Chapter LVI ✠ The Last Run

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Una stood gazing into the forest ahead of her. It was an old oak grove, much like the one she remembered playing in as a child. There was one section of the forest that she was never allowed to enter. It was reserved only for those who could directly communicate with the Gods. Only druids could pass through that place. Una was called a druid by the elders from a young age, having visions in her dreams. Her parents dismissed it, saying royals could not be seers.

She stands in a place like that forbidden grove now. Only this place appears very different than York. There is no snow covering the ground. There are only dainty bluebells covering the entire surface of the earth in front of her. Their sweet scent is carried through the warm breeze. It was warm here, with the sunray gently penetrating through the tops of the elder trees—the lonesome cry of a song thrush in the distance resonated throughout the forest. Una began to walk forward, seeing a flash of white suddenly.

"Hello?" Una said as her bare feet gently made their way through the blue flowers.

"Una." A deep and calm voice filled the air around her.

"Where are you?" Una asked as she turned around.

Again, a flash of white came into her peripheral vision, but she could see who it was now.

"Una." The voice said again.

Una turned her head slowly and gazed into the rays of sunshine in the distance. The light almost blinded her, but even more blinding was the figure in front of her.

"Come." The voice said.

Una listened and waked forward, resting her hand over her forehead so she could see better.

"Why have you come?" Una asked, stepping gently on the thick green moss below her feet.

"It is time." The voice said.

Una recognized the voice. She had heard it before somewhere, somehow.

"What time is it now?" Una asked, slowly making her way forward into the light.

"Time, it does not exist here. Here is a place that has always been and always will be. It is a sanctuary for our kind." The voice said gently.

"Who are you?" Una asked, standing in the light.

The light gently warmed her naked skin.

"I go by many names and many forms. You know not who I am, but I know you. I have always known you, Una." The figure started to come into focus in the blinding light.

"Tell me your name."

"I am your real father, Una. I am the night and the day, the light and darkness. I am Arawn." The deep voice resonated through Una.

The figure came into focus now, a tall wolf that was white as snow—a wolf just like Selene but three times her size.

"My mother, she conjured you, didn't she," Una asked, feeling unafraid as she approached the wolf.

"Yes, and you are my daughter. I created you so you could create this world for me. You are here not for darkness. I'm tired of being feared, just like you. It's time to be loved, wholly and fully." Arawn said.

Una walked up to the great wolf and reached out her arms, wrapping them around Arawn. He smelt of Juniper and Yew.

"Why me?" Una asked.

"Thou art the chosen one."

"What does that mean?" Una said, pulling her neck closer in.

"Your soul, it belongs not to anyone. You are free, Una. That is why I chose you to come to this plane. All your debts have been paid. You are not bound by causality. Your fate and destiny lie within your own choosing. I chose you because you are one who can choose your fate. I chose you because you can bend and break the fabric of reality. You are the architect of Bryttania, Una. You have the power to create and destroy at your discretion. You will destroy the Mercians if you wish, or you could spare them. I will watch from afar and see which path you take. If you decide to restore my good name, the darkness in your life will perish." Arawn said.

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