This story is about a girl named Y/N she is 21 years old. She is from London but she moved to Florida to work at Disneyland. She moved with her best friend named Sarah because she has an abusive boyfriend. One day when she is one of the Disney princ...
A few months ago was Louis concert, I will never forget that day, the day he asked me on stage to be his girlfriend. All the fans are really nice to me, some give me hate but not too bad. Btw today is Daniëlle almost 9 months pregnant. Everyone stays home in case something happens, even Sarah and I could get a few weeks off. Liam is really stressed, he thinks he won't be a good father. And he is scared for the birth of the twins. Yeah you heard it right, twins. Daniëlle is pregnant with twins, they found out when she was already 6/7 months pregnant. It will be 2 girls. Me, Sarah and Daniëlle keep thinking for names but we can't think of good ones, I mean Daniëlle don't like the names. So Sarah and I stopped telling her, we just write the names on a paper and we will give it to her when the twins are born and she and Liam still don't have names. Today me and Louis are going on a date, we're going to the beach. Because I love the beach and the weather is nice. I was sitting on my bed waiting for Louis to come out the shower, so I could shower too. I already had a outfit for the date and Louis too. After a few minutes waiting Louis came finally out the shower. "Finally." I said and jumped up. "You could've joined me. Then we would be done already." He said and winked. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. "I don't think so. I think we would be in the shower till tomorrow. You know were that would be going." I said and laughed at the end, I could hear Louis laughing too. When I was done showering I dried my hair and put on my bikini and clothes. I walked out the bathroom and made a pirouette. "You look lovely, love." Louis said and wrapped his arms around my body. "You too, Lou." I said.
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We walked to the car and left to the beach. When we arrived, I jumped out the car and ran to the beach, Louis followed behind me. When I stopped Louis wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around. We both started laughing really hard, what caused us to fall on the ground. I fell on top of Louis and gave a kiss. I jumped up and ran to the water. "Lou come!" I screamed. He came running to me and ran in the cold water. "It's a little cold." He said with a high voice. I started laughing really hard. We went for a swim and then got out of the water. We laid on our towels and were sunbathing, when I got a call from Liam. "Hi Liam. What's wrong?" I said. "You need to come home. No I mean the hospital. Daniëlle's water just broke." He said. "What?!" I screamed and jumped up, Louis looked at me with a confused look. I reached for his hand and helped him up. I started walking to the car with Louis behind me. "We are on our way, Liam. We will be at the hospital in a hour." I said and hung up. "Why the hospital? What happened?" Louis asked. "It's Daniëlle." I said. "Oh." Was the only thing he said. We got in the car and drove to the hospital.
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We arrived at the hospital after a hour. Louis and I jumped out the car and ran inside. Niall and Sarah were waiting for us. "Which room?" I asked. "Room 107. Come." Sarah said and led me and Louis to the room. We knocked on the door and Liam opened the door. When he saw me he gave me a hug immediatly. "I'm scared, Y/N." He whispered in my ear. "Don't be. Daniëlle is a strong women." I whispered back. "How far is she?" I asked when we broke the hug. "She is almost ready, the doctors say."He said. "Do you wanna see her, before she goes in labor?" He asked. "Sure." I said. Liam opened the door and led me and Louis in the room. Louis stayed behind and I almost ran to Daniëlle. "Hi girl. How are you doing?" I asked and gave her a hug. "I feel awesome." She said and laughed a little. "Actually I feel good, it just hurts a little the whole time and sometimes it's really bad the pain." She said and then her face twitched in pain. She squeezed my hand really hard. A little scream escaped my mouth and Liam and Louis ran to us. A doctor came walking in the room and looked at us. "Uhm I don't want to sound rude, but can you 2 leave. She is ready." He said and pointed at me and Louis. "Ofcourse. You can do it girl." I said and walked away with Louis behind me. "Are you okay, love? You screamed when Daniëlle squeezed your hand." He said and took my hand in his. I pulled my hand back because it hurted. "No it hurts." I said and looked at my hand. "Someone need to look at it." Sarah said when she saw that my hand was swollen. "Good idea. Lou will you please come with me?" I asked him. "Sure, love." He said and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. We walked to the first aid and checked in. After a few minutes a nurse called me in. They took x-ray pictures off my hand and send me back to the waiting room. "How did it go? Is it broken or do you have to wait for the results?" Louis asked me. "Taking the photo's hurted really bad, because I had to move my hand and fingers. And I need to wait for the results." I said. "Oh okay. I hope it doesn't take too long then."He said and wrapped his arms around me, I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. After I think a hour, Louis shaked my shoulder. "Love the nurse is back." