You had recently moved to Detroit... The place was intriguing to you. You were an officer in training, undecided if this job was really for you. Though the job had it's perks, the stress and pressure that came with this job was something that threw you off, and that was just your training.
Nervous, you entered the station without any great expectations for your day. You were informed that you'll be working under lieutenant Anderson, whom you had heard about from some incidents you had been keeping a close watch on. You asked an officer of Anderson's whereabouts.
"See the first desk on the left down the hall... And be careful. That jackass has been barking since he came today on that android he has... He's probably still hungover. Don't get on his nerves. "
You thanked the officer and went on to find the lieutenant. True to the information, he was not in a good mood. You walked in on him screaming at an android who was calmly listening.
"I told you to keep your hands off of my stuff. Are you unable to fit that tiny command in your fucking head?" Anderson screamed. The android, who you believed to be named Connor, replied in a cool tone" Lieutenant, I need to scan these files and documents so as to interpret the cases better. You need to understand it was not my aim to touch your personal thi--" "Just shut up and get lost! I'm already having enough of a headache. Last thing I need is your stupid bickering."
Though shocked and nervous , you made your way to Anderson and straightened a bit. You cleared your throat. Connor was the first one to notice you.
" Um... Hi... Lieutenant... Lovely day... " You mentally slapped yourself for what you had just said out of nervousness.
"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want? "Anderson groaned ."Oh .. um... I'm y/n ... I'm the trainee assigned to you to assist you in deviant cases..." You replied, voice coming out like a squeak.
"Goddammit... Wasn't this annoying android enough to piss me off? They assigned another person and that too a young and stupid one .. " Anderson slammed his head on the desk.
"Sir, we don't know her to say that she is stupid or wants to piss you off. It's merely her duty she's attending to--" Connor said.
"Then why don't you take care of her? You know just as much as I do about these cases. Fill her in on everything. And feel free to not disturb me the rest of the day." Anderson said.
"But sir I'm here to--" you started but were cut off with Anderson's fist slamming into the desk.
"Did I not make myself clear enough? Assist him today. Get the fuck outta my way." Anderson said as he got up to get his 4th cup of coffee.
"Very well, lieutenant." Connor said, but Anderson had already walked away. You shifted awkwardly on your feet. "So..."
" I believe I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Connor, the android sent by CyberLife. I'm currently assisting lieutenant with deviant cases. " Connor said.
"Hi! I'm .. umm... Y/n... Nice to meet you I guess..." You said. The moment you had entered the room, you had noticed how beautiful Connor was, and it was definitely not helping your nervousness. You rarely felt nervous, but situations like these where a handsome guy was standing in front of you, you couldn't even focus on forming words.
Connor smiled at you. "I.. should I call you sir or..." You asked .
"That is not necessary, officer, since me and you are technically equals. We both are assisting lieutenant. And I'm sorry for his behaviour, but believe me when I say this is one of his nice mornings..." Connor replied.
You finally felt yourself relax as you were talking to Connor, smiling at him slightly. What you didn't know is Connor had also noticed you the moment you approached Anderson and thought you to be intriguing.
"Shall we proceed to reading the files, y/n?" Connor asked. You nodded and walked with Connor to his desk. Connor talked to you through the previous cases they had solved and the current unsolved ones. You were caught up reading the cases, finding each one unique and interesting.
"But I don't agree, Connor. The deviant showed signs of past trauma , and the company was requested to replace two of its limbs. This deviancy isn't mere coincidence. Humans treat androids like they are nothing, but androids deserve their rights too. This kind of treatment isn't fair in any form.." As you were studying the files, trying to understand each case , you didn't notice Connor studying you instead, humming at your advices , smiling at how excited you were for the cases.
"Would you like to venture out into the wild and hunt for sustenance with me? " You asked the next afternoon.
" I believe we are past that timeline, y/n and humans no longer need to-- "
" Come have lunch with me, you silly... And please learn some puns and sarcasm... I don't know how you survived with Anderson without learning sarcasm..." You laughed.
"Aah I see. Lieutenant tends to be sarcastic eighty percent of the time , and often says to shove my opinion up my ass, but opinion has no physical form, so I feel conflicted about whether to correct him or--"
"Connor stop! I'll die of your cuteness oh my god that's... " You said while laughing, unable to stop.
You didn't notice the blush that had creeped into Connor's cheeks at your comment.
Everyday, Anderson would make up an excuse to get rid of you and Connor, meaning you had to spend most of the time together, as days were going by. But you didn't mind at all. You preferred Connor over the screaming of lieutenant any day. Connor was also feeling attached to you, in weird ways. He hadn't been interested in any human like that before, and it had only been about 3 weeks.
Connor would look at you with wonder and adoration, not knowing what to do. He found you charming, funny and cute.
You found him adorable, charming and unbelievably handsome. But you were too embarrassed to admit it to anyone. He made assisting Anderson seem not that horrible.
" Oh come on, would you stop staring at her like that? Staring won't get you laid. Just go and tell her you like her, it's not that big of a deal goddammit!" Anderson said to Connor , who was sitting at his desk looking at you across the office, you were working on some files.
"I'm not sure what you're proposing, lieutenant. " Connor replied.
" What I'm proposing is that you need to stop looking at her like an eagle and go tell her you fucking like her. " Anderson said.
Connor blushed at his assumptions.
"But I don't know how to approach her, Lieutenant. " Connor said in a small voice
"Come on now, do I have to teach you how to date? " Anderson groaned.
"That's not what I --"
"Shut up boy and listen. I'll tell you some tricks on how to make a girl swoon over you. Just say and do as I tell you. Don't fuck it up ." Anderson said.
After about an hour of Anderson talking to Connor...
" Now get away from me before I go insane.Do as I taught you." Anderson said.
You were busy arranging and marking files when suddenly two fists landed hard on your desk. Shocked , you looked up to see Connor, his jacket off, and shirt's top buttons unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up.
"Connor what are y--"
" I'd like to use your thighs as earmuffs." Connor said, looking dead serious, staring into your eyes. You slowly got up .
"Connor wha---"
" How do you like your eggs in the morning? Scrambled or fertilized? " Connor said, straightening his shoulders and smirking.
You looked over at Anderson who was dying of laughter, clutching his stomach while slamming his fists onto the desk.
Connor put a finger on your chin, making you look at him .
"Let's play house! You'll be the door and I'll slam you. " Connor said, his voice now lower and sounding more nervous.
You couldn't contain your laugh and shouted to Anderson
" You didn't play fair sir, Connor deserves better pick-up lines... " You said between laughs.
Connor was now looking down, his cheeks deep blue with blush, shifting on his feet.
" You're adorable..." You smiled at Connor. He gently looked up, your smile visibly relaxing him.
You pecked him on his cheek and whispered in his ear
"fertilized, Connor~" you whispered, making Connor smirk.

Hush Hush: Detroit Fluff And Smut
FanfictionI'll be writing all the fluff and smut about this lovely game I'm more comfortable in fluff but my mind works in crazy smut scenes...there needs to be more smut for Connor in this world though... I'll be writing mainly for Connor , and there are...