What do you think when you hear the word 'love'? I bet you think about the typical word 'couple'. Yeah. Don't we fucking all? A boyfriend. A girlfriend. Kissing. Commitment. Well, three girls were looking for love.At the wrong time.
Three girls experienced that love doesn't come easy, and since they decided to look for love too early, they had very bad experiences.
And, now they're learning from it.
Lacey Ross
"Kieran, you did all this for me! I looooove it!" Lacey squealed with delight as she looked at what Kieran did for their two-year anniversary. His special room had been decorated just for her with all her favorite things and roses and everything a girl could want basically.
"Of course, it's our anniversary! I love you," he smiled that gorgeous smile. His hazel eyes staring into hers. He crashed his lips onto hers and it began.
And, since Lacey was so 'in love' with him, she had let him have all of her.
Yeah. At, fourteen she lost her virginity.
"Kieran?" Lacey said, waking up a couple hours after she had fallen asleep.
Kieran was nowhere to be found.
Instead, sat her Galaxy s4 with a piece of paper under it.
oh my God, I don't know where to begin. You were one of the best girlfriends ever... I'll always love you, and there's no easy way for me to say this... at all. I have another girl. When I told you I lived equally with my parents I wasn't lying. You're my girl here and back in LA I have my other girl. Turns out, I'm moving back to LA for good with my Dad... I'ma really miss you and the way I had to break this to you, sucks... but I couldn't keep this in too long. You're such a good person, and beautiful. You don't deserve me at all.
Love, Key ❤"
Lacey grabbed her clothes and phone. She cried all the way home. She felt so stupid, so dirty, so fucking worthless.
And, that day, Lacey vowed never to get into a relationship.
Adriana Ross
Adriana was perfectly happy with with Andre. She didn't think he'd go after her, afterall Adri was a complete virgin and didn't really get much attention from boys.
But, Andre asked her out two months ago, and look at them.
Power couple.
Well, in Adriana's mind, they were a power couple.
Adriana walked to her locker to retrieve her books when she overheard a familiar voice speaking.
"Andre, you said that was your cousin. You be lying, yo." Tatianna giggled, upsets at the fact that Marie told her in 2nd period Adriana was Andre's girl.
"Naw. Listen, I just got her on my arm cause of a dare. She ugly and evr'thing. Foreal, I'm trynna get with you!" Adriana slammed her locker.
Andre looked back and saw nothing.
"Are you serious? Or is you just saying that to say it?" Tatianna said again.
Adriana stared into Andre's back.
"Yeah. I'm deadass. Like on my dead Mama, I'm only dating her from a stupid ass dare Brian got on me, once these three months is up, I'm free!" Adriana's eyes started to burn with tears.
"Fuck you and everything that you stand for you fucking ugly ass retarded bitch!" Adriana screamed in pain, her eyes burning into Andre's green-brown ones.
"FUCK THAT." Adriana screamed, chucking her book at him.
The large Science textbook hit him in the head as she chucked another one, he ducked and it hit Tati in her chest.
"Bitch, watch what the fuck you throwing!" She walked quickly up to Adriana.
Adriana was not afraid at all.
"Or what." she spat through her clenched teeth.
As Tatianna swung, Adriana grabbed her and threw her onto the floor, causing Tatianna to skid down the hall. Adriana chased after her and sat on top of her, delivering evil punches to her face. Those were Andre's punches that Tatianna had to endure.
Adriana had caused a big riot, and was actually expelled from her middle school.
Adriana vowed never to have a boyfriend again, and hated the cute ones as well.
Jaide Delgado
Jaide met Adam on the internet several weeks ago. They had became close friends, met up at the mall, and guess what? Began dating.
Adam was fucking perfect.
Adam broke up with her after two weeks of dating.
Jaide decided to move on and once she got to high school met Johnathan. He was the biggest douche ever, but not bigger than Adam.
Johnathan also dumped her a month after dating her because his ex, Rosie, had come into the picture.
And, then the sweetheart Jamar came into the picture and she hated him because he was tooooooo touchy and didnt give her any space.
Jaide received hate messages from Adam's girlfriend he was dating while he was dating her(Tania) and Rosie saying rude stuff.
After Adam had exposed the nudes of Jaide and also shared a video of them having sex, Jaide was labeled a hoe and Jaide was devastated.
Jaide vowed NEVER to date again. And, also stay away from internet boys. Adam lived 45 minutes away from her city.