Chapter 3 - Madison

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13 students and 1 staff member have been reported missing. Last seen on the corner of Barley St. and Peach Cove Ave. where two unidentified people were reported to have stepped on to bus 1157 of Gardner Junior High.
If you happen to see any of the following, report your finding to the police immediately.

Sam Trenton (11)
Macy Wilson (11)
Alvin Hamm (11)
Judy Truth (11)
Abigail Smith (12)
Jared Rodd (12)
Finley Hardin (12)
Claire French (13)
William Black (13)
Aiden Brooks (13)
Ross Wilchester (14)
Gracie Hilton (14)
Shelby Hamm (14)
Rodney Stone (53)

When I saw the report on my cell phone, I was in complete shock. Among these missing people were my cousin and my best friend. I had to do something, but I wasn't sure how. I ran downstairs as quickly as possible.

"MOM, MOM, MOM!", I shouted, as loud as possible. When I stopped in the living room, I came across my mother, bawling her eyes out. She had already heard the news.

We hopped in the car and drove around the neighborhood, searching for the missing bus 1157. I knew it would do no good, as it had already been an hour since the two masked people, or as I would refer to them, life-ruiners, hopped aboard the bus. They could be anywhere by now.

As we rounded a corner, I saw a slip of paper. At first it seemed like useless litter, but as the wind flipped it over, I saw the very distinct handwriting of Finley. The note read: "Please help. Two hijackers aboard bus 1157. We are heading northbound. Call 364-466-3790 if found." This was the first clue to where Finley and Claire could be.

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