Chapter 26

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A/N: I will try to update as much as The week of Christmas will be busy, but I'll update when able to. Hope you're enjoying this story. I'll be fast forwarding when possible. I have a plan for the ending but not there yet. Despite the little Blainchel smooch, this is still very much Smytheberry.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, characters or songs used.

Its time for Regionals and Valentine's Day.

New Directions or Warblers...who is your favorite??


Rachel was at the Lima Bean with her besties Blaine and Kurt. It had been a week since Blaine had kissed her. She struggled with whether or not to tell Sebastian or not. Blaine kept apologizing the next morning. It had been a spur of the moment thing, and both already nothing more would become of it. They were so close and had a history. It didn't work before, so really no point revisiting that failed attempt at a relationship. Plus they were both in happy relationships. Blaine had suggested to just not mentioning it. Sebastian maybe forgiving, but they both knew Kurt is forgiving. Rachel had agreed not to bring it up to Sebastian, but she was a terrible liar. And she wanted a honest relationship with Sebastian. Sebastian trusted her.

Rachel was looking through a bridal magazine with Blaine and Kurt discussing a dress when Hunter Clarington had waltzed into Lima Bean with a smug grin on his face.

Hunter: Well if it isn't Princess Hummel, Lord Blaine, and Streisand. Where is the rest of the band of misfits you call the New Directions?

Blaine: What do you want Clarington? Still being Head Douche?

Rachel smirked. "This isn't your usual hangout Hunter, what do you want?

Hunter: I wanted to congratulate Rachel on her engagement to Smythe who is so whipped if you asked me.

Rachel: We didn't ask, and again what do you want?

Hunter: Well I see you as my main competition, and Regionals is soon,and looking for a guaranteed win.

Blaine: What the hell does that mean?! And you're not captain, Sebastian is.

Hunter: Not for long. And Rachel and Sebastian may not make it to the altar unless...

Rachel: Unless what?

Hunter: I want YOU, Rachel, to drop out..Make up an illness. You're talented Miss Berry, you can fake something.

Blaine: And If she doesn't?

Rachel: You can't threaten me, Hunter.

Hunter: Oh I can, and I will. You will drop out or I upload these photos taken of you and Blaine sharing a smooch.

Blaine: How the hell did you take those?

Kurt: Um excuse me what?

Blaine: It was an accident, Kurt, we were playing truth or dare..meant nothing.

Kurt: Oh...kay...

Rachel: Were you spying?! How did you get in my house?!

Hunter: Too many questions, Berry. Better decide. And wondering who took the photos? Check with your co-lead!

Rachel: Wait...Finn did this?!

Blaine: I think we confront Hudson!

Kurt: You can't hurt my brother.

Rachel: If he did it, he's not getting away with it. He will not destroy my relationship with my fiancé. Blaine, I am sorry but I have to tell Sebastian.

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