Acknowledgments and Notes

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I haven't had the moment to write this ever since the epilogue of Translucent was published last year. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for following, giving love, comments, feedback on the installment of Lisa and Cornelius, as well as the priceless constructive criticism which I truly appreciated!!


Translucent is NOT my first novel, but it is the first manuscript that I managed to pluck the courage to post on Wattpad and I completed. I wrote it first as a short story back in 2007 for an English Creative Writing class (I'm an ESL speaker) after I got inspired by a classmate's story: she claimed to be haunted by a ghost from a campsite she visited and a medium friend of hers deduced the spirit was harmless and was simply attracted to her. Regardless, they managed to get the ghost off of her.

The short story went by the name of Different Worlds of Love, and the version was, obviously, way more concise with little character development so I decided to expand it into a novel and instead of going the typical bad-ghost-vs-good-ghost trope a la The Twilight Saga (whose writing styles have greatly influenced mine during writing Translucent's first draft), I thought it'd be great if Translucent became more of a character study–the idea of humanizing a ghost character and exploring its psyche.

I went with the questions: why are ghosts always portrayed as vengeful in popular culture? What made them so feared by humans? How do they feel? 


So voila, Lisa and Cornelius were created. And of course this wouldn't have had happened if it hadn't been for the support and love you've poured for the story. I especially wanted to thank these people over on Wattpad for their contributions: OctaviaLocke for the generous feedback, empireX8peach, Readylindy for the comments, DionysiaFun for giving insights about the child custody system in the UK,  sennalily for putting the book into reading list a while ago, leeyumloverpayne for the constant support, @jellyface1, EsRiungu for the votes too (If I hadn't put your names up and you voted, commented, I'm so sorry T_T. Please know that I'm thinking about you and I'm truly grateful for your contribution too.

The amount of support into the project also inspired me to keep going and write the sequel for you guys. For more info about the sequel, please visit the Sequel page, or if you're straight up down for the ride, head over to Awakened story page under my other work.

Thanks again for following and supporting Translucent! Thanks for taking the time to read, throwing in the comments, votes, adding to your libraries, reading lists. I really can't thank you enough. Thanks for rooting Lisa and Cornelius and even coming up with the ship name that I could barely even think about! I'm excited and anxious to share with you guys what's next of them. Look forward to it!

Also, you could totally spread the word of the story to your friends, I'd super love that! Thanks bunch again, stay safe, take care. Love you guys.

xx Carissa

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