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked up. "Miss I have the results. Your hand is indeed broken. But may I ask what happened?" She said. "I was with my friend who is going in labor, she got a contraction and I was holding her hand so she squeezed my hand really hard." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Oh. Well follow me then. Your uhm...boyfriend? Can come too." She said. Louis and I got up and followed her. She led us in a room and took everything that was needed to put a cast on my hand. She gave me some instructions so she could put the cast on my hand. I have to tell, it hurts. After almost a hour the cast was put on my hand. "The next time when someone is holding your hand, don't let them break it." The nurse said and laughed at me. Louis and I laughed too. "In 3 weeks you can come back to check your hand." She said and got up. "Thanks." I said and got up too. "Your free to go now." She said and opened the door. Louis and I walked back to Sarah and Niall. "Hi how is she doing?" I asked when we reached them. "Uhmm bad? You will hear any minute." Niall said and looked kinda scared. "Okay??" I said and looked confused. Louis and I sat down and looked around, after a few minutes we heard someone scream. "Was that Daniëlle?" I asked shocked. "Yes she has it really bad." Sarah said. After a few times hearing Daniëlle scream we got used to it. A few times I yawned, Louis looked at me. "Love go sleep, it will take awhile." He said and kissed me on my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and fell asleep. After a hour or 2, I think, someone woke me up by shaking my shoulder. I looked up and saw a happy but also exhausted Liam standing infront of me. "Liam!" I yelled. "Shh. Come." He said and got my hand. I looked around and saw that the others were still sleeping. I followed him to the room and saw Daniëlle lying on the bed with the babies in her arms. "OMG. They are so cute." I whisper screamed. "Haha I know right." Liam said and looked in love already. "Do you want to hold them?" Daniëlle asked. "Sure but not both. I'm scared I will let them fall." I said and walked to the bed. "What did you call them?" I asked. "This is Claire and this is Naomi." Daniëlle said and gave me Claire. I kept looking at Claire for a few seconds straight and then started crying. "Sis what's wrong?" Liam asked worried. "Nothing, I just want a baby now. Their so cute." I said still crying. Daniëlle started laughing. "Your kidding me. Please wait a few years. I'm too young to become a uncle." He said and laughed too. "Oh your too young to become a uncle but I'm not to young to become a aunt." I said and looked in disbelief at him. "And your too young to become a mother." He said serious now. "What? What about you?" I said and got a little angry. "Uhmm." Was the only thing he said. "Now you have nothing too say, huh?" I said. "I just...Oh shut up. I won't stop you." He said and crossed his arms. "Don't worry Liam. I will wait." I said and smiled. "Good. Why did you start this conversation at first then?" He said a little irritated. "Because I don't like it when people tell me what I should do or not. But don't worry I won't get a kid anytime soon. I didn't even had sex or have sex." I said and laughed at the end because Liam covered his ears. "I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MY SISTERS SEX LIFE!" He whisper screamed. Daniëlle and I started laughing really hard. "I will get the others." He said and almost ran out the room. "I think he didn't want to hear that." Daniëlle said still laughing. Claire started crying in my arms, what made me sad. "Oh Claire please don't cry, honey." I said trying not to cry. But she kept crying, Daniëlle looked at me and said. "Do you want me to take her?" She asked. "No your tired try to sleep." I said and rocked Claire in my arms. Louis came walking in the room and saw me holding Claire and smiled. "You would be a good mom, love." He whispered in my ear before giving me a kiss. Daniëlle was fallen asleep so Louis took Naomi. "What's her name?" He asked me. "Your holding Naomi, I'm holding Claire." I said and managed to stop Claire with crying. "Btw you would be a good father." I said and smiled. "Thanks, love." He said and smiled back at me. After a hour holding Claire she started crying again. "Oh Claire, what's wrong, honey?" I said, but she kept crying and after a few seconds I started crying too. "Love what's wrong?" Louis asked me, worried. "I don't know, I just want to cry. And it makes