Chapter One/Part One

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Chapter 1: The Unholy Plan

Gabby's POV

I slipped on my bright yellow frilly Sunday dress and looked at my reflection with a sigh. Today was a day I dreaded most; Sunday. I mean I wouldn't mind going to church every so often and praying every night or something. But my family is VERY religious. Not as in going to church every Sunday and all that jazz. I mean like going to church every chance we get and crosses and candles in every nook and cranny. And that's not even HALF of it. I live with my mom, dad, older sister, and my younger brother, although I don't look like them. They all have curly blond hair and blue eyes (except for my sister Abby, she has brown eyes), and I have straight brown hair and big, brown eyes. Most of my features are completely different from them, except for a few details. I used to think I was adopted, but we have pictures of my mom in the hospital holding me. My mom says it's a genetic mutation or something, but I'm skeptical. 

Anyways, I quickly put the finishing touches on my hair and tugged on my too-tight Mary Jane shoes. "Gabby hurry up! Church starts in 20 minutes!" my mom screamed. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door. The living room was chaos. My mom rushed around yelling at everyone, my sister Abby frantically brushing her curly blond locks, and to top it off my brother Gabriel sits and watches the whole thing. A typical Marie Sunday morning. A blaring honk startled everyone out of their panic. As if a switch clicked, everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed to the car, even Gabe. I quickly followed their lead, closing the front door behind me. "Hurry up Gabby!" my dad hollered followed by another loud honk. I clenched my fists and plastered a fake smile on my face. "Coming Dad!" I crawled into the backseat and sat down next to Gabriel. This was going to be a long ride.


I fidgeted in my itchy dress, sitting through what felt like the millionth prayer. My dear mother insisted that we go to church all. Day. From 9 to 5, literally. I looked over at my parents, who were amazingly still awake and somehow smiling. I sometimes wonder if they're aliens from another planet. I turn my attention back to the preacher, pretending to listen. "My gosh, he sounds like an electric fan" Abby said under her breath. I stifled a giggle. "He's boring into my soul!" I whispered back. She broke into a grin. "How do people stay awake during this?" "It's a whole new torture method!" "What sins did I commit to deserve this? Lord have mercy on me!" At this remark I completely lost it, erupting in a fit of laughter. 

The entire church turned to look at me, horrified looks on their faces. My mother especially. I immediately stopped laughing and turned bright red in embarrassment, feeling my mothers' eyes on the side of my head like lasers. "T-that was such a beautiful sermon that I cried tears of joy and laughter!" I exclaimed, giving a weak smile in the pastors' direction "Carry on now sir." He gave me the evil eye and continued on with the sermon. I shrunk down low in my seat, not uttering a word after that.



I get home from school and practically jump for joy. I absolutely HATE the Christian school I go to, but today was different. I had been anticipating this moment for the whole weekend, and it was finally here. You see, I had a plan. A plan that would hopefully let me experience the freedom most 15-year-old girls had. The freedom I had wanted for years. But it wouldn't come easy. Putting on the panicked face I had mastered in the bathroom stall earlier today, I burst into the living room. "MOM! DAD!" I screech, nearly throwing myself on the couch. Just as I expected, they come rushing into the living room. "Oh my lord and the heavens above what happened?!?!" My dearest mother plops herself next to me.

 "T-today at school I-I caught some of the nuns-Oh I can't BEAR to say it! It's too terrible mom!" I try my best to keep a straight face. "What is it dear? Just tell us." said my mom, exchanging worried looks with my dad. "T-t-they were- they were-" I burst into tears. Five years of drama really pays off. "HOLDING A SATANIC RITUAL!!!!!!" "Oh, my word!" My mother fans her face as if about to faint. "I can never go back there mother! PLEASE don't make me go back there!" I wail, wrapping my arms around her. "There, there, sweetie," she said while stroking my hair. I almost feel bad for lying. "Your mother and I will find a new school and you will never have to go back again." my father says sternly. "Thank you, mom, and dad." I get up and wipe off my alligator tears. "I'm going to go clean myself up," I say and turn around, a wide grin spreading across my face. This was going to be one awesome adventure.


"None of the Christian schools in the state will let Gabby and Gabriel enroll this late in the year." My mom says worriedly to my dad, crossing off another school on the list. They sat at the dinner table together, trying but failing at finding a school for my brother and I. "But we're only two months into the school year!" my dad slammed his fist down on the table. The plan was working perfectly. Suddenly I felt a strong hand pull me and drag me into a room. The door shut quietly and I heard the lock click. "What are you doing Gabby? I know you're up to something." My sister narrowed her eyes at me. I wanted to lie about my plan, but I couldn't do that to her. We told each other everything, even our deepest darkest secrets. I would never forgive myself if I lied about something this big.

 So I took a deep breath and explained my plan. There was a long silence before she finally spoke up. "Wow. I wish I would've thought of that when I was your age." "So you're not mad?" I said nervously. "Why would I be mad?"I let out a sigh of relief. "But I have a question," said Abby. "What are you going to do when the year's up? Then mom and dad can enroll you in another Christian school." I didn't think about that. Thinking for a moment I came up with an idea, "Maybe by the end of the year I'll convince them to let me stay in public school." She looked unsure. "But I can't possibly let you wear your I Love Jesus hoodie on your first day of school!" She exclaimed. "It's time to take a trip to the Secret Closet."


Written By Grace.

Lord Have Mercy! (Written by Grace)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