Spread Your Wings

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“You must be joking...” I gulped, trying to stay as far away from the edge as I possibly could. She knew that heights were my weakness... How dare she bring me up here! I don’t care how beautiful the view is... She will pay for this...

“What? It’s not like I’m asking you to jump off the edge! Just enjoy the view...” she said calmly, taking a seat on the edge of the cliff. My anxiety is telling me to get her away from the edge because I know she is accident prone but it won’t let me move my feet to take her away myself...

“Can we please not...” I can’t even finish my sentence.

She turns to glance at me, but her face turns into a concerned frown. “Shadow, if you’re that scared, we can go...”

“P-please...” I say, reaching forward a little bit to grab her paw.

“Okay,” she says, taking my paw and leading me back the way we came. She stops short of the path between the trees and runs back toward the edge, dragging me with her. She’s insane! Before I know it, I’m dragged off the edge and I’m now tumbling down the side of a mountain. I try to scream but nothing is coming out. Meanwhile, she’s laughing like a maniac. I knew there was more to this!

I scramble in the air, grabbing her dress and pulling myself toward her. I end up clawing desperately at her head, which probably hurts her, but I can’t even care about that right now, I’m too busy panicking.

“Ready?” she says. How could this possibly get any worse?

She gently pushes me away and then backflips into a hippogryph. She glides below me and I land roughly on her back. She flies upward and flies expertly by the rocky surface of the mountains. She’s clearly done this before.

After I’m done hyperventilating, I lift my face from her feathery neck and peek between her ears at the endless spread of white in front of us. In the very far distance, I think I can see our house... I don’t dare loosen my grip of her neck, but it do lift my head a little more so I can see even farther.

The sky goes on forever, and in the distance I see our forest. I look to our sides and see the mountains and evergreen forests. I let my tongue flop out of my mouth to get the full effect of the wind in my face. You’d think that a creature with wings would fly, but I’ve never tried because I was too afraid... Maybe I’ll try after this... But for now, I’ll just enjoy the ride and let Ral take me wherever she wants to go.

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