Day 15

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Elliott woke up to the sound of his name being called.

"Elliott. Elliott, wake up".

He lifted himself up of the cot groggily, eyes searching the nearly pitch-black room until his eyes landed on the walkie-talkie that sat by the door, it's small red, blipping light blinking in the darkness. What sounded like Bloodhound's voice crackled through the speaker.

Why were they calling him at this time of night?

"Get out of bed and pick up the radio,".

"...wut?" he slurred, stumbling over to the device that sputtered to life, "Whaddaya want?".

"My little boy...".

"Oh," Elliott smiled softly, "Hi, mama...".

"Mijo... you sound tired,".

"... I am,".

"Are you having a nice time?".

Through bleary eyes, Elliott looked down at the radio and sighed softly, "I am. It's.... It's really nice here, mama. You'd love it,".

She hummed, "I'm sure I would, hijo... I'm sure I would,".

"I wish you could see it,".

" Me too, Elliott. But I'll let you get back to sleep now,".

"Okay, mama,".

There was a small pause, and Elliott shifted on his feet as tiredness and gravity threatened to drag him down.

"Bloodhound seems nice,".

"Y- yeah... they are, they really are,".

".... buenas noches, querido".

He yawned and set the walkie-talkie down, muttering, "Adios, mama...".

".... I love you, ".

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