He kept stearing at me the rest of the concert and oli gave me a high five!
And no i didn't go all fangirling and shit, maybe a little
Sarah's P.O.VI kinda was enjoying the music untill i felt anxiety rushing through my veins..
I was standing here with a stranger next to me enjoying myself, and my mom is porobably waiting for me at home to smack me across the fucking face.
Fucking great.
I just stood there.. Stearing at nothing.
Then michael said something.
,,Sarah are you ok?"
,,NO I'm not!" i couldn't handle it anymore, i turned around and tried walking away.
But i felt a hand grab my arm, i fliched at the touch.
No No No he didn't just do that, No
I just stood there, crying, with people around me.
Michael P.O.V
She flinched
,, why did you flinch?"
She remained silent.
,,tell me''
She started to cry even harder..
I just pulled her into a hug.
A warm hug.
She was so beautiful
Why would she..
While BMTH was playing their last song, i was trying to calm her down..
The concert was finshed and i pulled the girl with me.
,,calm down hun we are going to my house, i saw you at the bus and it looked like u where hiding for someone.."
,,Maybe your parents.''
A/n dear reader if someone ever reads this
I love you all xD
Yesterday i was too lazy to update so today DOUBLE UPDATE

Choice m.c
Fanfictionyou've got one choice this girl named sarah has had a horrible childhood but still lives with her mom,she meets this boy michael when she got kicked out of the house again..she tells him everything but will he stay? Trigger warning i do not own any...