Narrator's POV
Liam was walking hand in hand with Niall while Zayn trailed behind them as the three walked the short distance to their home.
Zayn watched the pair ahead of him and it was just a confirmation he had made the right choice to go with Justin for a bit. As scared as he was, he made a move that would benefit himself; something he hasn't done for a while. He has become someone who needs constant reassurance, constant love and care; and he wasn't getting it from Liam at the current moment. The summer they spent together was nice, Liam helped Zayn through a rough patch even if Liam had no idea how rough things were. But when September rolled around, Niall showed up and drove a wedge between Zayn and Liam. All because what? Because Niall will let Liam fuck him, and Zayn won't?
The boys approached the front porch and Niall had held the door open as the other two passed through the door.
"Tonight. Um, tonight we should just watch some movies. I'm not in the right mental state to practice scenes with either of you. But I think we need to talk about what's going on. And what's going to happen." Liam ends with a sigh and runs his fingers through his hair. Niall slipped off his shoes quickly before grabbing a hold of the hoodie Liam was slipping off his shoulders. Liam thanked the boy before turning to face Zayn who was taking his time with untying his shoes.
"Zayn." Liam began, catching the attention of the man who was on one knee to unlace his black converse. "We should take about what happened on Friday. How come you never told me? I really didn't appreciate looking like a fool in Mr. Reid's office."
Zayn stood up and slipped his shoes off faster. "I'm sorry Sir. I was trying to forget about it myself I thought he was just visiting from another school and I didn't want to worry you." Zayn told part of the truth. What he had failed to mention was that Liam was so wrapped up in Niall to even worry about what had happened to Zayn during the hour he was left alone.
Liam outstretched his hand and Zayn took it obediently, letting the taller man lead him into their living room to sit on one of the couches. Liam pulled Zayn onto his lap and ensured the both of them were comfortable. Zayn had his bum pressed between Liam's thigh and the end of the couch, his legs thrown over Liam's and he felt comfortable enough to lean his head down inside the crook of Liam's neck. Liam wrapped his left arm behind Zayn's back and kept his right on Zayn's knee.
Niall was drifting outside the living room, opting to leave the two to deal with things, so he sauntered his way inside the kitchen where he turned the radio onto a slight hum and he figured he'd start making some dinner that's actually edible. Louis' food wasn't exactly appetizing, and so Niall began preparing what he'd need for a stir fry.
"Talk to me." Liam insisted to the boy that was resting on his lap. "Just me and you." He comforted further.
Zayn sighed lowly, he was silently overjoyed for not having to face Liam while speaking.
"He came up to the table I was sitting at. I didn't say anything but he kept talking. And when he started asking me questions I got up and was trying to find you, but he stood up to and he sort of like, I guess he pushed me against the wall, I wasn't hurt, I was just shocked." As Zayn spoke Liam was rubbing his hand up and down Zayn's back soothingly, underneath the shirt he was wearing. "He started kissing at my neck, his hand was like, well, he started to pull up my shirt."
"He what?!" Liam cut off the boy who was flushed as the memories of Justin touching him flooded through his memory. "Justin had his hands on you- his lips!- on you?! Well he obviously saw your collar if he was at your neck." Liam's voice dropped to a seethe.
"Sir I wa-" Zayn felt Liam grow stiff underneath him. As Zayn tried to sit up lightly, to look Liam in the eyes to tell him it was alright, he felt Liam's arms tighten around him, restraining his movements.
"He knew you were taken. That bastard! I'm talking to Mr. Reid in the morning. That's irresponsible, and disrespectful. He shouldn't have even been talking to you, let alone touching you." Liam face scrunched in displeasure.
Zayn couldn't help the words that gushed out of him, "What's irresponsible is leaving your partner alone. Your submissive. Your boy. That's what irresponsible is."
Liam was taken aback at Zayn's boldness. Zayn had taken advantage of the sudden astonishment of Liam and he stood up off of Liam's lap and turned himself to face Liam and look him right in the eye.
"Y'know Li, this summer, this last summer when it was just me, you, and Lou, we had a good time. You made me forget a lot of things. You made me happy for the first time in three years. I chose you to be my permanent dominant because I thought you would've, and could've, handled two submissives." Zayn's tone wasn't aggressive, he wasn't scorning Liam, he was simply letting go of all his built up emotions.
Liam sat back on the couch, his whole body feeling heavy and light at the same time; he felt numb. Here was his boy, his good and obeying boy, standing above him and looking flustered as his words spewed out of him with no control.
"But then Niall came along," Zayn continued. "when he came along I honestly felt abandoned by you. We talked, but only when Niall was asleep. Was it because I wouldn't have sex with you? Is that it?" Zayn ran his fingers through his hair that was falling down as the product he applied this morning was losing its wear. Liam's eyebrows knitted together as he saw the normally well put together man in distress. It took Zayn's thoughts of sex being the reason they were distant to snap Liam into his senses.
Liam was quick to his feet and he felt his heart tear as Zayn took a step back.
"That's not it baby. I had no idea that you felt abandoned. Why didn't you talk to me?" Liam had his hands out in front of him, a sort of plea for Zayn to explain further.
"I was giving you a chance. Niall was new. He needed a lot of attention because he needed training. I get it. That's why I let things slide. Before Niall how many times did we sleep in the same bed? I guess the better question would be how many times didn't we? In the last three weeks I think I've only been in your bed five times; if that. I miss you Liam, but I need someone there for me. So when the offer arose, I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry. I really am." Zayn began feeling guilty and he knew the tears were only moments away, sooner if he had to stare into Liam's sad brown eyes any longer. With that thought running through Zayn's head he flung himself onto Liam in a tight embrace. Zayn didn't give Liam an option to scare away, instead he looped his arms around Liam's lower back and fit his head in the crook of Liam's neck.
Liam was quick to reciprocate as his arms latched themselves around Zayn, he held the smaller man with so much security and warmth, knowing it's what Zayn likes when he's upset.
"I've missed you too." Liam whispers into Zayn's hair, "And I'm so, so sorry." Liam felt his own tears creeping up on him as he thought back to how neglectful he must've seemed.
"I wanted to tell you why I chose to leave. I wanted to leave on a good note." Zayn's words were muffled against Liam's chest but the words had seemed loud and clear to Liam's ears.
Zayn wanted closure to the situation and he didn't want Liam feeling in the dark about his reasoning.
Liam hushed the boy soothingly and ran his hand up to Zayn's dark hair and combed his fingers through it softly. "Thank you."
Zayn's arms squeezed tighter and he felt his chest deflate; all his built up stress and worry about telling Liam had vanished and he felt himself calm back down into his submissive head space.