the morning, just so he could have a nice warm shower. It's not like he ever gets one, just too lazy. The morning routine? Up, downstairs, beer, food, TV, screams at me. No clothes needed he fell asleep in them from being so drunk. Every night nothing changes.

Once I had my ice shower it was quickly upstairs and dressed. Same old clothes as yesterday. Jeans, longest top i could find, biggest hoodie I owned and my dog tags. Those were so special to me, I would never go anywhere without them. It wasn't just my dog tags, no. I had 2 dog tags on it, they were both special to me, one had bible verses on the other had some christian points, I also had my purple glass cross, I'd had this since I could remember. The last thing it had on was my guitar pick, it was my first ever guitar pick. I loved it. I've played since I was 7. I wrote my own music and lyrics, I was just to shy to show anyone.

I didn't own a guitar, I played it in "Ronnie's". It was a music shop. The guy who ran is was obviously Ronnie. He had a son called Chris, he was quite cute. I did ask him out once but he ran away, from then on I've avoided him. Ronnie knew about this and let me use the back room, he never listened in. Ronnie was like a real Dad, I just wish he was my real dad. Ronnie gave my that guitar pick to show me I was always welcome, and I was.

I'd finally finished getting ready, it didn't take long I just had to tidy up and make sure everything was okay in my room first. I creaped back downstairs. I checked around the house. No one? Surely he was awake? 8:00am. Finally I could leave.

10 Minutes Later

I don't know if my day gets better or worse at this point. Staring at these gates, dare I walk through or do i run? The amount of times this thought ran through my head was like ╥. It was almost too many you could be bothered to count. Theses gates were like a hurdle. Something I had to overcome. With all my might i pushed open the gate and walked into what held my future, my fait, my life. Clutching my folders with the cuffs of my sleeves I walked through the doors into school. Alone. Apart from the teachers I was always the first in.

"Morning Miss Rose." sharply I turned round to see who it was. Thankfully it was only Mr Jameison. I liked Mr Jameison, he was our head teacher and a great one too. Quite young, funny and sweet, that's what he was like. No student disliked him. "Morning Mr Jameison." I turned around, smiled and waved to him. As I turned back round to head into the library, *smack*. Oh god I bumped into someone. "I'm so so so sorr...." as I looked up mid sentence, I released who it was. I dropped all my stuff and ran.

Why was he here? He was always late! Wait...what had done? I'd just dropped all my stuff, in front of him. I looked down at my dog tags. Why does this happen to me? I had to go back, all my work, my stories, artwork, songs I'd written, basically everything that had a meaning to me. I put my hands in my jean pockets. How could I of left them in my bag!? My phone and my iPod! That was when knew I had to go back.  Steadily and slowly a stuck my head round the corner.

Oh shoot! He was there picking it all up, he was reading my stories, looking at my music and it looked like he was admiring my art work? Wait? What was he doing! No!i had to stop him. I sharply stepped around the corner. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He had no right to look through my stuff. "Lily, I came in early to speak to you, I honestly didn't mean to go through your stuff. Well when you saw me you dropped everything and ran away from me. I was gathering it up to give back to you." as he started telling me all of this I started to believe him.

"Why did you want me then? Eh Chris? The last time we spoke you ran off and left me." I felt tears starting to trickle through, I wasn't going to show him I cared. "I never mean..." I stopped him before he could finish. "I don't care if you meant to or not. Can I have my work so I can go?" he gave me my stuff but held onto my arm. "Just let me explain why I wanted to talk to you?" I didn't want to let him but I did. "Fine, as long as we go to the library." we both looked at each other and nodded.

I didn't know what to do as we walked to the library, so we just stay in silence. Why was it such a long walk? It took 10 to 15 minutes to walk there. We carried on walking I couldn't help but think about the pictures on his phone. why did he want them? What was so special about them that he wanted a picture of them?

7 Minutes later

Eventually we had got here. Silence. That's what i had experienced the full way. I just hoped he would just tell me instead of just be silent. "You had to take the furthest away area in the school didn't you?" he laughed. I always liked his laugh, it was cute. I had to smile. "Yes you smiled your just trying to hide it! I made you smile!" I couldn't help but laugh. Chris was doing a little Irish gig. It was quite cute. Would he finally tell me why he wanted to talk to me or would this all be a little secret to him? I just hoped he would tell me.

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