Where Did They Go

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Uraraka: aw we lost them

Kirishima: they might be in one of there dorms

Bakugo: yeah Kiri but wich one

Danki: hey guys whats up

Kirishima: we are trying to find Todoroki and Deku

Danki: oh I saw them heading towards Todorokis dorm why

Uraraka: we are trying to get them together

Danki: oh sweet can I help

Kirishima: yeah of course you can

Danki: yay ok come on Todorokis dorm is over here

Uraraka, Kirishima, and bakugo: *fallows Danki*

Todorokis dorm

Denki: Shh be quite we don't want them to know we are listening in to there conversation

Todoroki: well it started at the sports festival after you yelled that it was my power and not my fathers

Deku: oh wow *thinking: that's when I realized my feelings for you*

Uraraka: is Todoroki confessing

Kirishima: it sounds like it

Danki: *sneezes*

Todoroki: you heard that Midoriya

Deku: *nods it sounds like it's coming from out side your door Todoroki

Bakugo: good going pekachu

Uraraka: hide

Baku, kiri, Uraraka, and dani: *hides*

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