Chapter 26.

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"He's..." Ben felt like he'd swallowed shards of glass. "He's not gonna make it?"

Luke closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "it's a miracle he's made it this long. Han was on death's doorstep when Rey found him, I honestly have no idea how he even made it through the night. The doctors don't know either, he was obviously fighting for something. Ben, I know you and Han have always had your differences but I promise you, you need to listen to him, or else I know you'll regret it forever. Please hear him out, he could die at any moment. I'm sorry you're going to see him like this, and remember him like this." Luke apologized.

Ben nodded slightly but didn't say anything for the rest of the car ride. Replaying the memories, both good and bad of his father. Ben felt his palms sweat and his heart rate sped up as Luke parked the car in the parking lot.

Anxiety took form and Ben could hardly keep himself from fidgeting. Him and Luke stayed silent throughout the walk, the elevator ride and until they reached Han's room. Luke put his hand on Ben's shoulder and gave him a sorrowful look before giving him a gentle pat and turned around to return to the lobby.

Ben stood in front of the door, feeling like his feet were cemented into the floor. He shouldn't be this nervous to see his father but here he was. Open the door. Come on Ben. You can do it.

He took a deep breath and his hand covered the handle and pushed open the door. The sight before him would forever burn in his memory.

His father was thin and pale as snow and looked brittle, like with one wrong move he'd break in half. His eyes were swollen, black and blue, he had patches of bruises all over his body. Ben could hardly imagine what the rest of his body looked like under the blanket. Han was hooked up to machines and wires to no end. Seeing him this immobile hurt Ben. His father, good or bad, was always larger than life and full of energy. Seeing him in this state must've hurt his father more than anything Ben was feeling.

Ben opened his mouth to speak but he was lost for words. He shifted his weight awkwardly and he must've made some identifiable noise because Han's head turned to face him. His eyes opened wider which looked painful, "who—who's that?" He half whispered.

Ben gulped, "hi dad."

Han raised his eyebrows and his mouth opened agape. His eyes then widened and with his quivering hand, beckoned Ben to sit by his bedside.

Ben did so without a word and sat next to his father. Han's shaky hand pointed at his son and he whispered, "B-Ben? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, it's me dad. How are you feeling?"

Han stifled a chuckle that sent Ben back into the memories of his past when him and Han would laugh after playing a prank on Leia. "I'm feeling better now, kid. Damn, look at you." Han's lips twitched up into a sideways smile.

"Changed a little bit huh?" Ben joked.

Han flashed him his infamous smirk, "just a little. You've still got your mom's eyes. She looked at me the same way since she's seen me here."

"Oh...I don't know if I should apologize. Pity is not something the Solo's like."

Han touched Ben's hand and he felt a rush of warmth shoot up his arm and into his body. "You've got that right. You've kept the family name, no longer Kylo Ren?"

"Kylo Ren is dead." Ben answered affirmatively.

Han nodded and squeezed Ben's hand, "I'm proud of you, kid."

"Why? How can you say that?"

"You've grown you so much. You know who you are. I'm sorry I never got to teach you that. I suppose I should apologize for a lot of things I did to you back then." Han's raspy voice spoke. Ben jumped up and retrieved some water and gave it to his father to accepted it with shaking hands.

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