-Chapter 27-

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a/n What. The. Frick. This story just hit 3.1k reads and I am so thankful for each and every reader, I've said this so much but THANK YOU ALL! Okay sorry back to the story :))

Clarke's POV:

Monday, great. I ripped the sheets off of myself and stood up to look in the mirror. I had gotten barely any sleep since the night at Lexa's house and I looked like a total mess. I headed downstairs, thanking god that I had a free period first class. I stepped into the kitchen and my eyes fell on the wilting bouquet of flowers Lexa had gotten me. I felt tears form in my eyes followed by a surge of anger. I gripped the stems of the flowers and snatched the bouquet from the vase. I opened up the trash can and was about to throw the flowers in when a note fell out of the center of the stems. I dropped the bouquet and picked up the note.


Happy 2 months nerd, I'm really bad at writing cards but I want to say that I'm so lucky to have you, you always make me smile and I can't wait to spend more time with you.

From Lexa

I closed my eyes and felt a tear run down my cheek. I screwed up the note and smacked my fist onto the kitchen counter, the familiar question flew around my head, why? Why did you do it Lexa? I shook my head to get rid of the thought. 'You don't need her.' I thought to myself as I walked back upstairs. 'She's not worth your time.' I thought to myself as I had a shower. 'She's a cheater.' I thought to myself as I did my makeup. 'She doesn't deserve me.' I thought to myself as I drove to school. 'She's probably done this before.' I thought to myself as I walked into school. 'She's so beautiful.' I thought to myself when I saw her standing in front of me. Shit!

"Clarke? You there?" She laughed as she waved a hand in front of my face. I blinked a couple of times as my eyes focused on Lexa's face. I kept my face blank.

"Yep." I said, I tried to push past her to get to my locker but she side stepped to block me off.

"Clarke is something bothering you? You've been acting different." She put her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged her hand off.

"Oh, I think you know what's bothering me." I spat, Lexa took a step back in surprise at the aggression in my voice and I stepped past her and headed to my locker.


I got to the library and sat down at one of the desks to study, I flicked through my bio textbook for a few minutes when I felt someone watching me. I turned around and saw Avery staring intently at me. She held my gaze and stood up. I turned back towards my textbook to continue studying when Avery grabbed a chair and sat opposite me. I gave her a questioning look and she just rolled her eyes. I sat back in my chair.

"Um, hi?" I asked, confused. She scoffed.

"Wow, just hi? You missed my birthday party two days ago." She said, examining her nails. I raised an eyebrow, she noticed my expression, "It's on the group chat." I grabbed my phone from my bag and opened the chat, I hadn't even looked at it for weeks, I saw the invitation and looked back up at Avery.

"I didn't think you'd want me there." I lied, I wouldn't have wanted to go even if I had of seen the invitation. Avery looked so confused. I smirked to myself, she was confused that I didn't need her anymore.

"Whatever, you missed out." She said standing up.

"Oh, I'm sure." I replied sarcastically, Avery huffed and walked away. I chuckled to myself and continued to study.

Lexa's POV:

She knew. I didn't know how but she did. I sat in Maths waiting for the bell to ring so that I could hopefully catch her before we went into bio. I was panicking, I ruined everything.

"Lexa? The bell went, you can go." The Maths teacher said. Shit! I jumped up and grabbed my books. I sprinted out of the classroom and headed to N block, knocking into several people on the way. I burst into the bio classroom and looked towards mine and Clarke's desk. She wasn't there, I scanned the room and saw her sitting next to Finn on the opposite side of the room. My heart sunk at the fact that Clarke would rather sit next to Finn instead of me. I trudged to my familiar seat at the back of the class, I glanced at the empty seat next to me and then at Clarke on the other side of the room, she was watching me and diverted her gaze when our eyes met. I looked back down at my notes and could see the pages going blurry from my tears. I wiped my eyes quickly, glad that I hadn't put mascara on this morning.

At the end of second class I had a free period so I headed to the beach to get some ice cream. On the way to my car I saw Clarke walking towards M block. I quickened my pace to try catch up with her.

"Clarke!" I called out, she was about ten metres away from me. She stopped and turned around slowly. I walked the rest of the way up to her, she turned away from me so I grabbed her arm lightly and spun her to face me.

"Clarke, I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong but I can expla-"

"I don't want your explanation, Lexa. I don't want to even look at you right now." Her voice cracked slightly and I felt my heart shatter, I had hurt her and I didn't think she was going to forgive me.

"I'm so sorry, Clarke-" I said, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah well sorry just isn't enough this time Lexa." She said as she pushed past me for the second time that day. I stood in the empty corridor and let my arms fall to my side while a tear slid down my face. I saw some freshmen walking my way so I quickly wiped my face and walked to my car, I needed to get home

Sorry for the short chapter! I have been kinda busy these last few days. Also I'm curious, how many of you guys would want me to write another Clexa fanfic? I've got some ideas but I'm not sure if anyone will read it, please let me know in the comments, also feel free to give me other ideas for a new fanfic or for this one. And again, Thank You all <3


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