Chapter 21

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The port town of Pelagia somewhat resembled Briarbeth City in its atmosphere. Buildings were crammed together; and many merchants, fishermen, trappers and even mages passed by. But what was significantly fascinating about this town was the faint smell of the ocean breeze and the increased diversity of races. Not only were there humans, but dwarves and even a few elves were present. The town was built on the slope of a hill, allowing a shining castle to stand high above the other buildings, similar to Durn Buldar. Magon guided Erion through all the sights and sounds of Pelagia - from the docks to the pubs. However, knowing Erion's disdain for loud merchants, Magon steered clear of the marketplace.

As they walked along the docks, they beheld a bright sea of sailboats and ships. "Whoa! I've wanted to see ships setting sail my entire life!" Erion gazed carefully at the boats, trying to get a clear view. "The water looks very calm. No wonder there are so many boats!"

Magon nodded. "Peaceful waters are the best sailing waters. Ships here sail to neighboring kingdoms, and sometimes, to faraway lands. Yet some waters are not always as calm as this. Pirates tend to roam the seas here, alongside the occasional sea-dragon."

"How often do these threats happen?" Erion wondered.

"The soldiers here keep them away. They have great ships with heavy weapons, alongside many powerful spellcasters. No navy has ever dared to go against Pelagia in years. Yet, a monster still manages to come through..."

Erion tapped Magon on the shoulder. "Hey, Magon?" Erion asked, pointing to the castle at the tip of the town. The castle was a long, giant castle with hundreds of windows and towers bearing glowing gems. The castle's size was similar to Castle Briarbeth, and the towers with the glowing stones resembled lighthouses. Its walls were painted sky blue, and the roofs of its spires were red. Above its entrance door, there was a huge clock that showed the current time. "Is that what I think it is?"

"It is, Erion. That is the Academy of Pelagia." Replied Magon.

"Wow, it looks cooler than I thought! I can't wait for the mages to return."

"We'll go shortly before the clock strikes nine. They are expected to return by then."

When night came, magical streetlamps shone like the stars that light up the clear night itself. The castle itself glowed in magic luminosity, reflecting the skill and prestige of those who attended it.

Villagers surrounded the castle in masses, preparing for the wonderful celebration. Erion and Magon stood among the crowd, not only looking forward to the event itself; but to seeing Magon's niece, Serra Lightcaster.

"It's lovely, is it not?" Magon asked Erion, who were both mesmerized by the magical castle.

"To be frank, it's nothing like anything I've ever seen." Replied Erion. "Has the castle always been like this?"

"Not in my days it wasn't. The attitudes of the students attending became brighter and uplifting throughout the years, and now the professors themselves are acknowledging that attitude."

"What do the other mages your age think of it?"

"It depends. Some mages my age think the college is using magic purely for entertainment and not for formal arts - which is ridiculous, as magic can be used for anything. But most veteran mages, like myself, think that this is just the beginning of a new golden age for magic."

Suddenly, the clock's bell rang.

Erion's mouth opened. "It's nine!"

Magon grinned widely. "They'll be here any minute now!"

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