The words ran out of his mouth almost in a jumble. My eyes widened. My heart beat quickened. My only friend in the world, the only one who actually gave a shit about me, was leaving me forever. He had to be kidding. He had to. I started laughing hysterically as I watched confusion forming on Chris' face. He sat there awkwardly while I laughed madly, hoping this was all a joke or a dream. Finally, my hysterical laughter turned into hysterical sobs. Tears stained my cheeks as they fell to Chris' clean bed. I felt the weight and shape of a hand touch my back. I was suddenly engulfed in a hug. I quickly wiped my tears away. I took a few deep, yet painful, breaths and said, "W-when are y-you leavi-ing?" I managed to stutter the broken words. "In a week." Chris responded calmly, although I could hear the lump in his throat that caused him to croak out the words. I sighed and said, "Well then, I guess we have a week to achieve our friendship goals, don't we?" I didn't have anything in mind, but it sounded nice. Instead of asking me what I meant, he smiled a bit and mumbled, "Okay." He let his head drop and sighed. While I was blinking back more tears, I saw his eyes widen. He looked up at me and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but decided against it. He stood up and said, "Well, let's start now." I chuckled a bit at his sudden enthusiasm. I stood up as well. "Okay, what do you wanna do?" I asked him. He looked down for a moment while thinking and jerked his head back up when he had an instant idea. "Well, we could go to the Alton Towers?" He questioned, but I already knew it was a no. I shook my head in response, not only was it too expensive but my parents wouldn't let me go anywhere as far as the Alton Towers. I wish we could go to the fascinating amusement park, but my amount of luck, if I had any, didn't cover it. I explained to him that it cost way too much, and he agreed. "Well, I know what we should do first." He said, giving me a sympathetic smile. "And what's that?" I asked. Suddenly, he rolled up my sleeves, revealing the large cuts that made their way around half of my arm. I could feel my face grow pale as I saw the tears welling in Chris' eyes. He saw. He knew. "Chris, I-" I started, but he cut me off by saying, "First, we talk about this."A/N: ALMOST 100 READS THIS IS CRAZY AHHHH!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to be writing this phanfic and just thank you all. Byeeee :D

The Heartthrob
FanfictionDan Howell is the most popular teen in school, with an amazing reputation. He likes to pick on students who are useless in this world. Phil Lester is a nobody. He has no friends, no social life, and no happiness. He is also one of Dan's victims. Whe...