Together, We're Paily.

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"Did you get everything?" Emily asked Hanna. They met in the parking lot of the mall after Emily had given Hanna a list of things to buy. "Yes. Well, except for this one thing," Hanna scrunched her nose and put the bags in the boot of her car. "Which is?" Emily crossed her arms. "Whatever this is," Hanna dug into her handbag and came up with the list. Pointing to the foreign name, "They don't sell that in Rosewood. You'd have to go to Philly. And no, I'm not going all the way down there just for a bottle of wine," She huffed. "Han," Emily pleaded. She needed this to be perfect. Having a picnic with no wine was like swimming with no water. Odd comparison but that's what she compared it to at this point. "Aria is going on a day with Fitz tomorrow," Hanna offered. "And?" "They're going to Philly." "Okay. I'll text her. Now, do you know where I could get fairy lights?" She asked. "We could try the hardware," Hanna got into her car and was followed by Emily. She exited the mall and drove along the road that led to Hollis, eventually finding the hardware store. As soon as Emily entered the store, she noticed a familiar face. "Paige?" She questioned. Damn, now she wouldn't be able to buy the lights. "Em," Paige walked from the side of the store. She pecked Emily's lips, "What are you doing here?" Emily looked around suspiciously. "Rosewood kids are the worst. They threw a firecracker onto our porch," She pointed to the paint. "Dad fixed it, he just needed a few things to finish his masterpiece," she smiled. "Oh hey," Hanna noticed Paige. "What brings you here?" Paige smiled at Hanna. "Date with Caleb. Need some lights," Hanna looked at Emily then back at Paige. They stood in silence for a few seconds before Paige spoke, "Well. I'll see you on Sunday," Paige kissed Emily once more, "Bye Hanna. Good luck on your date," she waved and walked over to the cashier. "Thanks for the save," Emily nudged Hanna.

"I come bearing gifts," Emily said as she entered Spencer's barn that afternoon. "Oooh I love," Aria smiled and opened her arms to hug Emily. "Actually, its a 'thank you for getting me wine from the winery in Philly' gift," Emily gave Aria pleading eyes. Aria giggled, "I would've done it for free." "I know. But I had to get you a thank you gift," Emily winked. "You didn't get me a thank you gift," Hanna rolled her eyes and plopped herself on the couch beside Spencer. "Thats because I've got you," Emily opened her bag and pulled out an envelope, "A trip for two to Hawaii for a week," She smiled at Hanna and handed it to her. "REALLY?" Hanna screamed and hugged Emily. Hanna opened the envelope and the joy drained from her face, "Em. This is a gift card for Hawaiian Pizza for a week," She said in a disappointed tone. "Close enough," Emily shrugged and sat on Hanna. "Love you, Hanna Banana," She pulled Hanna close and kissed her cheek. "Whatever," Hanna playfully pushed Emily away. "So, movies or food first?" Spencer asked.

"Here you go," Aria and Ezra made a stop at Emily's house the next day, after their date in Philly. "Thank you. I'm extremely grateful," Emily pulled them both inside. "Wanna see what I have planned before the showcase?" She offered. Ezra looked at Aria with pleading eyes. "You're just a sucker for romance, huh?" Aria held onto his arm and they followed Emily to her room. "I'm giving her this," Emily opened a box. "Wow," Arias eyes widened. "Are you taking her out for the day?" Aria asked. Hanna helped with the planning so she was the only one who knew until Spencer came to drop off a few things for the last touches an hour ago. "Thats not all," Emily smiled, widely. "I'm taking her to the game next Friday. She's been trying to get tickets for the past three months. Thank heaven's I know Spencer," She said. "I have to make dinner before mom gets home. You guys can have a look see while I get that done," Emily told Aria and Ezra. She then took them to her back yard. "Let me know what you think," She told them and headed back into the kitchen. Emily started on the roast chicken. 12 minutes later, Aria and Ezra returned. "I've gotta use your bathroom," Aria said and headed upstairs. Ezra sat at the kitchen table. "I love what you've done for Paige," he said. "Think she'll like it?" Emily asked. "Like would be an understatement," he smiled his boyish grin. "I tried to go all out. It's our last anniversary together. Who knows if we'll see each other next year. Or even be together ," she shrugged. "Hey, trust me. Everything will be okay. Besides, if you two aren't together, remember that everything happens for a reason," He advised. "Thanks. I needed that," Emily pushed her hair behind her ear. "Ready to go?" Aria walked downstairs. "Hmm," Ezra nodded. "See you soon," he said and held Arias hand. "Sure," Emily lead them out. "Let us know how tomorrow goes," Aria kissed Emily on the cheek. "Will do." Finally, the night of reckoning has arrived. "Paige is here," Pam knocked on Emily's room door. Emily shot up from her bed. "What?" She looked at the time. 7:32pm. She's two hours early. This cant be happening. Not today. Pam opened Emily's room door, a smirk plastered on her face, "Okay. Okay. I was kidding. But it did get your attention," She snickered. "Come on. I've made us waffles," Pam smiled warmly. "With chocolate sauce?" "You betcha," Pam closed the room door. Emily hurried to the bathroom and had a shower. She washed her hair then wrapped it in a lilac towel before heading downstairs for a quick supper with mom. "Did you check out the backyard?" Emily asked. Her mom nodded. "I'm so proud of you. Oh and I've got you something, sweety," Pam dabbed a paper towel across her mouth then got off her chair, walked to her handbag and pulled out a small box. "I've got two. One for Paige and one for you," She gave her the red and gold box. "I don't know what to say," Emily gasped, allowing tears to fall. "A thank you is enough," Pam kissed her daughter's forehead. Emily could stop staring at the matching necklaces. 'PA' read the first part, 'ILY' read the second half. "Together, Paily," Pam smiled. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," Emily squeezed her mother.

