My Nativity Wife

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Hello dear readers! So this is a short Christmassy story seeing as it is quickly approaching now. This is dedicated to the lovely Tessa because it is her birthday!! :D So happy birthday lovely, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this :) xoxo

Teagan and I were five years old when we first spoke to one another.

And it went along the lines of Teagan moaning, ‘Eww I don’t wanna hold Ollie’s hand, Mrs. Elvis!’

Mrs. Ellis was not impressed and tried to convince Teagan, who was playing the all important role of Mary in the Year One’s Christmas Nativity Play that she would love to hold my hand, as I was her Joseph.

‘And it’s Mrs. Ellis, Teagan, not Elvis,’ she said, rubbing her temples and looking down at us all. She had come up on the stage at this point, kneeling down next to myself and Teagan to try and console her. ‘Now I think you’re going to be a big girl and hold Ollie’s hand because as Mary, you need to hold hands as you walk to Bethlehem together.’

‘B-b-b-but who are Mary and Joseph?’ Yusuf asked from beside me, scuffing his shoes against the staging floor, standing dangerously close to the edge of the stage.  

Mrs. Ellis turned around to look at the other Year One teacher Miss. Keegan and made wide eyes at her.  

‘But I don’t want to,’ she told Mrs. Ellis indignantly, getting Mrs. Ellis to look at her by patting at her leg. ‘I don’t want to get his boy germs, Mrs. Elvis.’

I remember looking blankly at both Teagan and Mrs. Ellis, wondering if I had some sort of deadly disease I didn’t know about and said, ‘Well I don’t want to hold her hand either. She’s ugly, Miss Ellis.’

Teagan then jabbed me in my ribs after I said that with a scowl on her face. At this point, I remember Mrs. Ellis looked desperately across the room at Miss. Keegan who was breaking up a fight over some sheep, repeating, ‘No, no Jenny, put the sheep down please. No, leave the sheep alone. They’re only pretending to be sheep, Jenny.’

Mrs. Ellis looked hopelessly at the sixty year one children in front of her and was close to breaking point. ‘RIGHT!’ She called out, stepping down off of the stage. ‘Teagan, Ollie, on stage together please.’

Teagan barged passed me onto the stage and I growled at her, ‘Don’t push me, ugly.’

She turned around and pushed me flat onto my bum, to which the whole class laughed at. She giggled and then Mrs. Ellis freaked out and screamed at Teagan for pushing me over. I smirked in victory and teased her after that, ‘Mrs. Ellis told you off. Mrs. Ellis is going to tell the head teacher. Mrs. Ellis is going to tell your mummy and, and so am I.’

Fear clearly showed on Teagan’s face and she looked like she was about to cry, ‘No, no, no, don’t tell my mummy. I’m good girl!’

‘TEAGAN! STOP TALKING!’ Mrs. Ellis shrilled out to her, frantically flicking her script to find the correct page number.

She turned around and pouted at Mrs. Ellis and said, ‘But Oliver was talking to me! It’s his fault!’

Mrs. Ellis ignored her and sat at the back of the hall as me and Teagan sat beside each other at the edge of the stage as we waited to walk on. She was swinging her arms around anxiously and I was all too interested in my Pokémon cards I had sneaked into my trouser pockets. I slyly nudged my friend Josh and he got all excited as I showed him my shiny secretly in my hand. Teagan, however, was not impressed and whispered harshly, ‘You’re gonna get in trouble.’

I thought getting in trouble would be much more exciting than listening to Teagan complain or get told off every other minute. I was looking around the class to spot my friends, when I felt Teagan’s hand drag me roughly onto the  stage with her and listen to her say loudly out to the audience, ‘I’M HAVING A BABY.’

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