me sad that Claire is crying. So yeah it's hard to not cry." I said, crying. "Why do you want to cry? What's wrong?" He asked me. "I don't really know. But when I saw Claire and Naomi, I wanted a baby myself. And then Liam got a little mad. I think it hit me pretty hard that he don't want me to become a mom already." I said, sobbing a little. "That's the problem with most woman, when they see a baby they want one too." He said and smiled. "I saw babies first but didn't want a child myself but now I'm happy and have a lovely boyfriend I trust, so maybe that's the problem." I said and then looked shocked when I realised what I said. Shit this means I'm ready, I thought. "What?" He asked confused, when he saw me looking shocked. "Nothing I just realised something." I said and turned a little red. "There is something wrong. I can see it in your eyes." He said and looked suspicious at me. "Lou please, I don't want to say it now. I'm still shocked by what I just realised. I will tell you I promise, but not now." I said and looked in his eyes. "Okay, love. I will wait." He said. Louis and I sat down on the chairs and were rocking Claire and Naomi. After a few minutes Liam came in the room with the others behind him. "Aww they're so cute." Sarah said. "I know." I said, smiling. "Can I hold them, Liam?" Sarah asked him. "Yeah ofcourse. Niall do you want to hold them too?" He asked. Niall nodded, nervously. "Here take Claire." I said, giving Claire to Sarah. Louis gave Naomi to Niall. "Wait! Sis what happened to your hand?" Liam screamed after me, when I walked to the door. "Daniëlle squeezed my hand and broke it. I'm not mad." I said, smiling. "Wait, she did?" He asked. "Yeah why would I say it then?" I said, shaking my head. "I'm sorry then. Btw where are you going?" He said. "Don't be sorry. And I think that I'm going home, it's getting late and I'm really tired." I said, a yawn escaping my mouth. "I'm coming with you, love." Louis said getting up. "Goodnight then." Liam said. "Thanks you too." I said. Louis and I walked outside to the car and left.
When we arrived home, we went upstairs immediatly. "I'm going to take a quick shower." I said and went in the bathroom. After I showerd I realised that I forgot my pajamas and lingerie. I wrapped the towel around my waist and looked in the room. Louis was lying on our bed playing on his phone. I ran on my toes in the closet. "Love? Wat are you doing?"Louis asked when he heard me, I started panicking a little when he came walking to the closet. "Uhm nothing. Just getting some clothes." I said, nervous. I was looking through my lingerie, when I felt Louis' arms wrap around my waist. I gasped for air and turned around quickly. "Louis, I-I..." I started saying but the words didn't come out. "God, do you even know how much I love you?" He asked me. "N-no." I stuttered. "I can't explain. Words aren't enough for that. You mean the world to me, love. I can't even think about the moment that I have to live without you." He said, looking in my eyes. I started smiling. "Thanks Lou. But you don't have to think about that moment, because I will stay with you for always and forever." I said gettin on my toes, giving him a kiss on his mouth. We were kissing for a few seconds when my towel fell of me. I gasped and grapped it quickly. Louis held his eyes closed for privacy. "Can I look?" He asked, after a few seconds. "Yeah, you didn't need to keep your eyes closed." I said, laughing. "Well I didn't know,maybe you would get mad if I didn't." He said, laughing too. "Yeah probably, but still. If this happens again, you can keep your eyes open." I said, still laughing. I finally found the right lingerie set and pajamas. "Lou can you let me go. I need to put on my pajamas." I said, turning around. He let go of me and turned around. "Really Lou. You still turn around when I put on my clothes? You can turn back around I'm almost done." I said, laughing. He turned around and saw me standing only in my lingerie. "I-I-I...thought you said that you were almost ready." He said, turning red. "Yeah almost." I said, laughing. "Your turning red, Lou. Why is that?" I asked him, smirking. "I-I-I, god damn. I don't know, well actually I know, but I-I-I..." He was trying to say, but he failed. "Did I make you speechless?" I asked, teasing him. "Y-Yeah you did. Why are you teasing me? That's really mean." He said, walking over to me. I put on my pajamas on and looked at him. "It's funny that you can't talk." I said, laughing. Before I knew it Louis threw me over his shoulders and started tickling my sides. I started laughing really hard and hit him on his back. After a few minutes he threw me on our bed. Louis jumped in bed besides me. "Because you made me laugh so hard, I'm exhausted. So no tickling anymore, I need sleep." I said, turning to him. "I know, love. That's why I threw you on our bed. So go sleep." He said, giving me a kiss on my forehead. He pulled me in his chest and I closed my eyes. After a few minutes I was fast asleep.