"I'm heading out. Text me if you need anything," Pam grabbed her keys. "Be safe," Emily waved her mother off. It was now 8:52pm. She would expect Paige to get here any time now. As if on cue, Paige knocked softly on the front door. "Hey," Emily grinned and pulled her in for a kiss. "Happy Anniversary," She said. She grabbed Paige and kissed her all over her face. "I love you," She whispered. Paige was stunned. All she could do is stand there looking at, the now not so shy, Emily Fields. Emily pulled her by the hand and happily prodded into the kitchen. "Happy Anniversary," Paige managed to say. She handed Emily a gift bag. "Hope you like it," Paige blushed. Emily opened the gift bag and removed a box of Air Jordans. "I love it," Emily reached over the table and pecked Paige on her lips. "And now, my turn," Emily winked. She held Paiges hand softly, "Close your eyes," She instructed when she reached outside. Paige obliged. Emily turned Paige towards the decorated backyard. "I have a speech before the surprise, hope you don't mind. Just keep your eyes closed," Emily said. "Em. You didn't have to," Paige responded. "I didn't. But I love you so that means I did. Okay. Here goes. Before you became a part of my life, I was a flightless bird. I never had the guts to take risks. I always stayed in line, followed tradition. I let people walk all over me. I wasn't happy with who I was because I didn't know who I was in the first place. I was too afraid to be me. But then, you came along and changed that. You gave me wings. You taught me to be comfortable in my own skin. To stand up for what I believe in and to be who I want to be. You always supported me, even if I were wrong. You gave me the chance to learn that I'm wrong instead of judging me and being critical. Because of that, I've now experienced the wrongs enough to know what's right. I hope that no matter where life takes us, we'll always have each other. I love you, Paige Mcullers. I love you," Emily ended. They were both in tears. She stepped forward and kissed Paige. At first, Paige was surprised as her eyes were still closed, but a second later she melted into the gesture. Emily finally parted from her beloved and smiled widely. "Open," She whispered. Paige slowly opened her eyes. She was speechless. Paige scanned her surroundedings. There was a picnic mat, food was placed all around and covered with insect nets. A flat board sat at the centre, holding their wine. Sift music started playing, Paige looked at Emily. "Can I have this dance?" Emily bowed. Paige blushed then took her hand. They danced until the song ended. Emily then lead Paige to sit on the ground. "Em. This is beautiful," Paige complimented then pointed to the lights that were draped around the yard, "Hannas date with Caleb, huh?" She giggled and shook her head. "In my defense, this needed to be a surprise. And I couldn't have done it without the help of my girls," Emily smiled proudly then added, "and their significant others." Emily heard a beeping sound, it was time. That was the signal. "Come on," Emily stood then helped Paige up. "Thats for after the movie," She gestured to the food. They moved along the backyard then finally stopped abruptly. "I think I forgot something," Emily fake acted out the line then playfully dragged Paige back to their spot. Paige was stunned to see that in front of their picnic was a reclining bed, decorated with a huge fluffy blanket and what looked like a dozen pillows. Emily sat on the bed and gestured for Paige to lay with her. A confused Paige follows suit. Seconds later, a massive white sheet was placed in front of them. It was almost as tall as the house itself. "Emil-" Paige started but was cut off. "Shhh. Movie's starting," Emily winked then reached to her side and grabbed a bowl of popcorn. The projector was fixed to a tree so it could project perfectly over the white sheet, Thanks to Caleb.

By the time the credits rolled over, Paige was secured in the arms of Emily. "I really enjoyed that," Paige said. "Mhmm. Thought you might. You can never go wrong with Julia Roberts," Emily responded. "One more thing," Emily sat up and pulled out the box her mother gave her. "Hope you like," Emily blushed. Paige was definitely surprised this time. "How about I show you how much I love it?" Paige asked. Before Emily could even think of a response, Paige crashed her lips onto Emily's and they were once again, back in bed. Emily knew better than to make out with her girlfriend when she has her friends watching. Not directly watching. They were just nearby, making sure this ran smoothly. She would hate to be caught having sex. "Let's eat. I'm kinda hungry," Emily pulled away and suggested. They got off the bed and walked around to the food. "How is this warm?" Paige asked, confusion striking her once again. Emily shook her head, "I'll tell you. but in due time, my love," She pecked Paige on her nose and laughed to herself.

A Series Of Pretty Little StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora