Chapter 3: Anyone else but me.

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Anyone else but me.

"So... what you're trying to say is you're a ghost and I'm the only one that can see you," I narrated what seemed to be his words.

"Not a ghost, just... actually, I don't have a word for my state. I'm still alive. I mean I'm still breathing and my body is lying in the hospital, comatose and you're the first person who has seen me in this state since the last two days."

I blinked a few times, his story not quite adding up to my understanding.

"Does this make sense? Let's assume whatever you just said is the truth... why me? Why not anyone else but me? We're not even friends."

"Yes, I understand that part but maybe... maybe there's a good explanation yet to be found." He added, taking a step closer. His fixated eyes on me held hope and gratefulness. For a moment, I was lost in them and only shook my head in refusal as I took a step back to recall my senses.

"No. I can't do this. I don't believe a word you just said. You're a fiction of my imagination. Something my mind probably cooked up out of guilt. I refuse to believe that I can see a ghost."

"Again, I'm not a ghost and why do you keep mentioning guilt?" He defended. I opened my mouth to explain but the innocent look in his eyes forced my mouth shut.

"It doesn't matter what I meant. We're Nigerians and you know what seeing a ghost will be interpreted as. Therefore, I'm going to say this one last time."

I took a step closer, facing him head-on.

"Go away." Having said the needed, I turned away, walking out of the desolate spot behind the school I'd found.

"Rida don't be like that. I'm going to keep stalking you till you accept your reality." He threatened from behind but I'd decided to put him behind me, pretend like he's not there and sooner than later, my mind will accept the truth and stop playing tricks on me.

"Rida where have you been?" Laila's call caught my attention and as I turned to her, I couldn't help smiling, grateful for her interruption in just the right period.

She locked her arm with mine. "Are you okay? You seemed a little off in the restroom." She stated as we walked away towards the cafeteria.

"I saw something that gave me a scare but I'm over it."

"You sure? I hope you're not ill."

"If seeing me can be accounted for as being ill then maybe you are." Bayo's voice intervened. I knew he was walking alongside us, right by my side but I wasn't going to spare him a glance or attention.

"Tell her you're ill." He added.

"Let's hurry up. Break-time will soon be up." I told Laila, hastening my steps and pulling her along with me.

* * *

"Rida, Laila here are your test scripts." Andrew, the class president handed ours over to me and Laila.

Unfolding the sheet, I read the score that had been graded to me.

"six. I got six out of ten. What's your score?" Laila queried as she peeped over to mine after having gone through hers.

"Nine. Wow, Rida." Her sentence seemed to read excitement but at the same time felt a bit down. I didn't feel good about my score especially... especially...

"I wrote that test. Ask for my script." Bayo's voice interrupted my thoughts. I couldn't help sparing him a glare. ...especially when I'll end up coming second to him.

"Go on. Ask for my script. I want to know my score." He urged. I shifted my eyes away from him, folding the sheet into two, I continued my steps towards my seat, ignoring him.

I sat still. My body was present but my mind somewhere else. I could feel his presence hovering around me. He hasn't said a word since his last request to find out his score. I didn't want to see his face. I didn't like feeling guilty either for a feeling I rarely have control over. It just didn't feel fair and right.

I shifted my eyes to his seat and there he sat, paying attention to the teacher as if he was present. He looked at my side and our eyes met. Nothing made sense.

Why me? Why not anyone else but me?

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